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The most picturesque Turkey. Goynuk - what is he attractive about?
The very translation into Russian of the name of this resort village ("the fertile valley under the blue sky") can make the heart of a traveler and rest more often beat. And in fact, he is preferred to such "pearls" of the coast as Antalya and Kemer. This is not the most famous resort, but they can be proud of Turkey. Goynuk is close to other places of rest on the sea, and from the bus station of Antalya to it quickly enough for a very beautiful serpentine among the greenery of the mountains can be reached by the minibus-dolmushe. The stop there is "on demand", but the transportation goes regularly, even not in season. The village is really in a beautiful river valley.
Turkey, Goynuk. How to rest here
Season in these places begins in April, and ends in late October - early November. However, under more favorable circumstances, it is possible to swim sometimes under Christmas. The fact is that on all sides this village is covered with surprisingly beautiful, rocky and evergreen mountains covered by the Taurus mountains. Large, beautiful beaches, oranges and pomegranates, blossoming in the spring, and late autumn strewn with fruits, streets, coffeehouses, beckoning with a breathtaking aroma ... Yes, this is real Turkey. Goynuk was not created specifically for tourist joy. This is a historical settlement, which was founded by nomadic Turkmen tribes.
Settlement Goynyuk (Turkey). What to see
The main highlight of this resort is its inexpressibly beautiful nature. Beaches have different tastes. The hotels - huge, wide, with all the necessary accessories and water entertainment. And you can find secret, secluded coves, sheltered from the eyes of the lagoon and underwater caves. But the most beautiful place here is the canyon of the same name with the village of the river. Coastal Turkey (Goynuk in particular) is famous for its limestone mountains. The rocks of Bedaglari, where the canyon is located, also consist of this rock. The river washed them out in whimsical baths and caves. This is guided tours (including on horseback). But experienced tourists advise to make this walk on their own. It requires some skill, shoes, in which you can walk on the water, and a swimsuit. But in general, the passage through the canyon is very impressive, and on the "snack" those who have dared to take this trip, they will see a beautiful waterfall, a lake and a cave. It's not for nothing that Goynuk (Turkey) reviews tourists as one of the best places to relax between Kemer and Antalya. And about the canyon, the responses are extremely admired. People write that the beauty of these mountains can not be described, it should only be seen. So - Goynuk waiting for you!
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