News and SocietyNature

The larva is a dangerous wrecker

Medvedka is an insect of about 5 centimeters, which lives practically on the whole territory of our continent. The exception is the Scandinavian countries.

The larva of the bear and the adult insect itself represent something in between the beetle, the grasshopper and, oddly enough, the cancer. Why? Color dark brown from the back and light brown on the abdomen. The anterior part of the body is called the cephalothorax. The head is small, with a mustache that works like an antenna, and complex eyes. This means that this insect has an overview of 360 degrees. The back is covered by a shell, very hard, it protects internal organs from damage. The insect has a soft abdomen, where the digestive and reproductive system is located. On the head are powerful jaws with tentacles. Two front legs look more like claws. Than not a cancer? On this similarity ends. The shape of the body along with the legs resembles a grasshopper. Moreover, the bear has hard wings. Well, in behavior, it's a bug. Here is an interesting creation.

The larva of the bear, the photo is clearly demonstrated, looks like a mature individual, only without wings. These insects lay eggs in the ground, in May. To do this, they make a dense "cocoon", lay it in the top layer of the soil, rammer the earth
So that you get a hollow chamber with solid walls, from which the moves go in different directions. Here the female lays at least 300 eggs. "Mother" takes a fairly responsible attitude to her duties, she takes care of the larvae from the moment of hatching (two weeks after the masonry) and until the second molt, about 1-1.5 months. But sometimes the parent regulates the number of offspring, eating a part. The larva of the bear is born already similar to the adult insects, it grows, increases in size, fades, dumping the old shell. The larger they become, the more food they need.

The larva of the bear and adults like raw, but sunny places that can be found near ponds, ponds and lakes, especially they are not indifferent to fresh manure. These insects are omnivorous. They easily eat all the root crops that are planted on the site, they do not care, potatoes, beets or carrots. The larva of the bear with its relatives will not disdain the roots of the eggplant, Cabbage, fruit trees and shrubs, it will not refuse from earthworms and other small insects. Hibernates in the earth at a depth of 1.5 meters or in manure piles.

The larva of the May beetle and the bear can cause serious damage to the crop, so it is worth taking care of preventive measures. These include digging up the soil in late autumn and spring, deep loosening of rows (not less than 10 cm), using some tricks. For example, a trap for a bear from manure. A piece of plywood or other material is laid fresh manure, this bait is placed around the site in places where the pest was seen, and left for several days. Later, old traps must be collected and burned, and fresh ones should be re-distributed. Good also help preparations of industrial production, such as "Medotoks." It is used according to the instructions.

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