Arts & Entertainment, Films
Olga Filippova: biography, filmography and the personal life of the actress (photo)
A few years ago, Olga Filippova was a famous theatrical actress. But thanks to natural charm, perseverance and work she managed to build a brilliant film career. In this article we gathered all the necessary information about the actress Olga Filippova. You will find out about what kind of pictures you made. Be sure to disclose and details of her personal life.
Olga Filippova: biography
The future star of theatrical stage, series and cinema was born on January 23, 1977 in the Moscow region. Olga's parents are ordinary people who have nothing to do with acting. My father worked as a courier, and my mother as an accountant. Olga was an obedient and very beautiful child. Therefore, her parents gave her to the modeling agency. Our heroine had many hobbies: vocals, needlework and dances.
Creative way
By the time of graduation, Olga Filippova realized that she wanted to become an actress. Therefore, having received a certificate in her hands, she went to enter the Gnessin School. Our today's heroine was able to pass the competitive selection. She was enrolled in the course of a musical comedy directed by Grigory Gurvich. From the second year Olga began to work in the theater "Moon mouse". She did not achieve any special success in this field. For several years she had only to participate in extras. But Filippova was not worried about this. After all, practice in such a business will never interfere.
In 2001, Olga Filippova offered to become the face of the company "Sukhoi", which produces SU aircraft. The actress agreed. Soon her face was decorated with dozens of billboards installed in major Russian cities.
The popular actress
His film career, Olga Filippova began with small, but memorable roles in such TV series as "Black Raven" and "DMB-002". In 2003 she received a serious proposal from the director Alexander Khvan. He found Olga from the photo at the film studio and immediately realized that she only sees her in the lead role in her new film "Carmen". And he was not mistaken. The actress brilliantly coped with the tasks assigned to her. After the release of this film on the screens she woke up famous. It began to be recognized on the street, in the metro and shops. True, passersby called her not Olga, but Carmen (after the heroine's name). The plot of the film is based on the story of a girl who works out her term at one of the tobacco factories. This wild and disobedient person is different from female prisoners. Thanks to good external data and a daring character, she managed to conquer the heart of the guard.
The work of Olga Filippova in the movie "Carmen" was highly appreciated not only by the audience, but also by specialists in the field of cinema. For the main role in this picture, the actress received a prize at the International Festival Stozhary.
Having survived the deafening success, our heroine hoped that her career would go up by leaps and bounds. But that did not happen. After "Carmen" she was offered small roles in low-budget television series. Some of the proposals she accepted, but most of the screened. Olga wanted to appear in a serious film, which she liked and was remembered by the audience. And soon she was given such an opportunity.
In 2005, Olga Filippova was contacted by director Grigory Zhikharevich. He offered her the lead role in the mini-series called "The Great Walk". The picture turned out to be really dynamic and exciting. The audience appreciated the whole series and the game of Olga in particular. After that, proposals from producers, screenwriters and directors sprang up.
In 2007, Olga Filippova played the main female role in the film "You Can not Give Your Heart". Her character is a sweet and purposeful girl Margo. She is married to a successful businessman. But this does not mean that all of her days pass by the stove or in front of the TV. The girl has an active life position. And she is very smart and calculating.
One of the films that brought Olga popular recognition, was the series "Paradise apples." There she plays a young girl who, after the death of her parents, goes to live with her aunt in the city of Abinsk. By chance, her heroine's name is Carmen. We remind you that Filippova acted in the film with the same name. So, in Muscovite Paul comes to Abinsk along with his parents. Between him and Carmen, deep feelings flare up. Soon they realize that they want to be together. But fate has prepared a lot of serious tests for the protagonists.
Films with Olga Filippova
To date, in the actress's piggy bank - several dozen films. These are the main and secondary roles in TV shows and films. Their list can be continued for a very long time. Therefore, we list only the brightest and most memorable roles of Olga Filippova.
Filmography of Olga Filippova:
- 2004 - "Penalty" (the role of Raiki);
- 2005 - "A long walk (the role of Yana);
- 2007 - "Holiday romance" (Natasha's role);
- 2010 - "Captain Gordeev" (the role of Larisa Kislitskaya);
- 2010 - "The best friend of my husband" (the role of Anna, Boris's mistress);
- 2011 - "In Your Eyes" (role of Nastia Berezina);
- 2011 - "Lecturer" (the role of the nurse of Jeanne);
- 2013 - "Simple Life" (the role of Natalia);
- 2013 - "The Necklace" (the role of Lika).
Olga Filippova: personal life
Our heroine has excellent external data and natural charm. Therefore, she always had admirers among the representatives of the opposite sex. She met with the boys at school and at the institute. But a serious relationship began with Olga 10 years ago, when fate brought her with Vladimir Vdovichenkov. Their meeting took place on the set of the film "Carmen". If you think that it was love at first sight, then you are very wrong. Vladimir came to the shooting, greeted Olga's interlocutor, and she did not pay any attention to her. But the day came when he looked at the young actress with different eyes. Their romance was quite stormy. Soon Vdovichenkov suggested that Filippova live together. In 2005 they had a charming daughter, who was named Veronica.
Rumors of divorce
The last few months have been published that Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Olga Filippova are no longer a couple. They lived in a civil marriage for almost 10 years. Friends and relatives could not get enough of their union, in which love and respect were always in the first place. And now the friendly family is no more. About the causes of the gap does not say neither Vdovichenkov nor Olga Filippova. Photos of Vladimir with a new passion Elena Lyadova (also an actress) are increasingly appearing in magazines.
What is engaged now actress Filippova
Olga is still in demand in the big cinema and on the stage. She makes every effort to develop in a creative way. After the divorce from her husband on her shoulders lay all the responsibilities of bringing up a 9-year-old daughter. The actress tries to devote as much time as possible to her blood. Vladimir often sees Veronica, gives her gifts and attention.
Biography and filmography of Olga Filippova indicate that she is a talented and motivated person. She has several important roles not only in movies, but in life. Olga is a good actress, a caring mother and a kind-hearted person. At the moment, all her free time is occupied by work and family. Personal life automatically moved to the second, and even the third plan. With Vladimir they parted only a few months ago. Therefore, it is still difficult for Olga to open her heart for a new love. Although we should not exclude the fact that very soon on the horizon will be a worthy gentleman. Let's wish Olga great successes in her career and her personal life!
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