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The most ridiculous name in Russia: a list and interesting facts

An unusual name can be either a gift or a punishment for its owner. Of course, a surname or an unusual name is not a reason for laughter from others. There is more interest in the origin of its own name. The most ridiculous names in Russia and the world can be quite strange, they can not be correlated with the persons who wear them.


Most often the names were given to each other by people who lived in the same community. The most popular were the surnames by occupation. Therefore Miller, Cooper and many others are not accidental at all. Each surname is unique and characterizes the attitude of a person to a particular family. Some of them simply amaze with their unusualness, and sometimes they surprise. Turning to the telephone directories of cities and villages, you can find a lot of useful information and learn how really a lot of simple, complex and ambiguous names.

But how are people with such names living? To get rid of such parental "reward" is quite difficult, and sometimes even impossible. For example, a girl in this case is easier. She will get married and take her husband's name. And it's good if she's ordinary or very beautiful. With the male surnames everything is much more complicated. This is not just a word next to the name and patronymic, but an integral part of the human family tree.

The origin of each family name goes back to the depths of the centuries and comes from the ancestors. And there should not be any embarrassment here. And if you got a very interesting surname that causes laughter or a smirk of others, do not despair, but just apply your sense of humor and also laugh. The most ridiculous names and surnames in Russia have a profound history and not one interpretation of origin.


Each surname at the time of its creation carried a special meaning for both the person to whom it was assigned and for society. The names were not given for nothing. And even if sometimes the surname does not cause the most positive emotions and means an insulting word (for example: Stubborn, Podliza, Kozel), this is not at all to humiliate a person. At that time, such a title was considered correct and most appropriate. Surnames were assigned not only from the occupation of the person, but also depended on the characteristic features or skills.

Studying the statistics of registry offices and maternity homes, you can form the TOP of the most ridiculous names of Russia. This list includes: Udod, Pidorenko, Vagina, Lokhov, Gavnodov, Soplya, Durnopeyko, Chmyr, Nepizdit, Khokhlupoikina, Tail, Baran, Pig, Zhralov, Musornik, Tupikov, Tulub, Smerdov and many others.

Features & Features

What are the funniest names in Russia? The list of the most common nicknames is not just words. They can have different origins and be both nouns and participial turns. Also there are very complex, created from different parts of the language. For example: Edolub, Plutovod, Yazvennikov, Myasorobed and others.

Also there are double surnames. At the same time, one part can be quite ordinary, and the other can cause cheerful associations, or both are arranged so skilfully that a whole list of "merits" is obtained. These include: Ivanov-Syroed, Petrov-Mukha, Kozak-Larionov.

Communion in Surnames

Sometimes surnames are participles or their turns. For example, the surname "Bystronogov" expresses the speed of movement of ancestors, and nothing bad or offensive in this. So that a person does not feel uncomfortable, it is important to treat your family name with a share of good humor, rather than banter.

Very interesting surnames that directly characterize a person - "Bad" or her antonym "Good". Such names may well become a calling card and emphasize the individual characteristics of a person. And if he is still a well-known person, then the surname will work for the image of the person and will be quickly remembered by the public.

Noun in family names

Another funny name in Russia, but this time it's a noun. The nickname "board" can give quite an exact description. Talk about this self-name can be endless, but one thing is clear - this name could be glued to a person because of the appearance's features or, which is quite possible, to emphasize the occupation of its owner. For example, a person with a name Board could easily do carpentry.

What is the funniest name in Russia? And there are such people as Brekhunov or Vrun. Of course, such names do not lead to the most pleasant thoughts and make people think about others. And I do not want to trust such people with important information. But here you should treat the names with humor and you can not judge a person prejudiced. Perhaps one of the ancestors was indeed seen in not entirely conscientious deeds, but this does not characterize the modern medium of the surname.

There is one more name of generations that characterizes a person. The word "Ubiev" also causes ambiguous associations. Or maybe such a ridiculously surname will make her bypassing her owner, but one should not take everything literally.

Absurd surnames

There are also quite absurd self-names. Here the name Zaderimenovolk directly calls for something to be done. Most likely, it is quite ancient, can characterize the hunter and was quite relevant in the old days.

Yes, this is not the funniest name in Russia, but quite interesting. Often found in Russia, nickname "Girls" and can cause laughter in others. And even if this surname is in the male, then it conjures ambiguous associations. A few very unique and funny - Piso, Pukay, Malyavka or Zyuzya. Imagine - the chief accountant of a huge enterprise with such a name and the chief doctor of the regional hospital. A tablet on the door of the office can quite cause laughter and bewilderment. Well, who invented this and what did he mean?

These are not all the most ridiculous names in Russia. The list can be continued indefinitely, but you can not take them literally, giving a description of each individual person.

And what is the funniest name in Russia? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Everything depends on the perception, the subtlety of the sense of humor and the very society in which it meets.

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