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The measure of value is ... The function of money as a measure of value

It's no secret that money, in fact, is in the process of circulation of goods a means of realizing their value. . Hence, the function of the measure of value serves as the starting and at the same time key in the system of monetary relations. What is it? What are its main features? Is the topic relevant today?

The determinative aspect of the measure of value

важнейшая функция денег, позволяющая качественно изменить и грамотно выразить стоимость объекта в денежном эквиваленте. The measure of value is the most important function of money, allowing qualitatively to change and competently express the value of the object in monetary terms. So, a particular thing is assigned a price form. The impact of this function does not depend on the government of any country. The scale of prices is an expression of the value of the object and is exclusively legal in nature.

имеет весьма интересную особенность, которая заключается в ее способности правильно измерить затраты трудовых ресурсов, осуществить рекомбинацию некоторой доли национального дохода (к примеру, в случае несоответствия цен стоимости), а также грамотно оценить товары посредством системы ценообразования. The function of money as a measure of value has a very interesting feature, which is its ability to correctly measure labor inputs, recombine a certain proportion of the national income (for example, in the event of a price disparity), and competently evaluate goods through a pricing system.

Price, measure of value and their main features

Like any other function of money, the measure of value is endowed with specific and nonspecific features. First, this function is able to perform only full-fledged money, and the form of recognizing money as a measure of value is price. Thus, in the case of balancing goods and a certain amount of money, you can change the cost in a quantitative way. функция, позволяющая в полной мере осуществлять планирование и учет, производить операции распределительного характера над общественным продуктом, а также рассчитывать аспекты себестоимости производства. Secondly, the measure of value is a function that allows you to fully plan and account for, perform distributive operations on a public product, and also calculate aspects of the cost of production. Thanks to it, it is now easy to maintain high-quality connections between various economic entities (for example, enterprises and employees, enterprises and intermediaries or two enterprises of similar orientation in terms of production and sale of products).

Function of the measure of value is carried out by the money

Relying on the information presented in the previous chapters, we can give a detailed and most precise definition of the concept in question. Thus, a measure of value is an economic function of money, whose activities are not connected with the state. The scale of prices is endowed with a legal character and expresses nothing more than the price of the goods. стоимости необходимо одновременное осуществление следующих условий: For a competent determination of the value of fixed assets, a measure of cost requires the simultaneous implementation of the following conditions:

  • Absolute equality in terms of pricing relative to the common economic space.
  • A worthy degree of development of such categories as market relations and competition.
  • Relative stability of the national monetary unit.
  • Equivalence in terms of exchange.

Pages of History

категория, в процессе изучения которой основной упор направлен на золото. The measure of value is a category, in the process of studying which the main emphasis is on gold. After all, the key function of metal is to fully ensure the monetary determination of the price of goods, to make them comparable with each other both qualitatively and quantitatively. Over time, society preferred to abandon gold, thereby transferring the function considered in the article to a more convenient equivalent, money. Thanks to this, an easy-to-use circulation system was developed.

It is important to note that today absolutely each country has an individually established measure of value (this aspect is called price scaling and is discussed below). For example, in the United States, the measure of value is the national currency (US dollar), Mexico - peso, Japan - the yen, Russia - the ruble, and so on.

Basis for the formation of a measure of value

…). As it turned out, today it is possible to measure the value of absolutely all objects by means of national monetary units (see above: the measure of value is ...). This is how the most important ability of money manifests itself - to act as a measure of value and as an intermediary in the process of its determination. Once upon a time, nobody knew about paper money - they were replaced by regular goods. Thus, an equivalent price was created for the monetary units of the goods (of course, subject to certain laws of value) in a one-time manner. In addition, both the objects of the transaction (concrete things) and money had a common basis for comparison, which was labor (it should be noted that this concept has an abstract character). Hence, through the function of the measure of value, the commodity can be referred to money in the same way as to the general equivalent. To solve this issue, it is important to determine the scale of prices competently.

The concept of the scale of prices

The scale of prices is nothing more than an object of determining the value of a commodity in money. This concept consists in the strict fixation of the weight ratio of gold (as a monetary metal) to the domestic currency (called the national monetary unit) in a particular country. At a time when commodity production was actively practiced , banknotes could be exchanged in different markets (both within a certain state and internationally). Naturally, in the process of transition to a currency of a brutal nature, this function was leveled: credit funds can perform an exclusively representative function, that is, serve as a means of account.

Inflation and the measure of value

компонент важнейшей системы, частью которой считается и инфляция (она играет определяющую роль в процессе удешевления денег). It should be noted that the measure of the value of goods is a component of the most important system, of which inflation is also considered (it plays a decisive role in the process of cheapening money). A vivid example of this phenomenon can serve as the price of travel in public transport. Let's say you have 100 rubles. In fact, nothing changes in the nominal plan, but in real review of the situation it turns out that last year for this money you could buy 10 coupons for travel, and in the current - only 8 or 7.

The history reminds that in the 90s hyperinflation took place on the territory of Russia. Then the money was subject to depreciation at a frantic pace. Even students at that time tried to spend their own scholarship as quickly as possible, because during a month's period this amount could easily lose a significant part of it. But already after 1998, an annual inflation of about 20% can be observed in the country, and the crisis of 2008-2009 gave an impetus to stabilize inflation at the level of 7-8%.

What else?

When there was a socialist system in Russia and market mechanisms did not function at all, inflation was not a priori. However, there was a deficit, which implied hidden inflation.

It is necessary to supplement that in the economy there is such a thing as deflation, but in Russia it has never been observed. The only thing, it may be appropriate in August-September, because then the prices for vegetables fall. The inflationary peak is in January. It is in this time period that natural monopolies significantly increase tariffs, which leads to higher prices in other industries. An interesting fact is the significant impact on the inflation process of the level of economic growth. So, if it is high enough, then inflation reaches the corresponding figures.

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