BeautySkin care

Oily skin of the face and acne: what to do? Means for care of a problem skin of the face

It's no secret that the skin is an indicator of health. If it is a problem, it is often a question of hormonal disorders. And also about the decrease in immunity, the lack of vitamins and the presence of various diseases. From an aesthetic point of view, a pimply face is a source of suffering, especially at a young age. However, appearance is always important. If it has pumped up, and you, for example, have oily facial skin and acne, what should I do? First of all, do not get upset. Everything is fixable!

What is it about?

So, what exactly does the expression "problem skin" mean? After all, not any greasy shine automatically indicates it. As you know, the secretion of fat is a natural process. Its purpose is to protect the skin from dryness and early wilting. But to rely only on natural lubrication is unreasonable. This type needs at least the others in daily care.

Perhaps you are "lucky" to have dense rough skin with a shiny coating. Then it is unequivocally about salivation exceeding the norm. In this case, you have a fatty skin type, in which you can observe enlarged pores with a lot of black dots - comedones. The reason for their appearance is insufficient facial care.

One procedure for washing and applying cream in this case is clearly not enough. At least such skin regularly needs steam baths and masks from fermented milk products, applied before washing (applied for about a quarter of an hour). Their purpose is to create an acid barrier on the skin as a defense against the spread of bacteria, and, as a result, from acne.

On the consequences

If for some reason fat is not able to stand out on the surface, under the skin it hardens, turning into a cork. These formations are real hotbeds of bacteria, which are of no use to us at all. To fight them, the body throws white blood cells, while the inflammatory process flares up. We see the result in the form of eels.

They are most often subjected to adolescents. But, unfortunately, a pimply face is a sign not only of youth. Acne (acne) is able to reach almost at any age. The main cause of their appearance is the failure of the hormonal system. Increasing the production of male hormones leads to increased salivation.

Dieters may be affected by a changed metabolism. That is why proper nutrition is extremely important if you have oily facial skin and acne. What to do in this case? Necessarily need to eat food containing vitamins and zinc (vegetables, fruits, seafood).

Skin as an indicator of health

Acne can be observed and with deviations in the work of internal organs - liver, intestine, stomach. In case of any malfunctions, toxins and slags try to exit through the pores, which leads to rashes, peeling, and various spots. Oily problem skin, inclined to inflame now and then, brings a lot of trouble. It has an unimportant appearance, looks worse than dry or normal.

It is best to solve problems with such skin in the specialist's office. Without it, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to identify the causes of persistent problems and get rid of acne. An experienced medical cosmetologist will help identify the best way to beauty and health.

In addition to acne and acne, couperose can become a problem. This disease, associated with a violation of blood circulation in the skin, with a characteristic burning, itching, redness. Affected by couperose skin loses its elastic and elastic properties. The cause may be stagnation of blood in the veins, therefore, complex measures should be taken to strengthen the vascular walls and normalize the pressure.

Other reasons

To problems with the skin, in addition, lead to abuse of spicy food, smoking, stress, alcohol, exposure to hot sun rays or the change of time zones. In any case, treatment should include a whole range of procedures, diet and taking special medications.

Another serious disease, characteristic of the dermis, is demodicosis. With it, the skin is affected by small pincers, called staphylococci. Demodecosis often accompanies dermatitis, acne, acne and other serious defects. That's why a doctor's consultation is simply necessary for problems with oily skin.

Oily skin of the face and acne: what to do?

The main thing here is the right care. First of all, you need to clean the fatty skin from the accumulation of fat, dirt, which pores pores. In other words, prevent inflammation. The peculiarity of this type is that because of the fatty coating on the face, usual washing with soap is ineffective. And hot water only provokes the activity of glands and widens the ducts, through which even more fat enters the surface.

The necessary funds for oily skin are special gels or toilet soap. Apply them, usually with a light massage. An important task of caring for such skin is to raise its acid barrier and to stop the vital activity of microbes.

In addition to kefir or whey to create an acidic environment on the surface is capable of table vinegar, added to the water when washing. The same effect will give a pinch of citric acid. After washing, wash your face with a cube of ice and gently pat with a soft towel.

What to use when washing?

Each washing with this type of skin should be accompanied by the use of products that have a disinfectant and drying effect: gels, foams. Special tonics and lotions with salicylic acid and zinc oxide help to tighten the pores. The result of their application will be clean skin.

It is recommended to make water for washing independently, containing hydrogen peroxide, boric acid and infusion of herbs with astringent effect. It's about cornflower, St. John's wort, field horsetail, mother-and-stepmother, sage, ashberry, calendula, nettle or aire.

On the basis of this infusion it is possible to prepare an alcohol mixture (combine the herbs with a spoonful of vodka) and wipe the face with it. If the use of alcohol along with soap leads to peeling or redness, softening is required. Then you should take a hydrogel. Its purpose is to moisturize and soothe the face.

