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Sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy. Pain in the abdomen during pregnancy

It's no secret that the time when a woman expects a child is the most beautiful in her life. During this period, the body of the fair sex undergoes enormous changes. That is why the sensations in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy can be quite diverse. Some women have no signs of conception and any complaints about a particular condition.

Conception and the onset of pregnancy

To begin with it is necessary to tell, how conception occurs. Approximately in the middle of the female cycle, the lady releases the cell from the follicle. After this, the egg that was born and ready for fertilization begins to move along the fallopian tubes towards the genital organ. It is here that she can meet with a sperm. After the confluence of these two components, continuous cell division begins.

When a new organism reaches the uterine muscle, the cells enter into its inner layer. From this moment, one can consider the conception to be fulfilled.

How is the period of pregnancy divided?

The stages of pregnancy are different. There are three in total. These temporal segments are called trimester and last for an average of 8 to 12 weeks.

At each stage of the pregnancy, the doctor assigns the woman appropriate research. They can include carrying out an ultrasound examination, taking a smear from the vagina, a blood test for possible fetal pathologies. Also in the third trimester the gynecologist studies pregnancy with the help of the CTG apparatus. During the procedure, the baby's heartbeats are measured.

The third period of bearing the baby ends with childbirth. After this, the fetus becomes a person and can already breathe, hear and see independently, but he still needs a mother.

Sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy

Many women experience new sensations during this period. To begin with it is necessary to tell, what terms of pregnancy early, and what - late. Pregnancy of a small period is diagnosed up to 8 weeks, which is approximately the first two months since the last menstrual period. It is during this time interval that the expectant mother can mark new sensations in the abdomen. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman's well-being can vary greatly. Consider the most frequent sensations a woman experiences.

During ovulation

At this point in time, a fair sex representative can talk about feeling rasprazyuschie or pressing pain on the left or right. This is explained by the growth of the follicle and the increase in the ovary. Of course, pregnancy at this time has not yet occurred, but with a positive result, this time interval will be included in the period of bearing of the child.

Immediately during the rupture of the follicle, the lady can note a sharp cutting pain on one side. After this, some women note the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital tract.

During the period of fertilization

Some representatives of the fair sex argue that the sensation in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy they began exactly from the moment of fertilization of the egg. Most likely, this is just self-hypnosis, since no one can tell exactly exactly when the two cells merged.

Usually this process is not accompanied by any special feelings. Human cells are so small that their initial division does not give any symptoms or symptoms.

Implantation period

After the male cell met with the female, the pregnancy begins to develop and progress in days. Every day, with a new organism, enormous changes and transformations take place.

When a fetal egg reaches the genital organ, it enters the endometrium and remains in its place all subsequent periods of its development. At this point, a woman can feel that something is going on in her body. Also this process can remain absolutely unnoticed.

Statistics argue that special sensations in this period are noted by those women who planned and expected conception. Such representatives of the fair sex say that they feel minor pulling pain. Other women admit that they felt tingling in the uterus. Similar to the period of ovulation, at this point the woman can mark minor spotting spotting from the vagina. They are explained by the fact that during the introduction of cells into the wall of the uterus, the smallest blood vessels and capillaries are damaged.

Lower pain in pregnancy

A lot of women all over the world complain of various painful feelings during pregnancy. Most of them are in the early stages. When the embryo grows and the pregnancy progresses by the day, the uterus stretches. This is one of the reasons for such complaints. However, it is necessary to know all the reasons why in pregnancy (early terms) pulls the stomach. Similar complaints can also be in the middle of fetal development or before childbirth.

The threat of interruption of embryo development

It's not a secret for anyone that most of the miscarriages and fading of the embryo occur at an early time. This is due to the fact that in this time period there is a so-called natural selection. If the fetus has any abnormalities in genetics or an incorrect set of chromosomes, then it simply ceases to develop.

This condition can be accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations, which jeopardize pregnancy. The back during this period also can remind of itself. During the reduction of the genital organ, a woman feels heaviness in her lower back.

Lack or excess of some hormones

The table of pregnancy (hormones) indicates how much of a substance should be kept in the blood of a woman at different periods of gestation. With some deviations from the norm, the fair sex can experience pain in the lower segment of the abdomen and back.

In most cases, future mothers face a shortage of progesterone. This hormone is produced by the yellow body, which is formed in the ovary after rupture of the follicle. The released substance maintains the normal tone of the genital organ and does not allow it to shrink and reject the fetal egg. With a small amount of this hormone, there is an involuntary contraction of the uterine muscle and detachment of the fetal egg.

