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Medicinal herb ordinary: description, useful properties and reviews

This plant is well known to gardeners and gardeners. It gives them a lot of cares. It is a hard-to-root weed that reproduces extremely fast and often displaces many useful crops. But today we want to present you with a little-known to many parties an ordinary toddler. Useful properties of this plant, which is often called osseous, have found application in folk medicine.

Types of Buckwheat

To date, over three hundred species of this plant are known, which is prevalent mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. The following species are widely represented on the territory of our country:

  • bristly;
  • field;
  • Hungarian (chernozem strip and Bryansk region);
  • gray;
  • Marshy;
  • ordinary;
  • Variegated;
  • garden.

These species are found practically in all regions of our country. Bodyak settles on roadsides, weedy sites, in fields and gardens, on lawns and forest glades, and also on vacant lots.

Title History

The common, as well as all other species, has been known for a long time among the Slavic peoples under the name of "sturgeon", "wasp", "sow". The name of the plant was received for its sharp leaves.

The second name is formed from the ancient Slavic "Bodti", which means "prick". The plant has a third name - thistle. The meaning of this word is completely transparent: from "poloh" (frighten, strip) and "devil". In the old days, this prickly plant was used to fumigate cows to protect the cattle from disease and unclean forces.

Bodyfoot: description, application

The known weed belongs to the family of Compositae. An ordinary leopard is a biennial plant. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed, on the second - a well-branched stem, the height of which reaches 1.5 meters. It is slightly ribbed, erect, pubescent. The plant has a narrow spindle-shaped stem root.

The leaves are lanceolate, regular, pinnately lobed, with sharp thorns on the edges. The lower ones are longer (up to 25 cm), the upper ones are smaller. The upper surface of the plate is covered with tightly pressed small spines, the lower one is woolly-pubescent. The dissected large leaves of the root rosette on each tip of the blade are also "armed" with spines.

As you can see, an ordinary burdock is a prickly plant, although according to this index it is inferior to the curly thistle. The plants also have thorny "wings". But they grow (unlike curly) by separate formations, up to five centimeters long.

Inflorescences fairly large, in diameter up to five centimeters or more. Round-egg-shaped baskets are located singly, at the very tips of the stems. At the base there is a spherical wrapper consisting of covering narrow leaves, covered with small prickles.

Flowers are usually pink in color, but there are also crimson, and also lilac. They are bisexual, tubular, have the same shape. Flowering begins in early July and lasts until the end of September.

Oblong fruit (about five millimeters) - these are achenes with a tuft, consisting of pinnate white hairs. In July-November they fully ripen and are carried by the wind.


Despite the fact that in traditional medicine the buckwheat has not yet been widely used, in some areas this plant is used as a remedy for rheumatism and gout.

Folk healers use this medicinal plant (common toddler) more widely. Dry inflorescences (in combination with other medicinal herbs) they are used as a supporting treatment for cancer patients. In addition, preparations based on it are used for external, and for internal use. An ordinary leotard is used for making several medicinal forms - decoctions, infusions, etc.

What is the use of an ordinary toddler?

Many gardeners are interested in what can be useful hated weed - ordinary buckwheat. The use of this plant is known not only to folk healers. Experts know that plants are completely harmful or useless in nature does not exist.

When the buckwheat is still young, it is eaten with pleasure by domestic animals. Flower baskets are known as fine medonoses, from which they receive valuable honey. It is appreciated for its pleasant taste and healing properties.

And still ordinary people eat human food. Boiled young shoots are added to salads. You can boil the bottles of unblown baskets and add them to the soup, which will acquire an original taste.


In traditional medicine, the common fat is not used. Probably, because it has not been studied enough. It is known that it contains alkaloids, tannins, fats, glycosides, essential oils, resins.

Bodyfish: medicinal properties

Folk healers have long noted the curative properties of the buckwheat and quite successfully began to use them. Among them:

  • Bactericidal;
  • Wound-healing;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Analgesic effects.

