
Venetian plaster - imitation of natural stone

Venetian plaster among decoration decorative materials has a special role. This is an expensive elite coating for walls, its unusuality is that the mirror-smooth surface has an amazing effect - it seems to shine from within. Venetian plaster is applied by several well polished thin layers - the more of them, the deeper and more intricate the play of light rays.

At the same time, the illusion of facing the walls with a natural stone arises. The room acquires a special, one might say, palace solemnity, it seems more spacious. Decorative Venetian plaster has a large-scale potential and makes it possible, using the entire color palette of natural components, to create unique ornaments and to achieve new textural solutions.

The technology and composition of the Venetian came to us from the depths of the centuries. We will not make a historical digression into those ancient times, let's just say that since then they have not changed much, that is, the main components have remained the same. The basis of all is marble, malachite, quartz, granite, onyx dust. Other valuable stone rocks, or combinations thereof, may be used. The next component is a binder, namely slaked lime.

In the modern version, Venetian plaster can be created with the help of polymeric binders. By appearance, the coating based on synthetic components is practically the same as the classical version with a natural binder. It is believed that synthetic plaster is even more resistant to cracking. Nevertheless, experts, real artists of their work, argue that only a true, classical Venetian can transmit the optical properties of natural stone, its deep glow, unique brilliance, the play of light and shade, a bizarre ligature of veins.

When mixing rock dust, a binder and an aqueous emulsion, a creamy mass, Venetian plaster, is obtained, to which a third component, a pigment of organic or inorganic origin, is added. The pigment increases the resistance of the finished surface to the action of ultraviolet rays and significantly lengthens its service life. The last important component is wax. It is applied over the last layer of plaster. It protects the decorative surface from moisture and dirt. Simultaneously, penetrating deep into the layers, the wax intensifies the shine and gives the juiciness and depth to the color of the coating.

However, to obtain a coating that is admirable, it is not enough to know what components Venetian plaster consists of. The technology of applying this coating requires professional skills and talent of the artist. Working on the first layer, the master must imagine the final result. This process is complex and time-consuming, requires an ideally prepared surface. Venetian plaster on the surface to be treated is applied with the finest layers, each carefully polished. Masters have to repeatedly apply the material until the desired effect is obtained.

With the help of Venetian plaster, the skillful master accurately imitates valuable rocks of polished stone: marble, malachite, onyx, jasper, etc., and this is much cheaper than finishing with natural stone. The material is ideal for decorative design of complex elements: columns, bas-reliefs, stucco moldings.

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