Food and drink, Wines and spirits
Liqueur "Mozart": types, composition
Quite often the authors give their works the names of great people. Especially this is the sin of the creators of alcoholic beverages. Who does not know the cognacs "Napoleon" and "Richard Hennessy", rum "Henry Morgan" or vodka "Smirnov"? They carry the names of people who are firmly in history. The liquor "Mozart" is also one of them.
Palette of taste
There was this drink in the Austrian town of Salzburg, where in 1756 the great Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born. Perhaps this was the reason to give the product such a name. The famous musician was a genius, and the liquor "Mozart" belongs to the drinks of special complexity. The problem is that it contains real chocolate. Add it can only be in the molten form, and do it at an elevated temperature unacceptable for the alcohol base. Manufacturers over a hundred years ago found a way out of this situation. They used ultrasound to turn the chocolate raw material into a liquid mass. The method is unusual and quite original. So there was a unique product - liquor "Mozart".
On sale it is represented by three types:
- Gold. It has a delicate creamy taste of milk chocolate with vanilla flavor and pronounced notes of cocoa.
- Black. The taste is made on the basis of dark chocolate with shades of coffee and a pleasant tobacco aftertaste.
- White. It is made of white chocolate. Vanilla and cream are present in the fragrance.
- Dry. It is extremely rare. Here, the taste of real chocolate is combined with increased strength.
Pour this liqueur into special round bottles and wrap it in a foil of a certain color.
A bit of history
Everything began in Germany in 1770. It was there that Christophe Koenig founded his business, connected with the production of cognacs and wines. The goods liked buyers and even enjoyed sometimes high demand. The business was quite successful and brought good profits. Later, in the middle of the twentieth century, production was moved to Austria. There in 1981, and a new direction was mastered. Specialists of the company, using a modern method of mixing the compositions in different aggregate states, found an option for creating a new drink. The liquor "Mozart" was unusual in that in its recipe only natural ingredients were used. Many at that time used a variety of essences or chemical flavors to impart a certain taste. The company Koenig decided to create a product that will differ from everyone else. And she succeeded. The drink was recognized as the best chocolate liquor of our time, the main distinctive feature of which is the 100% naturalness of the raw materials used.
Unique composition
What is so good liquor "Mozart"? Chocolate in it plays the most important role. Only the best varieties are used for production. Do not forget that this company produces only chocolate liqueurs. This is their main feature. Depending on the type of raw materials used, the types of drinks produced are also differentiated. However, do not forget about the second component. This is ethanol of the highest quality, made from sugar cane. Having a high degree of purification, it is an ideal basis for a new product. By the way, the strength of this liqueur is kept in the range from 15 to 17 percent. This is Gold, Black and White. And only one of them (Dry) does not look like the rest.
It contains 40 percent alcohol. In addition, it is completely sugar-free. Despite this, the product has a characteristic taste and a beautiful unique flavor. Many people use these drinks in their pure form, but more often they are still used for making various cocktails.
Delicate taste
Liqueur "Mozart" is widely known among connoisseurs for cream-chocolate. It belongs to the category of elite premium alcohol.
The color of the product resembles coffee with cream. Delicate and pleasant, he finds many supporters among fans of this kind of drinks. It successfully combines a bright, rich taste of natural chocolate with a delicate aroma of real cream. No hint of foreign additives and fillers. The product has a fortress of only 17 percent. This allows you to use it in two ways: as an ordinary or mixed drink. A pure product is better to drink with ice. It can also be added to coffee or watered with ice cream. Cocktails with chocolate taste are also quite popular. They perfectly match with different fruit or berry flavors, which makes it possible to create a good composition. On sale the liqueur comes in the usual bottles of round form, wrapped in golden foil. The container has a standard capacity of 0.5 liters.
A Decent Leader
The most popular among all known species is the Mozart liquor, golden chocolate. Its taste is more familiar than the rest.
This brand is more like ordinary milk chocolate. It combines three main indicators:
- Rich taste of cocoa;
- Soft cream;
- Pleasant aroma of vanilla.
Along with the apparent simplicity, they emphasize the uniqueness of the product itself. With each sip in the mouth creates a sense of melted chocolate bars. The drink is pleasant, slightly dense and very delicate. It can rightfully be called a "liquid delicacy." Such a comparison is entirely permissible. He is moderately sweet and not strong at all. Only 17 percent of alcohol only emphasizes the flavor. A drink is sold in standard bottles wrapped in bright gold foil. On the front side there is a large round label of red color, on which the text is also written in gold letters. A small picture, fixed on the neck, allows you to see in advance how the drink looks.
Habitual choice
Most often, buyers stop their eyes on the bottle with the inscription "Mozart", chocolate-cream gold. This choice is quite understandable. It's no secret that there are not so many fans of black bitter or white chocolate . Of course, each of them has its own flavor. But only a few are able to evaluate such a product with dignity. Most often, the influence of public opinion works, and the consumer's hand reaches out to something more familiar. Always want to have at least some kind of guarantee. Although, it should be noted that this choice is not bad.
In addition, this liqueur is also useful. Scientists say that it contains a lot of vitamins. Among them are PP, E, and also B1 and B2. Do not forget about minerals. One has only to think about how useful it is to drink a product in which there is potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. The benefits of such a drink is undeniable. And some scientists argue that the use of chocolate liqueur is a good prevention of hemorrhoids. This should also be taken into account when choosing drinks in the store.
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