
Scarlet fever in children: timely treatment of recovery

A few decades ago it was believed that scarlet fever is the most terrible disease that takes many children's lives. But even today, when there are drugs designed to treat this disease, it can provoke serious complications. Therefore, at the slightest doubt, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

What is scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever in children is an infectious disease caused by streptococcus. In most cases, it affects children, sometimes - adults who do not have immunity to the virus. Streptococcus, getting into the blood, secretes poison, which causes symptoms of the disease.

The source of infection is a sick person. Infection occurs when touched, through inhaled contaminated air and during the use of various items (toys, linens, etc.). In rare cases, the disease occurs through third parties. Patients are most infectious in the first days of infection, but doctors claim the danger of infection from the 1st to the 22nd day of the disease.

The epidemiological process is characterized by recessions and upsurge that take place every 4 years. The virus is mostly detected in the autumn - winter period.

How to recognize the disease?

Let's look at how scarlet fever manifests itself. As a rule, the latent period of infection is up to 11 days. After the expiration of this time, the following symptoms appear:

  1. General malaise
  2. Temperature rise up to 40 * С
  3. Vomiting opens and nausea begins
  4. There is a sore throat
  5. There is an increase in lymph nodes
  6. As a rule, a small, pinkish rash appears in the axillary regions, on the chest, abdomen, extremities and neck a day later.

The main sign that indicates the presence of the disease is an unnaturally pale nasolabial triangle. There is such a factor as severe sore throat caused by inflamed tonsils. The disease on the 8th day begins to recede - the temperature decreases, pains decrease, and the skin begins to peel off. After a couple of days, pronounced ecdysis subsides. It is worth remembering, scarlet fever in children, the incubation period which is up to 8 days, can lead to serious consequences, for example to rheumatism.

What can be complications?

Early complications caused by bacteria, can be the following - sinusitis, otitis media, spetcopyemia. At the end of the second or at the beginning of the third week, late complications may occur, caused primarily by an allergic reaction - nephritis and synovitis. Usually, scarlet fever in children begins to recede at 3 or 4 weeks, less often at week 2 of the disease.

Treatment of the disease

The need for hospitalization is determined by the symptoms of the attending physician. In the mandatory stationary regime, children with severe illness, as well as children who are ill in closed groups and who do not have the opportunity to be treated at home, are in need. Treatment of scarlet fever of mild and medium form in children can be done at home.

To prevent possible complications, the child during the entire period of rashes and after it to 5 days requires bed rest. Painful children should strictly follow the prescribed diet, which consists of consumed and cooked food in a liquid or semi-liquid consistency. The child needs an abundant drink, which allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body. After passing through the acute period, you can transfer the child to a normal diet.

The scarlet fever in children requires immediate antibacterial treatment. To date, staphylococci remain sensitive to the penicillin group, so at home, drugs are used in the form of tablets, and in the hospital - injections. If a child shows an intolerance to antibiotics-penicillins, then prescribe the drug erythromycin.

In addition to antibacterial therapy, antiallergic agents such as suprastin, diazolinum are prescribed. To treat angina, rinse with chamomile, sage, calendula or furatsilin.

Immunity of a healthy child, who had suffered an early illness, copes well with the virus. However, the repeated development of scarlet fever causes factors that reduce the child's immune system (colds, injuries, etc.).

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