
Sowing for sensitivity to antibiotics: decoding. Sensitivity to antibiotics: the essence of the analysis

Diseases, both serious, and not too much, much to our regret, are by no means a rarity. In the fight against certain diseases, we can not do without antibiotics. Their application is evaluated in different ways. Doctors divided into two camps: their supporters and their opponents. If you have a need to use antibiotics, you first need to find out how your body will perceive them. This can be done by sowing on the sensitivity to antibiotics. Decoding of the analysis will clear everything up.

What it is?

This procedure is based on the fact that each group of microorganisms living in our organs has sensitivity to a group of antibiotics. Sensitivity is manifested in stopping their growth and reproduction, which ultimately leads to the death of these microorganisms. Based on this analysis, it is concluded which antibiotics will be more effective in combating specific bacteria.

What is the analysis, its decoding?

Sensitivity to antibiotics - what is it? Now there are three ways to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics:

  • Diffuse;
  • Bacteriological analyzer;
  • Serial dilution.

The first is that the test preparation is sprayed into the medium created by the paper disks.

The second method is mainly based on the bacteriological analysis performed, the sensitivity of microorganisms to the antibiotic is revealed, the result is recorded in a special table, and its decoding takes place. Sensitivity to antibiotics becomes clear for a specialist.

The third method is considered the most accurate. With its use, bacteria are to be serially diluted in broth from an antibiotic.

In general, regardless of the method chosen, the essence of the analysis is reduced to the fact that the causative agent of the disease is isolated in its pure form and its reaction to one or another antibiotic is carried out, the sensitivity of the microflora to antibiotics is elucidated. The interpretation of this analysis in these aspects is extremely important.

What is it based on?

It is extremely important to do the analysis on the basis of sterile liquids of organs or tissues, from which the pathogen is taken. They include:

  • blood;
  • Spinal cord fluid;
  • Urine;
  • Microflora of the vagina;
  • Microflora of the urethra.

The result of the analysis is a list of antibiotics to which the microorganism under investigation was or was not sensitive. This result is provided in the form of a list, called an antibioticogram. As the measuring unit used, the minimum amount of medicine that is needed to destroy the microorganism causing the disease is used.

Types of microorganisms

Conventionally, all microorganisms can be divided into three groups. The division is based on antibiotic resistance.

You can distinguish:

  • Sensitive pathogens;
  • Moderately resistant pathogens;
  • Resistant pathogens.

In order to cause the death of sensitive microorganisms, the usual dose of the drug will suffice. For a moderately stable microorganism, a maximum dose of an antibiotic will be required. And to fight with resistant microorganisms will not help and the maximum possible dose of antibiotic.

Based on the result of the analysis, when it was decoded, antibiotic sensitivity was identified, the doctor understands what dosage of the drug should be prescribed to the patient. In addition, he comes to the conclusion about the most effective drug and the duration of the course of treatment.

However, it must be taken into account that the sensitivity of the pathogen from the tube and the sensitivity of the pathogen in the body may differ. This difference is in the number of microorganisms in the body as a whole.

Unfortunately, there is no way that analysis could be performed directly from the body.

Therefore, despite the rather high accuracy of the analysis, it must be remembered that the revealed sensitivity to the drug does not always coincide with the actual sensitivity of the patient's body. Based on this, the doctor must monitor the use of the medicine so that the treatment is not wasted.

Urine-Based Analysis

As it was said earlier, the analysis should be carried out on the basis of sterile excretions of organisms. Urine is the first one.

Urinalysis is indicated for patients with diseases in the urinary system.

Symptoms of such diseases include:

  • Pain when urinating;
  • Pain in the lumbar region;
  • Disturbances in the process of urination;
  • Changes in the results of urine tests;
  • Reaction to the use of antibiotics in organs responsible for urination.

In order to conduct such an analysis, you will need a morning portion of urine. It must be collected in a special sterile container. This capacity can both be bought and used any suitable household capacity, for example, a simple small jar. However, it must be sterilized before use.

When collecting, do not need to use the first drops of urine and the last. This is how the most concentrated microorganisms, if any, will fall on the analysis.

A doctor should be warned if antibiotics were taken several days before the sample was taken. They can cause a false result.

The analysis will take up to ten days. The duration of the study depends on the microorganisms. During these ten days urine will be subjected to a series of tests, as a result of which the doctor will get an idea of the causative agent of the disease, its sensitivity and the antibiotic with which the most effective treatment will be carried out.

Blood-Based Analysis

Like urine-based analysis, an analysis of sensitivity to antibiotics, deciphering it on the basis of blood helps to understand whether the patient has pathogens of a disease.

Blood also refers to sterile body secretions, it is often used in analyzes.

It should be taken before the patient started taking antibiotics. If the collection was carried out after, the results may be false.

The collection is made from the vein. The amount varies from five to ten milliliters.

After the blood was taken, it is placed in a special bottle, in which a bacteria-friendly medium is prepared. The crop is sown for sensitivity to antibiotics. The analysis is analyzed after the completion of the process.

The results of the analysis are clarified sixteen or eighteen hours later. Time varies depending on the type of pathogen. Ultimately, it is determined by the moment when its growth becomes obvious.

So the type of pathogen is determined, after which the stability test begins.

The results of a blood test can be as follows:

  • In the blood there are no pathogens;
  • One type of pathogen was found;
  • Several types of pathogens.

The analysis and its decoding, the sensitivity to antibiotics in which it is indicated, are transmitted to the doctor, and that on their basis determines the type of treatment, the drug, its dosage.

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