If you do not take measures in time and do not carry out the necessary treatment, then an independent termination of pregnancy can occur. That is why when these symptoms appear, it is necessary to pass the necessary tests and find out the content in the blood of the future mother of these or other hormones.

The table of pregnancy and the content of hormones will tell you how much there should be substances in the blood of a woman in a certain period of pregnancy.

Growth of genital organ

Sometimes the pain in the lower segment of the abdominal cavity can be caused by the growth of the uterus. It is worth saying that during fertilization, she is happy with the little one. Pregnancy causes this body to grow and stretch, changing its habitual position.

With the increase of the uterine muscle adjacent organs are displaced: the ovaries, fallopian tubes and intestines. On later terms, there is a shift in some other structures of the human body: kidneys, stomach, liver and spleen.

Such a process can be accompanied by drawing pains. It is worth noting that this condition is not pathology and does not require any treatment.

Also, from the pains in the lower abdomen, women suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease or any surgical intervention may suffer. In most cases, such pathologies do not pass without a trace and cause the formation of an adhesion process. With the growth of the uterus, thin films stretch and tear. This leads to quite strong and sharp pains. They can be pulling, pressing or cutting. At the same time, no treatment is prescribed for a woman, except for resting and taking sedatives.

Ectopic pregnancy

In early terms (about four weeks) pregnancy with ultrasound can not be diagnosed. However, during this period, a woman can complain of drawing pains from one side or the other side of the abdomen. In some cases, this may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy. In detecting such a pathology, it should be eliminated as soon as possible, since the consequences can be irreparable and lead to death.

How can I diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early term? Quite often to learn about such pathology helps the analysis of blood on definition of hormone hCG. Also, in the absence of severe pain in a woman, a doctor may choose to wait and see tactics. With the strengthening of sensations and deterioration of well-being, a woman undergoes an emergency operation, during which a pathological pregnancy is eliminated, trying to preserve all the reproductive organs. Ectopic pregnancy can develop in the ovary, fallopian tubes or in the abdominal cavity.

Pathological processes

In some cases, unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be a symptom of various pathologies that have nothing to do with the woman's presence in an interesting position.

Problems with the intestines

During the bearing of the baby, the woman relaxes all the muscles of the abdominal cavity. This is necessary in order to avoid spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Since the intestine is also a muscle, its peristalsis can be significantly reduced. This leads to constipation and the accumulation of gases. Such a condition gives a woman not only discomfort, but also pulling the pain in the lower abdomen.

This state is easily adjusted. A suitable diet and a mild laxative are prescribed for a woman whose reception is permitted during pregnancy.

Inflammatory diseases

During the gestation of a child in the fair sex immunity decreases. This occurs mainly at the earliest possible date. Nature has done this so that the woman's body does not perceive the fetus as an alien body and does not reject it.

During this period, the lady can feel the pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are a symptom of the development of inflammation of the bladder, ovaries or uterus. Such pathology should be cured, as it can have a negative impact on the growth and development of the embryo.

Pathology requiring surgical intervention

Sometimes during pregnancy a woman may have a disease that requires surgery. They can also give symptoms such as traumatic or aching pain in the back and lower segment of the abdominal cavity.

A pregnant woman may experience the formation of a large cyst or torsion of her legs. Also, a woman may be affected by appendicitis or peritonitis. All these pathologies are rare, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, but they are not excluded.

If a decision is made to perform a surgical intervention, then the most gentle method is chosen. In most cases, this is a laparoscopy. The doctor conducts the operation as accurately as possible, trying not to touch the genital organ and keep the pregnancy.

Pain in late pregnancy

If you are quite close to the date of birth, then the pulling pain in the lower abdomen may indicate that you will soon become a mother. If the fetus is already full, then there is no reason to worry, but it's worth calling your doctor and telling him about your health.

If the child is not already full, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Especially if the pain sensations increase and acquire a cramping character. You may need to be on hospitalization for a while before feeling better. All this is necessary in order to maintain pregnancy and deliver the baby before the deadline.


If you are in an interesting position and experience pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to visit the specialist leading your pregnancy as soon as possible. It may be that pregnancy and your health are at risk. It can also become clear that your pains are physiological and do not have any threat to you and your future baby.

Treat your health especially carefully during pregnancy. Regularly visit a specialist and discuss with him all the questions that concern you. Do not hesitate to ask the doctor about everything that interests you. Be healthy, and easy for you to give birth!

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