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Terrikon - what is this? A bit about the man-made mountains

Man-made mountains, steppe pyramids - differently call these unique objects. Terrikon - what is this? How did these artificial hills appear on the surface of the earth?

Terrikons are mandatory attributes of all coal regions. In a sense, they even became their full-fledged symbols.

Terrikon - what is this?

Those who first get to the Donbass are struck by the number and variety of local waste heaps. In Donetsk alone there are at least hundreds of them. They have long been a kind of business card of this city, its peculiar brand.

What is a waste tank? How to characterize this object from a scientific point of view?

Terrikon is an artificial origin of a cone-shaped hill, formed from an empty rock, which is obtained as a result of the development of coal deposits (or deposits of other minerals). The word itself comes from the French "terri", which means "blade of the breed".

Terrikon - what is this? In its origin, it is very similar to a conventional iron ore dump. However, it differs from the latter in a regular conical shape.

It should be noted that waste heaps (or waste heaps, as they are also often called) cause considerable damage to the environment. So, they modify natural landscapes, pollute ground and groundwater, disrupt the habitual conditions of life of local fauna. Not one thousand hectares of fertile land has been turned into a "badland" through the fault of the piling of slag heaps.

Spread of waste heaps

Terrics can be found in those areas where previously intensive coal mining is or is being carried out. They are very common in Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Great Britain, Sweden and other countries.

For example, on the same Donbass (this is the territory that covers part of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine) there are about 700 heaps of different ages and sizes.

Below are some examples of the most interesting waste heaps of Europe.

Terricon "Charlotte"

The largest waste of Europe is located in Poland, in the town of Ridułtowy, which is near the Czech Republic. It arose as a result of the development of a local coal mine, and in 2007 it was called the beautiful name "Charlotte".

Height "Charlotte" (if measured from the foot of the hill) - 135 meters. The absolute height of the heap (above sea level) is 407 meters. It occupies an area of 37 hectares. Terrikon is visible from anywhere in the city and even from the territory of the neighboring Czech Republic.

Terrikon "Three Comrades"

A whole conglomerate of three huge waste heaps is located in the city of Donetsk, on Petrovka. He is listed as a Chelyuskintsev mine. The central one has a colossal height of 121 meters. Here it is worth noting that during the Soviet era, it was strictly forbidden to pour waste tanks over a hundred meters. How did such a giant appear in the Donbass in Soviet times - a real mystery.

To date, this is the highest heap of Donetsk. And to climb to its peak considers for itself any local ethnographer or extreme.

Terrikon "Maria"

"Terrikon with the most chic panorama" - so you can call this man-made hill. It is also located in Donetsk, on the banks of the Kalmius River. From its top opens an excellent view of the city center. In addition, it is not very high, so climbing its slopes is not so difficult. That is why the guests of Donetsk should, first of all, lead to the top of the local trough "Maria".


You can talk about waste heaps for a very long time. But it's better to see them with your own eyes. Terrikon - what is it all the same? Many call them "scars on the face of the earth." Others, on the contrary, admire their unusual beauty, elevating these "mountains" to the rank of special, almost sacred places.

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