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Tuffs volcanic: properties, application

What is the use of volcanic eruptions? At first glance, this is a natural catastrophe that makes it difficult and sometimes completely paralyzes life near. But since these phenomena are inevitable, one can find some benefit in them - as a result, volcanic tuffs appear. The use of this material is easy to find because of its unique properties. Which ones?

Tuff: physical properties

Being a product of a volcanic eruption, they can have a very different composition. Density is also varied, which affects the possibility of using this material for various purposes. Even near one point, volcanic tuffs can have different composition, depending on the difference in eruptions and the type of parent rocks.

Nevertheless, something common in all types of this material is always: porosity. This is due to the fact that the volcanic rock is a caked small debris and remains of ash and sand. As a result, it has tremendous water and frost resistance, as well as lightness. As a rule, tuff is also relatively soft, although it depends on specific samples. This property made it possible to process this type of rocks without using complex tools - just with the help of a saw and an ax. At the same time, the strength of volcanic tuffs is not inferior, for example, to granite. Well, on the totality of properties in something even surpass.

The name goes back to the Latin tofus - so in the present Southern Italy all breeds of similar origin were called. And to this day, this area is one of the richest in volcanic tuff.


As a rule, tuffs accompany the outflow of neutral or acidic comparatively viscous lavas. Liquid basic form a rock more often with underwater eruptions. They easily decompose to clay.

Since various rocks can deposit in places of eruption, the final product may also differ in composition: contain more basaltic, liparitic, trachytic, andesite and other particles.


Depending on several factors, such as the place of formation and the type of parent rock, the properties of volcanic tuff can be different. This is reflected not only in its mass and density, but also in color.

In general, the color spectrum of this material is extremely diverse: in nature there are, perhaps, all shades - from white and milky to greenish, dark brown, gray and black. However, the latter are quite rare.

Not always tuff is characterized by a low density and softness - with prolonged pressing it can eventually be transformed into a material that has practically lost porosity and is comparable in properties even with obsidian.

Place of Birth

Perhaps the most famous variety is tuff, which is mined near the town of Artik in Armenia. In addition to the fact that there is the largest deposit in the world, the breed from there is well recognizable due to the characteristic violet-pink color. The local deposits are simply huge - a layer of 6-7 meters is hidden only a few centimeters of soil. In Armenia, there is one more source of the breed - Ani, where yellow-orange tuff is mined.

There are also significant explored deposits near Naples and Rome, in Iceland, the African Republic of Cape Verde. Less extensive deposits are located in Kabardino-Balkaria and Kamchatka in Russia, Georgia, Iran, New Zealand, Azerbaijan, Germany, in the famous Yellowstone Park in the United States. The main world exporter of stone is Turkey, which also has some natural reserves.

Processing and application

As already mentioned, in most cases volcanic tuffs are perfectly cut. This property made it possible to use this material before the appearance of complex tools. First of all, it allowed the use of tuffs for the construction of houses. Excellent sound and heat insulation made this material indispensable for housing. Even a tufa finish significantly improves the situation, especially since it is perfect for decorative purposes. In addition, the hard tuff species are also quite seismic. In the south of Italy and in Armenia, and now you can see whole cities built from this material. Some buildings of this material have remained unchanged for several centuries, regularly undergoing significant temperature changes. So tuff can be called and still very wear-resistant.

Another way of using it is to add it to the compositions for multipurpose construction in a crushed form. For example, some varieties are widely used in the construction of underwater structures. This is especially necessary if the effect of seawater, to which this volcanic rock is highly counteracted, is thereby expected, thereby increasing the chemical stability of the composition to which it is added.

Other types of rocks as additives lower the setting temperature of concrete, thereby preventing cracking. Often, volcanic tuffs were used to obtain sculptural compositions. For example, the famous statues on Easter Island - Moai - are cut down precisely from this material. To a lesser extent tuffs were used to make small household items.

In this case, this type of rock also has a significant disadvantage for some purposes - it can not be polished or at least gives it a smooth appearance. With any kind of processing, it remains a rough stone, which, however, sometimes can even become an advantage.

Artificial tuff

It seems that only nature could create such a perfect material. And for a long time it was believed that it is so. But nevertheless, over time people have learned to receive something like this without the participation of volcanoes. Artificial, or hypertouch, is produced with a mixture of sand, cement and peat. Dyes are also often added for decorative purposes. However, the man-made equivalent is much less popular than the analogue of natural origin, and one of the few areas of its application has become landscape design.

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