
Surprising nearby: the river Tobol and its sights

Russia is an aquatic power. Many large and small rivers, lakes, seas and even ocean waves splash about its shores. Mother Volga, Don-father, gray-haired Irtysh, majestic Tobol - the names can be listed for a long time. Each reservoir has its own history, a glorious biography and many interesting facts that old residents of those places can share.

Name and geographical coordinates

What is unusual about the Tobol River? First of all, the geographical position. It flows through the two largest states of Eurasia - Russia and Kazakhstan. In Kazakh, its name sounds close to the Russian version - Tobyl. The ancient handsome man pours his water into the Irtysh, being its left tributary. The Tobol River has an impressive length - almost 1591 km. Equally impressive is the total catchment area. It has, no less, 426 thousand kilometers. The Tobol River is associated with a huge number of lakes - more than 20 000. Its sources should be sought near Bozbi and Kokkektysai. It was the merger of these rivers that gave birth to Tobyl - on the eastern borders of Yuzhnouralsk and Kostanay oblast (Kazakhstan). Gathering strength, spreading in breadth, the river Tobol flows further along the expanses of Western Siberia.

Natural characteristics

The water is mixed. In the upper reaches it is due to the melting of snow and ice. The lower the descent along the riverbed, the more the water level in the Tobol River depends on the rain that spills in those localities. The flood season therefore begins at the source in April, the first half of it, when spring actively enters into its own rights. Continues until around June 1-2. In the lower reaches , the water level in the Tobol River is replenished until the first half of August. In addition to natural, natural factors, the complex of reservoirs, the degree of flow / intake of water in them has a serious influence on it. With the onset of cold weather, from late October to November, Tobol ice is usually covered with ice. Melting occurs in mid-April. Also, the level of the Tobol River is determined by its left tributaries - Ui and Iset (small), Tura and Tavda, playing the role of important navigable arteries of Siberia. The right tributary of the river is Ubagan. Tobolskoye bed is rather winding, and the flow of water is smooth, calm.

National economic importance

This "blue artery" of the country is interesting in many ways. In the period of high water along it large lots are melted by the forest. Shipping is of regional importance and is active until frost. The way of other transport means of water of passenger and cargo type extends to 430 km from the mouth. Wonderful nature, good ecological background, developed tourist infrastructure and a lot of medical and recreational organizations make these places extremely popular among fans to travel, actively rest, fish, go in for water sports or just lie on the hot Urals-Siberian summer sun, and have plenty of fun. According to people experienced, fishing on the Tobol and most of its lakes, as well as tributaries, is excellent. Of the fish there are the pride of Russian ponds - pike, as well as yazi, bream, perch, roach, carp and many others.

Well-known settlements of the basin

One of the largest cities on the river is Tobolsk (Tyumen region). It was laid exactly at the place where the Tobol flows into the Irtysh. The history of the city is connected with the dramatic events of the development of Siberia, the conquest of its expanses by Russian pioneers, the Ermak Cossacks. During the 16-18 centuries Tobolsk was the main administrative, commercial, political, military center of the province. And in the local prison there was a lot of time convict Fyodor Dostoyevsky. No less famous is Kurgan, which belongs to the Urals Federal District. He is younger than his "big brother" for almost a century. In general, the city brought scientific achievements in the field of medicine, military equipment, engineering made in the 20th century. In Kurgan, he founded his famous clinic of traumatology, Professor Elizarov.

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