
The Berets are lightened. Shoes for specials and inveterate mods

Like many of the most fashionable things, the Berts came in everyday style from the military environment. Their name is due to the high bootleg, tightly fitting tibia bones. What are these shoes, and what is the reason for its popularity?

Historical reference

The first, then still not very lightweight, tibia boots appeared during the Second World War. They were more comfortable than ordinary boots, tight-fitting the leg and, therefore, better protected. And for the landing troops, such shoes became simply irreplaceable, because when landing it reliably protected the ankles from injuries. During the war in Vietnam, new burses were developed - lightened, their weight became lighter, but all the dignities were preserved.

The army in the army

America a long time ago changed the soldiers and some police units into birches. Light or heavy - depends on the kind of troops. Many countries followed suit. In Russia, in 2007, a decree was passed to make this shoe part of the uniform. Military boots are gradually being replaced by lightweight breeches (the price of these shoes is different), because of the funding process lasts to this day.

Army attributes and subcultures

The style of military appeared long enough. And along with camouflaged pants, heavy belts, backpacks and bags of protective color, the military garrisons stepped confidently beyond the military garrisons. Lightweight military boots almost to the knee height, decorated with a strict lacing and metal fittings, attracted not only muscular guys, but also girls. And thanks to convenience, practicality and durability, this footwear quickly gained popularity among active youth. In these shoes you can not only walk around the city, but, for example, go on a long hike, play laser tag or paintball, go on a stalker sortie, confidently go through a difficult quest ...

What are the breeches made of?

Lightweight and heavy boots are made from leather, which has undergone the process of tanning with chromium. This material determines the durability of shoes, allows you to create an atmosphere of comfort inside, does not allow your legs to overheat and over. The easiest version of tibia boots, which is produced for hot regions with high humidity, is made of special fabric. It allows the foot to breathe, but does not let water pass. There is also the opposite option - insulated boots with a lining and a sheepskin insole. The sole is usually made of rubber. Shoes designed for stony regions, has a powerful protector, and summer lightweight boots, intended for the city - almost flat soles with small grains.

Advantages and advantages

The main advantage of the Berts is their ability to protect the ankle as much as possible, while not limiting its mobility. High tight lacing allows you to "fit" the shoe under the shape of the foot. And breathable materials do not harm even with prolonged wearing. It is impossible not to note the aesthetic dignity of the Berts. Outwardly they look courageous, brutal and beautiful, thanks to which fell in love with fans of many styles.

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