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Tailed from "Naruto": the names of demons

"Naruto" is, perhaps, the most famous and popular anime in the world. The show was first released in 2002. Special attention of fans was attracted by the tailed from "Naruto" - demonic animal-like creatures. We'll talk about them in this article.

Tailed Beasts

Biju or tailed beasts are creatures that have an enormous amount of Chakra that can take on the appearance of various animals. These monsters from the Chakra have a few tails - from one to nine. The power of these creatures is so great that it surpasses even the most powerful shinobi. But their bestial nature does not allow them to use all their potential. Only in the human body can their abilities be fully revealed thanks to the mind and experience of Ginchurik (human-receptacle of caudate).

The names of tailed animals from Naruto are as follows. Now let's talk more about their nature. Most shinobi consider tailed only as a weapon. Because of this, bija is hated by all people. Nevertheless, all the monsters know about their origins, but each of them considers himself a separate person with his feelings and emotions.

To each other tailed are rather friendly. However, sometimes conflicts arise between them because of the clarification of who is stronger. Biju owns telepathy and can communicate with her and the dzhinchuriki with each other.

Ten-tails: the history of separation

Tailed from "Naruto" have one ancestor - a ten-tailed idi Jubi. He was terrifying the whole world. Then the Sage of the Six Ways defeated the monster and imprisoned it, becoming the first Ginchurik. However, he understood that after his death, the ten-tailed will get freedom. Then the Sage decided to divide it into 9 parts, each of which became a separate beast. The body of the monster, he sealed and sent to heaven, later this prison was called the Moon.

After these events, the anime world of Naruto was divided into shinobi villages. The ten-tailed continued to exist in the tailed ones, which were distributed among these villages by the Sage to maintain a balance of power between the various clans of shinobi.

But the villages had a lot of problems in order to curb and tame these monsters. Therefore, it was decided to seal the tailed in people (dzhinchurikiki) to use their strength as a weapon and to protect civilians.

In order not to attempt to betray the native village and escape, the people from among Kage's relatives (the ruler of the village) were chosen for his receptacle.

Nevertheless, few of the Ginchurik were able to completely subjugate the caudate demon.

During the Fourth World War, Shinobi members of the Akatsuk organization collected tailed ones. Their goal was to revive the ten-tailed.


This beast appeared one of the first in the anime "Naruto". One-tailed, or Shukaku, can control sand, in true form is similar to a raccoon-like dog with dark blue marks. He has a very unpredictable and playful character.

The fourth Kazekage ordered to seal the One-tail in the body of Gaara, even before his birth. In the first season, the biju and his jinchurik appear during the Chuinin exam. In the battle with Sasuke, Gaara loses control over himself and finds himself in the power of the One-Tail. Shukaku completely takes possession of his master's body. Stop the bija was able only Naruto, prompting Gaara from trance.

In the second season, the Akatsuki recover Shukaku from the body of Gaara, killing the latter. But the oldest villages of Peska and Naruto manage to return Gaara to life. Shukaku is sealed in a huge statue of Gedo Mazo.


This bija rarely appeared in the anime "Naruto". The dusky looks like a blue cat with a fire-like body, its right eye is yellow, and the left one is green. His name is Nibi. He is able to control the fire and invoke the dead.

Jinchuriki Nibi was Yugito Niya from the village of the Cloud. Unlike the other Ginchurik, she was not an outcast among her fellow tribesmen because she had a bija enclosed in her. The members of Akatsuki Hidan and Kakuzu caught Yugito and extracted Nibi from her body. At the time of extraction, the Ginchurik was killed.

During the Fourth World War, Ninobi shinobi was again infused into the body of Yugito. This was done by Toby to defeat Naruto and the Eighth Tail with Bee.


Tailed demons from Naruto differ in their appearance, characters and abilities. So, Sanbi Three-tailed, looks like a gray-purple shell tortoise. This bijuu owns the techniques of water, and can also create a fog filled with his Chakra, which sends hallucinations to those who fall into it.

Originally Sanjee's jinchuriki was Yagura, the Fourth Mizukage. However, for unknown reasons, in the second season it was shown that the Three-tailed veins on the bottom of a large lake, not locked in the human body. Shinobi Konoha planned to capture Sanbi. But in the midst of the operation, members of Akatsuki appeared. As a result, the bija was caught by Dadara, and the ninja of the Hidden Leaf could not stop him. As a result, Sanbi was sealed, like Dvuhvosty.


In the second season I managed to get acquainted with all the tailed Naruto. Season 1, however, is rather poor in bijou. There are only One-tailed and Nine-tailed, whose genie is Naruto himself.

Acquaintance of the protagonist with the rest of the tailed in the 2 nd season began with the Four-tailed. His name is Son Goku and he takes on the appearance of a huge gorilla. This bija can use acidic techniques and manages lava. His dzhinchurikiki was Rosi from the village of the Hidden Rock, who enjoyed the ability of a bija to control the lava. Son Goku was also extracted from the human shell.

Naruto met the Four-tail during the battle with Toby, when he called the prisoners in the statue of Gedo Mazo Biju and forced them to fight on their side, having previously put the tailed ones in their dzhinchurikiki.

