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Television advertising beer. Features.

Among all types of advertising, television advertising has the greatest impact on the audience, so it has recently been given the greatest preference. Features of advertising on television are due to the fact that it allows you to act not only with visual images, but also use the sound, which further enhances the brightness of perception. This explains why advertising of certain types of goods on television is banned or severely restricted. For example, television advertising of alcoholic beverages is banned in principle, and beer advertising is substantially limited in time and in terms of content. What exactly are the features of beer advertising?

Videos that promote beer can be shown on television only after 22:00 pm and until 7:00 am local time, and the rest of the time should not be on the air. Also, it should not be on TV programs aimed at children and youth audiences, on educational channels, and also on channels that position themselves as dedicated to health and the environment. At the same time, in each such video there must be a warning about the harm of beer occupying not less than 7 percent of the frame area and lasting for at least five seconds.

No less limited advertising beer and in terms of context. Naturally, it should not be directed at minors. Also, it should not call for quenching thirst, but also generally associate the improvement of well-being or mood with the use of beer, as it was common just recently. Advertising beer can not directly associate the use of beer with the achievement of life success in career, study, sport, with public recognition or personal achievements. Also in advertising beer it is forbidden to use statements about its harmlessness, and even more so about the health benefits, and dislike about refraining from drinking beer. Another restriction applies to the images used: any images of animals or people in beer advertising are prohibited.

Since earlier beer advertising often positioned this drink as the best means for combating thirst, and in the videos there were always sympathetic and close to many acting characters, including animated ones, the introduction of these restrictions significantly affected the expressiveness of advertising, because it no longer allows the viewer To conduct a direct association with a self-image or style of life due to the fact that the videos have become more abstract. Nevertheless, beer advertising on television is present in no less, and even more.

What means are used now to make beer advertising more convincing? In principle, the methods are still the same. As for a close-minded representative of the target audience of the image, it has not gone anywhere, it is simply not visualized, but remains behind the scenes. The creators of the commercials are trying to convey the mood and vital position of the movie hero through a kind of lexicon, intonations, the environment, a properly selected soundtrack, and this is enough to ensure that the new videos do not lose the old in expressiveness. Many TV viewers did not even notice the fundamental changes that beer advertising has undergone - the usual heroes of the commercials have remained in place, with the same voices, manners and habits, they are simply not shown in the frame, but are many viewers watching the advertisement carefully? Most often, there is only a memorable slogan and general mood in memory, so these restrictive measures can be called ineffective. I must say, this has already been noted at the state level, and now there is a discussion of the ban on advertising beer in general.

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