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Unique funny scenes in the camp

Very common entertainment in the student construction team, school, labor or summer recreation camp are collective creative activities - improvised concerts or games, competitions, for participation in which you want to play funny scenes. In the camp they are still needed for various holidays. Do not do without them and during the conduct of all your favorite KVN.

Scenes in the camp - short miniatures

Of course, given the fact that the main occupation in camps and construction teams is not a game on the stage at all, do not prepare long performances. Short, but ironic and capacious scenes in the camp usually enjoy greater success than even well-delivered, but long, serious performances. As stories, anecdotes can serve as an excellent material for them. For example, scenes in the camp about computer enthusiasts are always accepted "with a bang." It's no secret that many guys today are to some extent Internet-dependent.

Funny scenes for the camp about "computer nerds"

  1. The boy looks sad at the yogurt. The neighbor on the table turns to him: "Vovochka, why do not you eat your yogurt?" - "You see, Svetlana, he has not fully loaded up yet ..." - "Is it like that?" - "You see the inscription:" 15% ". So I wait, when it will be 100%, and you can use it! "-" So it's fat, Vovochka! "-" And the fat content is what? ".
  2. Vovochka circles around the toilet, jumps from impatience. Suits Vasya. "Vovochka, why do not you go inside?" - "Yes, on the doors there is the inscription:" 404! "So it's not available!"

Scenes for the summer camp

But the most interesting are miniatures, in which the life of children resting here is described with irony.

  1. For example, you can show the boys who do not want to get out of the water while swimming on the sea or in the river. On the whistle of the fizruk, they do not run to the shore, but are recruited into the lungs of the air and dived. The first time this number allegedly goes unnoticed - fizruk launches a new group, and the boys again happily splashing "second period". But then the smart fizruku comes to mind to count the swimmers. "Surplus" is discovered. "What to do? - suffers from fizruk. - Where to put the extra guys? Ay, okay! "And he, with suffering on his face," drowns "superfluous children in the water. Of course, this scene is played out not in the water, and "let the bubbles" artists on stage, including their talent, using pantomime.
  2. The irony about the night outings of the guys under the motto: "I need to go to the toilet!" Can also be cheerfully accepted by teenagers. There is a variant of sending the responsible child's "suffering diarrhea" to the hospital or trying to heal it with a strengthening agent, after which the teenager will really start problems, however, the opposite direction.

Staged song

Usually the guys are fond of reworking famous songs into their "camp" mode. To stage such a song is quite easy, the humor in it is quite understandable to teenagers. You can take, for example, a song: "Our engine, forward fly!"

And our detachment is flying ahead,

In the dining room, stop!

Leader, run away from the path,

After all, ahead of all Vovka!

Votka everyone,

Will sweep away lunch per minute,

He always has success

On this route!

But here on the labor landing

Everyone comes out in the detachment,

Our Volodya, as a saboteur,

In the bushes sits in an ambush.

The image of Vovochka is collective, so couplets can be "adjusted" to specific examples taken from the life of the collective.

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