Specialist help

The fight against comedones in most cases requires a deep cosmetic cleansing, which is best performed in the office of a professional cosmetologist. At home, you can make special exfoliating masks that can dissolve the dry scales of the epidermis and eliminate the bacteria-friendly environment. After their application, you will have clean skin, healthy and smooth.

If you are thinking about peeling, know that it can be mechanical (in the form of a scrub) or chemical. Any scrub contains solid crushed additives that literally break off the hardened scales of the skin under mechanical action. The action of chemical peeling is based on the dissolution of dead cells with acid - lemon, milk, fruit.

It will be optimal to perform this procedure one or a couple of times a week. If you do it more often, you can get the opposite effect, since the sebaceous glands will work with a double activity.

Masks - our all

Deep facial cleansing in our time is done very often with masks based on clay - red, blue, yellow or black. This substance is the strongest absorbent. Clay is able to absorb almost any amount of fat from the skin surface. In addition to it, masks include enzymes, acids, antimicrobial additives.

The selected product is abundantly applied to the skin from the center of the face in a circle, slightly massaging. Peeling is held for about 3 minutes, after which it is washed and treated face tonic. Masks - from 10 to 20 minutes. Strong help can also have steam trays. Make them at night. Steam heats the skin and cleans it from comedones. Undressed, it is much better perceives other carers.

Do not forget that the main condition for "education" of problem skin is strict regularity of all necessary procedures. Only consistency and perseverance will help get rid of unhealthy manifestations and enjoy confidence in your own external data.

Acne disease

Rashes can have a different character: in the form of pigment spots, seborrhea, acne or acne. When the infection spreads, the skin becomes inflamed until the formation of furuncles. If you open them, there may be scars.

An impending acne is called acne. Like any other disease, it consists of several specific stages and necessarily requires medical intervention. Its appearance is possible only where the skin contains the sebaceous glands. In addition to the face, such areas include the chest and upper back.

If acne is the reason that you have oily skin and acne, what should you do? Often such a nuisance is hereditary. Parents should teach children proper care of their own skin, especially in adolescence. It is necessary to limit the use of fat cream and cosmetics based on Vaseline and lanolin. It is necessary to get rid of the bad habit of touching your face with your hands. You'll have to learn how to do without make-up, since it can even more tighten the pores.

Rules for those who have skin problems

Used tonics and lotions should not be alcohol-containing, creams - only in the form of emulsions. Any cosmetics for oily skin must combine moisturizing with antibacterial action. In the evening, the cream is applied no later than 2 hours before bedtime, the remains are diligently blotted with a napkin. Bed linen, especially pillow cases, change as often as possible. It is ironed with a hot iron, in particularly severe cases, you can resort to dry cleaning services.

Do not allow contact with the skin of your pet's face, and let them go to bed. Those who wear glasses, it is necessary to disinfect their parts, directly touching the face. Pay attention to cosmetic sponges. They also need careful care. Also do not forget to take complexes of vitamins.

Very often the appearance of acne provokes stress. Try to be less nervous, walk more often in the air, preferably in the park, away from the dust of city roads. It is vitally important to put an end to smoking at any cost. Avoid companies of people with bad habits. Smoke from someone else's cigarette is no less detrimental to your skin.

How else can I help myself?

Try to reverse the consumption of coffee and strong tea. Under their influence, an increased amount of cortisol (a stress hormone) is produced. Try to make your favorite beverages juices, green tea, mint infusion.

Learn to trust your own feelings. Suppose, on the advice of a cosmetologist, you decided on a new effective mask. But, having imposed it, they felt an itch and a burning sensation. In this case, flush immediately! Such a mask does not suit you.

Never let anyone touch your face with dirty hands. When carrying out the cleaning procedure, make sure that the beautician is wearing rubber gloves. At the slightest inflammation on the face, refrain from scrubs, otherwise you risk spreading the infection.

Home masks for oily skin

Here are some common variants of masks, which are recommended once a week, best after bathing or steaming a face. An excellent soothing and bactericidal effect is a mixture of plantain, dandelion and mint. Each ingredient should take 2 spoons, cut as small as possible and knead to gruel. Stir with warm boiled water, you can add a little honey. The resulting mixture is placed on the face for 20-25 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Another option: take rose water in the amount of one teaspoon, add glycerin (6 droplets), two spoons of flour, dilute in a pair of tablespoons of water, apply to the skin. This mask dries on the face, and then is removed by a towel, the face is wiped with ice cube from frozen mint infusion. It is especially important to pay attention to the focus of the cluster of pimples.

To clean the problem skin, half a cup of long-grain rice is poured a cup of boiled water, insist a couple of hours under the lid. Drain the water, add 100 grams of crushed fresh mashed cabbage, mix and hold on the face for 15 minutes, wash off at first warm, and then - with cool water.

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