Arts & Entertainment, Music
Pavel Egorov - biography and creativity
Outstanding pianists to their success went from the very childhood. Pavel Egorov was born in difficult post-war years, but he was able to overcome all the difficulties of that time and is now one of the most famous performers of classical music. His work was recognized not only in Russia, but also in Poland, where he received the title of Honored Worker of Culture.
Later, already in 1980 (at the age of 32) he graduated from the Leningrad Conservatory, which is famous for the quality of his education. After receiving additional qualifications, the master of the scene begins to perform at many major music competitions. Now he is a member of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society and an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Pavel Egorov was actively engaged in research work, the main theme of which was the work of a favorite composer. The result of this work was the release of the complete collection of works by Schumann in seven volumes. In 2010, in honor of the bicentenary of Robert Schumann's Birthday, Yegorov held a marathon concert lasting about seven to eight hours (in the press and sources different times are mentioned).
Teaching Activities
Now Pavel Yegorov is an outstanding teacher, for master classes to which queues from performers in different countries of the world are built. He annually visits Belgium, Germany, Taiwan, Holland and Sweden, where he gives several lessons for pianists. At one time the master worked abroad at the universities of Seoul and Daegu.
The most visited of his master classes are those that he leads in Rome. Every year La scuola Russa collects a large number of eminent musicians. During the time of teaching in Russia Pavel Yegorov released several famous pianists. For example, Dmitry Efimov now works as an accompanist at the Mariinsky Theater, and Yury Posolomakov received the first prize of the Rakhmaninov Competition. Other students reached no lesser heights.
Now in the artist's collection there are also author's records. He is often invited to professional recording studios with world-wide names, for example, several times he performed classical works for Sony. The result of one of the works at the Sony studio was the disc "57 Chopin Mazurkas". At studios they like Pavel Grigorievich for an interesting style of performing classics with the appropriate improvisations and constant search for a new variation. In recent years, it has become increasingly spoken of as one of the most subtle performers of Chopin. He could feel the works of the great composer and breathe life into them. At the same time, he does not use excessive expression in his performance, but maintains a balanced sound.
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