
The electric drive is what? Definition

At present, absolutely any machine includes three main parts, among which the engine, the executive body and the transmission mechanism. For the proper performance by the technological machine of its own functions, its executive body, in one way or another, must perform sufficiently certain movements realized by means of the drive. What should be understood by this concept? ? How is the drive controlled ? What is the history of its occurrence? These and other equally serious questions can be found in the process of reading the material in this article.


It is important to know that the following types of drives are known today:

  • Manual, mechanical or equestrian drive.
  • Drive from the wind motor.
  • Drive of the gas turbine.
  • . Drive of a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric motor (for example, a ball motor drive ) .
  • Water wheel drive.
  • The steam drive.
  • Drive internal combustion engine.
  • Drive of a hydraulic, pneumatic or electric motor.

Today the part serves as the main structural component of any technological machine, its key task is to ensure the required movement of the mechanism's actuator in accordance with the prescribed law. It should be noted that it is advisable to present the technical machine of modern time as a set of interacting drives that are united by means of a control system that fully provides the necessary execution to the bodies of execution for moving along complex trajectories.

Electric drive is a modern solution

It is interesting to know that in the process of rapid development of industrial production, the electric drive to date has taken the first place not only in relation to the industry represented, but also in everyday life by the total specific engine power and, of course, quantitative characteristics. It is important to keep in mind that in any electric drive a power part is allocated, through which energy is transferred to the executive body from the engine, and a management system that fully ensures its movement in accordance with the prescribed law.

понятие, определение которого вместе в развитием техники расширялось и уточнялось как в плане аспекта систем управления, так и касательно аспекта механики. The electric drive is a concept, the definition of which, together with the development of technology, has been expanded and refined both in terms of the aspect of control systems and in the aspect of mechanics. It is interesting to know that in the book "The Use of Electric Engines in Industry", published in 1935 by VK Popov (professor of the industrial Leningrad Institute), a very interesting concept of an adjustable electric drive has been defined. So, under the electric drive it is necessary to understand such mechanism, in relation to which the speed change is possible, which does not depend on the load.

The modern concept of electric drive

Over time, the functions and applications of the electric drive have been expanded. или электропривод замочной скважины. So, for example, there was a sewing electric drive or an electric drive of the keyhole. That is why when automating production processes in the complex, a need arose to clarify the concept under consideration. Thus, at the third conference, related to automation of production processes in the field of mechanical engineering and automated electric drive in industry, which was held in May 1959 in Moscow, a new definition was approved. не что иное, как комплексное устройство, которое осуществляет преобразование электроэнергии в энергию механическую, а также обеспечивает электрическое управление механической энергией, которая была преобразована. The electric drive is nothing more than a complex device that converts electricity into mechanical energy, and also provides electrical control of the mechanical energy that has been converted.

The electric drive in the literature

It is interesting to note that in 1960 SI Artobolevsky in his work "Drive is the key structural element of the machine" concluded that the consideration of drives as complex systems, which include the executive body, transmission mechanism and engine, does not pay due attention. So, he stressed that the theory of electric drive deals with the operating conditions of the electric motor, not taking into account the auxiliary body and the transmission mechanism, and the mechanic in terms of theory studies the actuators and transfer devices, without taking into account the influence of the engine.

электромеханическое устройство, которое предназначено для автоматизации и электрификации производственных процессов и состоит из управляющего, преобразовательного, передаточного и электродвигательного устройств». It is important to note that in the manual "Automated electric drive base" in 1974, Chilikin MG and other authors gave the following term: "The electric drive is an electromechanical device that is intended for automation and electrification of production processes and consists of a control, Transmitting and electric devices ".

Operation of the electric drive

How does the drive work? . For example, take the electric lock . So, the mechanical energy from the transfer device is transmitted directly to the working (executive) organ of the production mechanism. The electric drive realizes the conversion of electricity into a mechanical one, and also fully provides electrical energy management, which has been transformed, according to the current technological requirements related to the operation modes of the production mechanism.

