
The points on the foot are responsible for the organs. Acupuncture points on the foot

Thanks to Chinese medicine, treatment by massaging a certain point of the organs on the foot became widely known. It is known that a person's foot is a kind of control panel of an organism on which biologically active points connected with internal organs are concentrated. No wonder walking barefoot on freshly mown grass or small pebbles brings a pleasant sensation. During this process, a mechanical effect on the points of the foot occurs, which stimulates the corresponding organs, improving the flow of blood and increasing the overall tone of the body.

Acupressure is a simple and accessible method of healing

The acupressure technique is the younger sister of acupuncture, all the same points in which acupuncture needles are introduced. However, acupressure does not accept the use of stitching objects, which guarantees a softer and safer, but effective treatment. Metal needles in this case are replaced with their own fingers or with the hands of a massage therapist.

Biological points on the foot

Proceeding from the theoretical knowledge extracted from traditional Chinese medicine, we note that a unique scheme of biologically active points and zones of influence on each of the available organs is located on the feet. Over time, slime and toxins accumulate in the human body, preventing the normal circulation of blood and thereby provoking various diseases. By massaging the legs, you can act on the active points on the foot, stimulating the work and creating a balance of the general condition of the body as a whole.

With the help of massage stops, you can remove nervous stress, fatigue and psychoemotional excitement, strengthen the protective mechanisms of the whole body, improve metabolism, normalize the nervous system, cure gynecological diseases and much more.

Reflexology as a method of non-drug treatment

Reflexology is a method of non-drug therapy, firmly entrenched in Western medicine. Foot massage will help not only the sick, but also healthy people who want to strengthen their immunity and nervous system. Working on the points on the foot, responsible for the organs, you can effectively affect the work of the body: to reduce coughing attacks, you should only massage the point of the trachea, to normalize the digestive process, you can gently massage the points of the stomach and intestines. A narrow band of the entire inner surface of the foot is connected with the spine. Systematically acting on these points, it is possible to alleviate the condition of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, myositis, lumbago.

Pressing on the points of the corresponding organ, you can remove, for example, heart palpitations, affect the urinary system and cure even chronic diseases.

Species of biological points

Points on the foot that are responsible for organs have their exact location. Their location is defined on 14 lines, also called meridians. Each meridian has its own name: "Master of the Heart", "Governor" or "Three-Stage Heater".

Each meridian has three kinds of points:

  • The point of excitation (on each meridian one by one), its activation stimulates the efficiency of organs associated with a certain meridian.
  • Harmonizing points. The impact on these zones, located at both ends of the meridian, relaxes and creates a harmonious work of the organs belonging to this type of meridian.
  • The point is soothing (one for each meridian). Creates a feeling of the most pleasant and painless massaging, calms the nerves, relaxes the body.

Projection of the internal organs on the feet

Each organ of the human body can be reflected on the "canvas" of the feet. For the most accurate representation of the projection of each organ, one can imagine the feet located next to each other and the person depicted on them in the fetal position facing forward.

  • Thus, the toes reflect the area of the head, while the massage of the pads of the fingers affects the nape, and the upper surface of the nail affects the face.
  • The inner edges of the sole will reflect the middle of the body and the spine, the outer arch of the foot will match the face, and the tips of the fingers - the back of the skull.
  • Both heels correspond to buttocks.
  • The ankle joint reflects the genitals.
  • The points of the shoulders are on the outside of the heel in the area of the little fingers.

The principle of the massage

During the massage, pain points can be found that signal the weakening of an organ, and these areas should be given more attention. It is important to understand that pressing on acupuncture points alone on the foot does not help health, it is necessary to touch the massage and neighboring areas, even if they do not give painful sensations. During the massage should alternate pressure on pain points and pauses between them. The result of proper treatment of the pain zone should be the disappearance of any unpleasant sensations. Each such point is warmed up for at least a minute.

