
Passage of the fallopian tubes

Today, quite a lot of families face the problem of infertility. The most common cause is the obstruction of the pipes. It is in them that the fertilization of the egg takes place, and then they push it into the uterus. Therefore, inspection of the fallopian tubes for patency is the most important stage in the examination of infertility.

There are several ways that you can do this. However, the most common are hysterosalpingography (GAS) and laparoscopy. At the first method, a special substance is introduced into the uterus, and X-rays are taken.

They allow us to establish the patency of the fallopian tubes and to detect many pathologies of the uterus and endometrium (polyps, adenomyosis, the presence of saddle, two-parted, unilateral, septum). The disadvantages of this study are the patient's painful feelings, false results, radiation load on the small pelvis.

After the procedure, the probability of pregnancy is increased due to the washing effect. There are cases when conception comes after infertility. Experts believe that this happens, as small spikes disappear.

However, in the cycle with GAS it is recommended to be protected due to irradiation. Active attempts should be started after menstruation. Pregnancy, occurring in the cycle with the GHA, is often interrupted by itself, or doctors recommend it. However, there are cases when women refused, and healthy babies were born.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to take an antispasmodic and anesthetic. The fact is that the spasm of the tubes, which is a reaction to getting a contrast agent in them, can look like obstruction.

The ultrasound GHA is used less often. It has less accuracy, but excludes irradiation and is considered less painful. The substance is injected into the uterus and ultrasound is performed.

In both studies, the patency of the fallopian tubes is indicated by the appearance of contrast in the abdominal cavity. The GHA plus the X-ray is the presence of pictures that can be shown to other specialists.

It is very important before these procedures to make a smear on the flora. In the presence of inflammation, inspection of pipes for patency in such ways is unacceptable, as this can contribute to its spread and aggravate the situation.

Obstruction arises from the presence of adhesions. They can be both in the pipes themselves and in the small pelvis. There are spikes due to inflammation, especially chronic, as well as surgical interventions and endometriosis.

An important advantage of laparoscopy is that it provides an opportunity to assess the patency of the fallopian tubes, the condition of other pelvic organs and can go into surgery. The surgeon dissects spikes and cauterizes the foci of endometriosis.

In this case, only a few small incisions are made for the instruments and the endoscope. On the screen, the surgeon watches the operation. The less damaged pipes, the higher the probability of success. In addition, the effectiveness is greater in the presence of external adhesions.

The fact is that the mechanical patency of pipes does not provide pregnancy. With very strong internal damage, it makes no sense to dissect spikes and conduct plastic surgery. Also, if within a year after the intervention the pregnancy did not occur, it is better to switch to IVF. Repeated laparoscopy is ineffective.

In order for the pipes to function properly, they must be properly reduced. In addition, special villi must make fluctuations that promote the movement of the egg. If these mechanisms do not function, then conception becomes impossible. They are violated with a strong change in the mucosa with prolonged chronic inflammation or endometriosis, as well as hormonal disorders and stress.

So, patency of the fallopian tubes is checked first with the help of the GHA, and then, if necessary or doubts, laparoscopy is performed. It is immediately diagnostic and operative manipulation. Surgical laparoscopy is highly effective, especially with small external adhesions, when the mucous tube is not damaged.

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