What other definitions are known today?

It is interesting to know that in the polytechnic dictionary in 1977, which was published under the editorship of II Artobolevsky (academician), the following term was cited: "The electric drive is nothing more than an electromechanical device designed to drive machines and mechanisms in Which is the source of energy - the electric motor ". ) включает в себя один или некоторое число электродвигателей, передаточный механизм, а также аппаратуру управления. It was noted there that any electric drive (for example, an electric stroller ) includes one or a number of electric motors, a transmission mechanism, and also control equipment.

Features of modern electric drives

To date, a wide variety of electric drives is known. , ведь, казалось бы, совсем недавно общество и вообразить не могло подобный механизм. A striking example of this is a gate with an electric drive , after all, it would seem, quite recently the society could not imagine such a mechanism. It is important to note that modern electric drives differ extremely high level of automation, which allows them to fully operate in accordance with economic modes, as well as to accurately produce the necessary parameters for the motion of the machine executive. That is why already at the beginning of the 1990s the term in question was expanded into the sphere of automation.

Definition according to GOST

In GOST P50369-92 "Electric drives" the following concept was presented: "The electric drive is an electromechanical system that includes energy converters that interact with each other, mechanical and electromechanical converters, information and control devices, as well as mechanisms for interface with external mechanical, electrical , Information and control systems. They are designed to bring the machine's executive organs into motion, as well as to control this movement for the realization of the technological process. "

V. I. Klyuchev on electric drive

состоит из нескольких частей. As it turned out, absolutely any electric drive, for example, electric mirrors, consists of several parts. It is advisable to expand this topic in more detail. Thus, VI Klyuchev's textbook The Theory of Electric Drive, which was published in 2001, gives the following definition of the concept under consideration as a technical device: "The electric drive is nothing more than an electromechanical device that is designed to drive executive Machine organs and process management of technological nature. It consists of a control device, an electric motor mechanism and a transfer device. " At the same time, the textbook provides clear explanations in terms of the purpose and composition of the named components of the electric drive. It will be worthwhile to consider this issue in more detail in the next chapter.

Parts of the electric drive

) содержит соединительные муфты и механические передачи, которые необходимы для передачи механической энергии, вырабатываемой двигателем, исполнительному механизму. The transmission device of any electric drive (for example, a disabled electric drive ) contains couplings and mechanical transmissions that are necessary to transfer the mechanical energy generated by the motor to the actuator.

The conversion mechanism is designed to control the flow of electricity that comes from the network, for proper regulation of the operating modes of the mechanism and the engine. It should be added that it is an energy part of the electric drive control system.

The control device serves as the information low-current part of the management system, which is intended for collection and subsequent processing of incoming information regarding the state of the system, the determining influences, and also the generation on the basis of this system of signals for monitoring the converter of the electric motor.

Two interpretations

From the material given in the article, it can be concluded that the concept of an electric drive is currently defined by two interpretations: as a set of different devices and as a section of science. In the textbook for higher educational institutions "Theory of automated electric drive", which was published in 1979, it is emphasized that the theory of electric drive as an independent field of science originated in our country.

It is important to note that the starting point for its development is reasonable to consider 1880, because it was then that in a well-known magazine called "Electricity" published an article by DA Lachinov "Electromechanical work." In it, for the first time, the advantages of the electrical energy distribution of the mechanical were characterized.

It is necessary to supplement that the same textbook assumes the definition of an electric drive as a field of applied science: "The theory of electric drive is a technical science that studies the general features of electromechanical systems, the methods of their synthesis in accordance with given indicators, and the laws governing the motion of these systems" .

Today, the electric drive is part of the most important, rapid pace of the developing field of technology and science, which occupies leading positions in the automation and electrification of everyday life and industry. Its application and development, one way or another, implies an increase in the requirements for electrical systems and systems.

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