HealthAlternative Medicine

Surk fat: instructions for use and reviews

Everyone wants to be healthy and have much to do in life, but there are days that are knocked out of the habitual rhythm due to illness, and one has to spend a lot of time lying in bed or worse - in the hospital room. To strengthen immunity and to be healthy, there is one reliable remedy - marmot fat. Let's consider its properties in more detail in this article.

Why take marmalade? Healing properties

In the Urals and Siberia, it has been used for a long time to prevent and treat various diseases. Local residents consider it irreplaceable in medicine. Scientists have done a lot of research for a long time and came to the conclusion that marmot fat is an absolutely safe product. Its medicinal properties are even better than those of fish oil and badger. Marmots - very picky animals, their diet consists of organic products: herbs, roots, seeds of various plants. Therefore, their fat contains a huge amount of nutrients.

Groundhog fat is used to treat such diseases:

  • Cold.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Dystrophy.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Rickets.
  • Asthma.
  • For therapeutic massage.
  • General exhaustion.

If you take fat regularly, it helps to get rid of sputum and cough. It acts very well on the intestinal microflora and heals a lot of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. All fats, including marmalade, have a good sedative effect. Its use is recommended for spasms and colic.

How to Take Groundhog Oil

Take the marmalade fat should be on an empty stomach, an hour before eating.

For the treatment of colds, adults need to take one tablespoon of fat three times a day until they get rid of the disease. Children just the same, only one teaspoon.

For the treatment of tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia: adults - from one to three table spoons three times a day for one month, then you need to take a short break for two weeks or a month and, if necessary, re-take a course of treatment. Children take one to two teaspoons.

To treat ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it should be taken as in the treatment of respiratory tract diseases.

With such diseases as polyarthritis and rheumatism, fat needs to rub the sore spots. The effect of this procedure comes very quickly. Two or three days will pass, and there will be no pain. Fat can be treated with wounds. Despite the fact that the positive effect of the marmot oil is felt after a few days, full recovery is possible only after the entire course of treatment, the duration of which can reach from 10 to 30 days.

Young children do not like to take various medicines, especially fats, this also applies to the marmot. So that the child can take a remedy, it must be mixed with warm milk and honey. And also you can make a sandwich with black bread and drink it with sweet tea with raspberries or rose hips.

Contraindications for use

The use of marmal oil is not recommended for people who are forbidden to eat any fats. And also depending on the individual characteristics of the organism (allergy to certain components that make up the composition). It is forbidden to eat groundworm fat people:

  • Pregnant or lactating.
  • With violations and liver diseases.
  • People who have problems with biliary tract.

Be sure when using this product you need to pay attention to its freshness: if the fat is spoiled, then it will cause serious harm to the body.

Beneficial features

The most important plus of this fat is that it is absorbed by the body by 100%. It contains a large number of essential microelements, organic acids and vitamins. Surk fat improves protein metabolism and speeds up blood circulation. Very useful for the digestive system. Eliminates colic and spasms, improves immunity.

This medicinal product is compared by its properties with fish and badger fat, but it not only does not concede to them, but it exceeds them many times. This product contains a large number of such useful substances as omega-3 and -6. It helps to restore the body as soon as possible after the surgical intervention, and also after recovery from any illnesses. It has a positive effect on the skin, it smooths it, for this reason it is actively used in cosmetology.

Surk fat: application for burns and skin care

With burns

First you need to take a sterile gauze, moisten in clean water and rub it with the affected area of the skin. So he will cool. After that, grease it with grease. If the skin lesion is extensive, then it is necessary to moisten the cheesecloth in fat and apply a bandage.

Skin care

Here everything is very simple, you need to add fat to them before using your funds. A small amount of time will pass, and the appearance of the skin will noticeably improve. It will become elastic and elastic, and wrinkles are easily smoothed out. This homemade cream with the addition of marmal grease perfectly copes with pimples and various rashes on the skin.


Many people, having experienced the properties of this therapeutic product, speak of its high quality and usefulness. But there are those who do not tolerate the smell of not only marmot and fish, but all similar fats and categorically do not want to experience its medicinal properties. Most people claim that fat is coping well with the treatment of various respiratory diseases. He helped many people solve problems with the skin after childbirth.

For some reason, many people have tried fat, most of them from rural areas, although it is very useful to the inhabitants of cities. There are people who suffered from diseases of the digestive system and were treated only with medicines, once having tried to heal the grease on the advice of acquaintances, got rid of serious diseases and did not want to use medicines anymore. Even some doctors advise using fat for the prevention and treatment of both respiratory and gastrointestinal organs. Or as a means of skin care.

Useful properties of marmal oil have long been known and found their application in folk medicine long before the appearance of medications.

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