Health, Hair loss
The causes that provoked diffuse hair loss, and ways to eliminate them
Abundant hair loss today is one of the most pressing cosmetic problems, and not only in women. And not many cosmetic products with the inscription "from hair loss" can really change the existing picture. Indeed, in fact, the causes that provoked hair loss are quite multifaceted and numerous.
Causes of hair loss
As a rule, diffuse hair loss (or easier - uniform strong hair loss, observed throughout the head) is a consequence of sufficiently strong disturbances in the coordinated work of the whole organism. And the frequent reasons are:
- Either frequent stressful situations, or short-term, but severe stresses;
- Heredity, with a particularly pronounced female heredity;
- radiation therapy;
- Oncological, severe and chronic diseases;
- smoking.
In addition, active diffuse hair loss in women Can be provoked by other, though not less important, factors, such as:
- Chronic avitaminosis;
- Long-term exposure to adverse climatic factors (eg, minus temperature or scorching sun);
- Aggressive chemical exposure (low-quality cheap hair dye, frequent chemical additives, use of a hair dryer without protective equipment, etc.);
- Pregnancy and birth process;
- menopause.
As well as diffuse hair loss non-hormonal etiology can be observed As a consequence of prolonged use of certain drugs, for example neuroleptics, cytostatics, anticonvulsants, large doses of vitamin A.
Hair restoration
Today, several methods of hair restoration are available , namely:
- Medicamentous (intake of certain vitamin complexes);
- Hardware (ozonotherapy, mesotherapy, darsonval);
- Home (the use of special cosmetics and home masks, cooked according to the recipes of our grandmothers).
Moreover, as soon as a diffuse hair loss was detected, it is necessary to immediately start taking measures aimed at:
- Improve nutrition of the hair follicle and metabolism in general;
- Activation of so-called "sleeping" bulbs;
- Improvement of microcirculation of hair;
- Elimination of dry scalp.
And do not forget that diffuse hair loss is only a reflection of internal malfunctions in the body that occur for some time. And this means that, firstly, you need to put in order and take care of the whole organism as a whole, secondly, in order to restore the former condition of the hair, it will take time, sometimes more time than we would like. But with a regular and complex approach, it is still possible to restore hair.
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