Naruto managed to free him from Toby's influence, but later he was again sealed in the statue.


The Fur-tailed, or Cocouau, has the form of a connected dolphin and a horse of white color. He owns five elements, but he can only use one for the attack. This biju is called the god of illusions and considers him the ancestor of all genjitsu. Is one of the strongest caudate, above it - only Gyuki and Kurama.

When Kokou was caught and sealed by the Shinobi of the Hidden Rock. His dzhinchurikiki became Khan. Who was defeated by members of Akatsuki in his time, then his caudate was removed from his body. Sam Khan was killed, but was resurrected during the Fourth World War shinobi.

With this bija also met during the fight Naruto. Tailed animals always treated people with mistrust, and gradually began to hate them for the fact that they tried to subordinate them. The Five-Hearts is a vivid example of such hatred. Even though he was constrained by Toby, he was able to resist him and tried to attack. After that, Toby had to reduce his strength.


The spectator got acquainted with this bija only in the 2nd season of "Naruto". Season 1 did not say much about the tail, except for Kurama.

Six-tailed or Rokubi (in other translations Siken) looks like a huge caudate slug of light blue color. In incomplete transformation, Rokubi has antennae that serve the eyes of the biju. The tail is able to change its shape, thus freeing itself from seizure. Allocates the body with an acid that can dissolve anything. After a complete transformation has very short front legs, so he uses tails in close combat. Allocates corrosive gas, which destroys and splits all living things.

Rokubi originally owned the village of Mist, and sealed the bija was in the body of Utakata, who owned an improved genome and applied the technique of soap bubbles. Utakata was hiding from the AMBU in his village and was accused of killing his teacher. Because of the persecution, he was left alone and became easy prey for Akatsuki. Also was resurrected and called Toby during the war.


Tailed from "Naruto" strongly differ from each other externally. Choumei (Nanabi in other translations), or Semihvosty, has the appearance of a blue-green beetle-rhinoceros. He has 6 legs with red eyes covered with a protective film. His tails resemble the huge wings of an insect. Like all tailed Choomei has a huge Chakra reserve. He is able to fly thanks to wings-tails, his physical attacks resemble attacks of insects - he bites zhvalami. He is able to create a cocoon of Chakra threads, which not only blocks the opponent, but also hinders the techniques of Chakra absorption. Due to the fact that the Choomei is covered with a hard shell, it is capable of withstanding unbelievable blows.

The seven-tailed has a pretty cheerful disposition and considers himself lucky. Unlike his fellow men, he does not so aggressively treat people and does not have as much hatred for them as, for example, Kurama.

This bija belonged to the village of the hidden Falls. His dzhinchurikiki was a girl named Fu. He was also caught by Akatsuki and sealed in a statue of Gedo Mazo.


Gjuki (in other translations of Khachibi) is not at all like the rest of the tail of Naruto. His distinctive feature is that he is the first of the bija, who was able to find a common language with his gyncurik and make friends.

Gjuki looks like a huge lilac octopus, connected with a bull. His tails look like tentacles. He has incredible physical strength. Can create ink to blind enemies and hide. Also, Biju creates ink clones.

This tailed was always owned by the village of the hidden Cloud. The Jinchuriki of the eight-tailed is Killer Bee. According to Gyuki himself, before meeting with Bee, he was completely wild, but later he was able to change and become better. The attachment of the biju to his dzhinchurikiki was so strong that he sacrificed one of his tentacles to replace his body when he was attacked by Akatsuki.

However, before the Bee, not one Ginchurik was able to completely take control of the eight-tailed. Therefore, he often went out of control and the rajkage with a team of elite shinobi had to calm him and seal it again.

Gyuki, along with Bee, fought on the side of the shinobi alliance against Toby and Uchiha Madara.


Naruto is the ginchuriki of the nine-tailed. He is also called Demon Fox, Kyuubi and Kurama. This is the strongest bija, except for the Ten-Tails itself. He looks like a huge fox with black bands around his eyes. He controls the fire, can create vortices with the help of his tails.

Kurama is not only the strongest, but also the most cunning, clever and quirky. He hates people, since all who were his dzhinchurikiki, tried to keep him and shackle.

Prior to Naruto, his mother Kushina was the repository of the bija, but during the birth the seal that held the fox weakened. Then Kyuubi got freedom and immediately came under the control of Madara, who forced him to attack the village of the hidden Liszt. Parents Naruto at the cost of their lives was again able to seal Kurama, placing in the body of his son. Despite the fact that only half of the Chakra was sealed in Naruto, Kurama remained the strongest of all tailed.

Naruto became an outcast because of who was placed in it. However, the truth from the hero for a long time hid. He learned it only after the first time he took on the face of a fox during a fight.

Initially, the biju was hostile to his Ginchurik and was trying to take control over his body. But in the midst of the Fourth World War, Kurama took sides with Narutu and voluntarily teamed up with him.

Interesting Facts

There is a shinobi, his name is Kisame Hoshigaki, who was nicknamed a badge without a tail for a huge amount of Chakra. Dimensions of the Chakra of the 4th rayagh also can be compared with the level of the caudate.

Among all the bija, only Kurama can be invoked with the help of the technique of invocation.

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