
Masks for hair with dimexidom

What women do not do, fighting for the beauty of hair. After all, thick and shiny locks for many - the ultimate dream. And all because bad ecology, poor-quality products, constant stresses - all this affects the condition of the body as a whole, including hair. And you need to make every effort to look young and fresh. Hair masks with dimexidum have now acquired unprecedented popularity. But not all women use them. Many do not even know what kind of drug it is. So let's look at this question first.

Dimexide is now used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Due to its medicinal properties, it is actively used as a component for various face masks and hair. This drug has antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, so your weakened curls will strengthen after using it, and you will get rid of dandruff. In addition, dimexide is available to a wide range of people, because the price is low. Yes, and it is sold in any pharmacy. You can make hair masks with dimexid even at home.

Note that the dosage in this case is very important. Often hair masks with dimexidum, the recipes of which are offered on the Internet, have a disastrous effect on hair and scalp. In addition, such tools in the struggle for beauty are not recommended for breastfeeding mothers, and even more so for pregnant women. And do not apply these masks every day. It will be enough and a couple of times a week.

So, what kind of masks for hair with dimexid you can use to look your best? Take one tablespoon of burdock and castor oil. Then mix them, then put them on a water bath. The mixture of oils should become warm, then you can add to it the ampoule of vitamin B and the same amount of vitamin E. Use also essential oil - about three drops. After you carefully mix everything, you can add dimexide - a teaspoon to the mask. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair, rubbing it into the scalp and performing massage movements. Usually this mask is kept for an hour, but if you feel a burning sensation - wash off earlier. Please note that it will be effective only if you cover your hair with polyethylene at that time and wrap your head around with a towel. To wash off a mask follows, using your ordinary shampoo. If you do a 15-treatment course, using this remedy no more than twice a week, your hair will start to grow faster and look much better.

But not only beautiful hair is interested in women. You can also use this medication if you are faced with the problem of acne or acne on the face. Its effectiveness in such situations is proved. A facial mask with dimexidum can remove any inflammation. You just need to check to see if this drug will cause you an allergy. On the inside of any of the forearms, drip a little dimexide. If there was a redness or a feeling of severe itching, but not worth the risk.

Masks for face with dimexidum are prepared literally for a couple of minutes. Here is one of the recipes that will help you permanently solve the problem of acne. Dilute dimethoxide with boiled water. Concerning concentration, pay attention to the amount of inflammatory processes on the skin. The more of them, the more concentrated the solution should be. On average, it is necessary to mix five drops of dimexide with a tablespoon of ordinary water. After that, the composition should be applied to the skin and after about 20 minutes, using warm water, wash it off.

In equal proportions, you can apply dimexid with tea tree oil. In this case, the drug will have just a delightful effect. You can even apply the composition to problem areas and go to bed. Naturally, if you do not notice unpleasant sensations.

Thus, hair masks with dimexidum will help you to become the owner of a luxurious "mane". However, the same drug is also able to save you from acne or acne, which is hated not only by women, but also by adolescents and men.

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