Preparations based on this plant help to treat kidney, cold, gastrointestinal diseases, hepatic ailments. There is a positive effect in the fight against furunculosis, purulent abscesses, acne, and buckwheat promotes the rapid healing of tissues. It is a good addition to the medical treatment of thrombophlebitis.

Procurement of raw materials

As a healing raw material, almost all the plant is used - grass, leaves, roots, inflorescences. The buckwheat is collected, dried under a canopy, laying a layer of three to five centimeters. Fresh grass is used for cooking broths, infusions. Especially it is effective for making gruel. Has healing properties and juice of this plant.

The roots are harvested after the end of the vegetative period (late autumn). They should be washed, finely chopped and dried. Paper bags are suitable for storage. Shelf life - three years.

Preparation of broth

Decoction of an ordinary boletus helps with severe headache (even with migraine), acute inflammatory processes, increases the body's resistance to seasonal infections, strengthens immunity. In addition, according to reviews, the decoction can be used as an antipyretic.

To make it, you need thirty grams of dry roots. They need to fill with a liter of boiling water and for ten minutes steamed in a water bath. Then the composition should be infused for an hour, after which it can be taken in a third of a glass for half an hour before meals. The broth has an anesthetic and antispasmodic effect, so it is effective in gastric, hepatic, renal colic. He relieves pain, helps reduce chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the human body.

Adherents of folk methods of treatment say that the same broth can be used for compresses with thrombophlebitis. For this, it is necessary to moisten the tissue napkin in it and apply it to the affected areas. Mix with the water two spoons (canteens) of dry powdered roots of a tubercle. The resulting gruel is applied to bruises, bruises. Fix it with a bandage and hold for several hours. With the evaporation of most of the water, the healing effect of the powder only increases.

Alcohol tincture

An ordinary leat can be used as an effective wound-healing and disinfectant for certain skin diseases, abrasions and wounds. Folk healers recommend everyone who wants to get rid of acne forever, in the evening and in the morning wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in a tincture (alcohol) of the roots of a tubercle. Excellent results showed such a composition in the treatment of abscesses and boils. In this case, put lotions with tincture on the affected area. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes.

To make the tincture, take fifty grams of the roots of the buckwheat (dry and well ground), fill them with 500 ml of alcohol (90%) and put it in a dark place for two weeks. Periodically, the container must be shaken.


It is prepared from fifteen grams of grass, which is poured into a quarter liter of boiling water and insisted for two hours. Then the composition must be filtered. This drug is taken with bronchial-pulmonary diseases (asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia) up to six times a day on a tablespoon before meals. The course of treatment is one to two months (depending on the patient's condition).

In addition, the reviews argue that the infusion can be used as a disinfectant in angina, stomatitis, bleeding gums (rinses).

Mask for the face

I found an application of an ordinary toddler and in cosmetology. In addition to treating problem skin, women often use it for whitening, nourishing masks. Four tablespoons of dry powdered leaves of the boletus is mixed with a tablespoon of fresh yogurt and add a drop of pink essential oil. The resulting composition is applied to the face skin for fifteen minutes. After that, the mask is washed off with warm water, and the skin is wiped with ice cube. It's better if it comes from a parsley broth. The mask will whiten the skin, make it smooth and supple, and give elasticity.

Such gruel, but without the addition of essential oil, is used for skin diseases (eczema, lichen, diathesis), relieves itching and inflammation after the bite of insects.


Once again, I want to say that the ordinary buckwheat has not been sufficiently studied to date. The description of its medicinal properties should not be the basis for self-treatment. Before starting its use, consultation with your doctor is necessary. Any drugs based on this plant are contraindicated in people with severe hypertension, encephalopathy and myopathy. In addition, they must be used with caution when prone to blood clots. Use the recipes of traditional medicine with caution.

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