Health, Diseases and Conditions
Volvulus. Immediate help will help the patient.
The general state of the human body depends entirely on how well the stomach and intestine cope with their duties. Failures in their work lead to deterioration of health, malaise and discomfort. Often, this is the reason for the occurrence of such a disease as an intestinal obstruction. One of its varieties is the inversion of the intestines.
Dehydration of the body, disruption of the intestine, its overflow and stretching - all these are consequences of the turn of the intestines. Symptoms should be known and identified immediately. This will eliminate the disease at the very beginning and prevent unpleasant consequences. They can be expressed in a strong pressure on the intestinal vessels, resulting in a violation of blood circulation and a possible heart attack, and not only the heart. The formation of a hole in the wall of the intestine, the appearance of peritonitis and inflammation of the peritoneum, which may well lead to even a fatal outcome - all these are possible consequences of the curvature of the intestines. Symptoms of it appear in severe cramping pains. Moreover, it is the swelling of the intestines that leads to their rapid growth. Within a few hours the pain becomes permanent.
Sometimes, along with pain comes a strong feeling of nausea and vomiting may appear. A clear sign that there was an intestinal obstruction is the complete absence of gases and stools. If a person has not visited the toilet for several days, this is already a sufficient reason to seek help from a doctor. One medical proverb describes the situation as accurately as possible: "The longer a person delays the moment of an operation, the less time is left after it is completed."
In such a situation, home treatment methods are simply unacceptable. This can only lead to intoxication of the whole body, deterioration of the condition and strong temperature increases. Immediately call an ambulance, and before her arrival do not give the patient any painkillers, antiemetics or laxatives. If doctors find a suspicion of a bowel turn, hospitalization is inevitable. In place, the patient can enter various solutions that compensate for a large loss of fluid (glucose, sodium chloride). Apply siphon enemas, gastric lavage and a paranephric neocaine blockade. In the event that these actions do not bring the desired result, the question of surgical intervention will be considered. The earlier a patient seeks help, the easier the operation will be. It may be necessary only to unravel the formed loop and a little squeezing. It is possible to dissect and purify the intestine. In difficult cases, when there is necrosis of the intestine and complete loss of its capacity, only the removal of this part of the intestine is applied.
Turning guts can be prevented if you try not to overeat. Most often this is due to the occurrence of large time intervals between meals. A person who does not eat properly in the morning, returns home after a hard day's work and eats "from the belly." You need to carefully monitor how regularly you visit the toilet. Inattention to this process can lead to the fact that the turn of the intestines will be revealed only at the stage of exacerbation. The most important means in the fight against such a disease is a mobile, active way of life. Good easy walks, moderate sports, small jogs, swimming. To prevent the swelling of the intestines, you must change your daily diet, excluding from it all rough, hard-to-reach food. Never eat at night.
It must be said that even an operation that has already been transferred does not guarantee that this situation will not be repeated in the new. Therefore, you should always take care of yourself and take care of your health.
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