Spiritual developmentAstrology

The second time a year the gardens blossom, or What the signs say: the apple blossomed in August

The last summer month is rich in people's signs, beliefs, fortune telling and predictions. This is due to the superstition of the Slavs, who, accompanying the summer, tried to appease the forces of nature, to ensure themselves thereby an easy and mild winter.

What August will show us

Augustus often became an indicator of what winter would be:

  • Full or hungry;
  • Soft or severe.

Careful observation of nature in search of hints and led to the fact that many people's August signs were formed, but, confronted with incomprehensible phenomena, a man is still puzzled. Some signs are alarming: the apple tree has blossomed in August, the first snow has fallen or an abnormally large number of mushrooms in the forests.

Factors of correct interpretation of the sign

Despite the fact that the apple tree blooming in August was very disturbing to people, people noticed that in some cases this event promised good: if in August the apple tree blossomed, people's signs recommend paying attention to a number of factors:

  • A young or old tree makes people happy with flowers;
  • Whether there are fruits on it next to the fragrant color;
  • Whether one of the households prefers fruits from this tree most of all;
  • The nature of summer;
  • Whether a lot of young people live in the family.

Accounting and analysis of these factors helped to understand what the tree that blooms in the last month of summer promises.

Positive interpretation of anomalous phenomenon

Despite the fact that the flowering of apple trees in August does not occur every year, this phenomenon is sometimes referred to as a sign. Blossomed apple tree in August - this is for good and well-being in the following cases:

  1. If the color is pleasing to the young and constantly fruit-bearing tree, from which the harvest was already harvested this season, it was said in the people that a prosperity and an inflow of money will soon come to the family. The remuneration in the house after such a phenomenon should increase at least twice, as the tree twice gave people their positive energy.
  2. The fragrant color on the branches of the young tree next to the juicy fruits promised the owners a generous harvest of fruits and for the next year, so, having met with this phenomenon, it was possible to begin to prepare the bins for the future harvest. The interpretation also extended to other fruits and garden crops in this farm: one could prepare for collecting a generous harvest if the apple blossom blossomed in August. These signs were considered positive and favorable for the whole family.
  3. Addition of at least a pair of toddlers or twins in the family promises an apple tree blossoming in August to the families in which young people lived. Especially this sign acted in the event that the mistress was pregnant and the family was expecting replenishment.

The appearance of flowers on the apple tree at the height of the August days in such cases was frankly rejoiced and expected positive changes.

Negative interpretation of the sign

In some cases, the answer to the question "Why did the apple blossom in August?" The sign interprets negatively. The very phenomenon could not help but alert the superstitious ancestors, as it did not fit into the laws of nature that were habitual and studied by people. Did not expect anything good from this phenomenon in the following cases:

  • A tree that suddenly blossomed, was old and not fruited for several years, with its unexpected color foreshadowed an early death in the family;
  • If a tree unexpectedly blossomed, which one of the family members preferred the most and used apples only from it, then it warned about the imminent misfortune that threatens this person.

Perhaps, it was for these reasons that the blossoming apple tree was feared in August and tried to conduct special rituals that help to ward off misfortune. In addition, there is a belief that in August 1940, many apple gardens blossomed unexpectedly, and an abnormal harvest of mushrooms was collected in the forests. A year later, funerals came to hundreds and thousands of yards. Therefore, the following signs were classified as negative: the apple tree blossomed in August, too many mushrooms were born in the forests.

Scientific explanation of the natural anomaly

Modern science and meteorology recommend not forgetting that any natural anomalous phenomenon should be sought first of all in a scientific way. There is such an explanation and the phenomenon of a strange omens: the apple blossomed in August.

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the weather of summer days and analyze it: if it turned out to be hot, fairly humid, without sudden freezing and temperature changes, it is quite possible that the fruit tree tends to give the delicious offspring one more time.
  2. The second possible cause of the anomaly is that in spring not all the kidneys managed to dissolve and pollinate with the help of insects. Those kidneys that do not develop in a timely manner, try to catch up the missed opportunity in late summer.
  3. Unexpected and untimely flowering of the tree can be caused by the circumcision of the bark, the eating of the bark by insects or the aging of the tree.

A simple scientific explanation excludes the influence of otherworldly forces on the tree and family members.

Opinion of the clergy

The fact that you should not seek mysticism and occultism where there are none, say Orthodox priests. From the point of view of the church, there is nothing unusual in that the apple blossom bloomed in August. What signs means this unusual phenomenon, it is not difficult to explain, from the point of view of religion:

  • This phenomenon is of an ecological nature, not carrying to the person any information about the future or the past;
  • It is not necessary to search for secret signs and predictions in individual natural phenomena.

An Orthodox person should trust in the will of the Lord and not forget the words of Jesus Christ: "According to your faith be it unto you ..."

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