Emotional and spiritual connection

Points on the feet of a person are associated with virtually all internal organs, glands and limbs in his body. In addition to fulfilling its physiological purpose, the organs are responsible for the emotional and spiritual development of a person.

For example, in the spleen projected on the left foot, the features traditionally attributed to women are concentrated - grumbling and anger. The heart area is located on both feet, and yet it is reflected more on the left foot, which is a confirmation of the emotional feminine essence. Similarly to the heart of the liver zone are present on both feet, but the projection of the organ predominates on the right foot, which is associated with gross masculine qualities, brisk temper, anger and persistence. The same goes for the rest of the organs, so for health and spiritual purity, you need to monitor the health of each organ.

How to start a foot massage?

To improve the whole body and prevent diseases, it is necessary to perform a full complex foot massage. Procedures are desirable to be performed every evening just before bedtime.

Before the massage for a few minutes, you should stretch your feet, walking barefoot, climbing your toes or alternating the transfer of the body's weight from the outer ribs of the feet to the inner ones. At the end of the warm-up you can arrange a warm foot bath.

For self-massage, you should take a comfortable position for the most complete relaxation of the legs:

  • Leaning your foot in such a way that the foot is conveniently located on the chair.
  • Bending the leg so that the foot lies comfortably on the hip of the second leg.
  • In a position on the back, lie up and bend the leg.

A few simple rules for self-massage

Massage should be done with warm hands, pre-heating the massage oil in them, so that the points on the foot that are responsible for the organs are mashed neatly, but effectively. It is necessary to influence the feet with both hands, use all the fingers, alternating massaging them with knuckles and fists, moving from the tips of the toes to the heel.

  • During the general massage , the sole should be most carefully treated, while the fingers can be gently and gently stretched, moving from the nail to the base.
  • Each finger should be massaged separately.
  • Do not forget about the ankle and ankles, gently massaging them in circular motions.
  • You can alternate various techniques: tingle, light strokes, rubbing, stroking, intermittent touch.

At the end of the procedure it will be useful to walk on a massage hummocky rug, shifting from foot to foot and alternating the transfer of the body to each leg.

Contraindications to acupressure

  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Extreme fatigue.
  • Skin diseases on feet in the form of suppuration and depriving.

Massed points On the foot, responsible for organs, may not have a positive effect in the case of serious diseases requiring immediate medical attention. The use of the acupressure technique can be useful as an additional treatment, anesthesia and strengthening the body as a whole.

How to get the most out of the procedure?

  • To begin with, you should take the most comfortable position in the chair, on the bed or on the floor.
  • You can include relaxing music, escape from the vernal sounds-irritants, turn off the phone for a while.
  • Determine the starting point for the start. If massage is performed for the first time, the scheme of points on the foot can help in this.
  • Lightly pressing on the desired point, you should carry out circular movements, while not lifting your finger from the biological point.
  • The duration of manipulation should not be more than 5 minutes. The result of this massage, as a rule, comes quickly and has a long action.

Stop: points, organs that are directly connected to them - additional useful techniques

  1. In a small box measuring 50 * 50 cm, filled with pebbles or legumes, you can conduct bare walking in place for 10-15 minutes. In summer, whenever possible, walk barefoot on the grass, sand, pebbles.
  2. Contrast shower for the legs - a great addition to acupressure, besides, it hardens the body well.
  3. Figural breathing. In the sitting position, relaxing the body, with free and easy breathing, you should shift your attention to the feet, imagining that breathing is carried out by them. An original meditation can be continued for 4-5 minutes.
  4. Compresses with honey favorably affect the vessels and skin, preparing massage points for further action. After treatment with feet, honey should be put on them plastic bags and cotton socks on top. Such applications are desirable to be carried out in the evening: during the night, the skin of the feet will absorb the useful elements of honey, and by the morning the feet will become silky, the calluses will disappear, and well-being will improve.

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