
Information Security Threats

In the courtyard of the twenty-first century, the machines successfully replaced obsolete accounts, office ledgers and, to some extent, even books. To store information on a paper sheet is somehow even untenable, because practically every house has a personal computer. But the more data is transferred to digital media, the more threats to information security become . So, the problem of protecting data from threatening factors requires constant attention. To ensure that the tactics for data protection are most effective, you need to analyze all possible threats that could potentially damage the protected information.

Classification of threats to information security contains two main types: artificial and natural threats.

The latter include those types of threats that can cause damage without human influence. Among them, floods, lightning, hurricanes, fires and so on. Among the natural causes, the main threats to information security come from fires. Sensors of ignition, monitoring compliance with fire safety technology, availability in the premises in which servers and archives with information of fire fighting equipment are located are important elements of the struggle for data security.

If the building in which the protected information is located is located next to a large pond, the probability of flooding should be taken into account. In this case, archives with data should be placed on the last floors.

A very serious threat to the integrity of materials can be thunderstorms with a lot of lightning. Close and powerful discharges are quite capable of destroying computer equipment, and this is not only the machines themselves, but also various network infrastructure. In order to minimize such losses, shielding and grounding of the network cables connecting the equipment are used. It is also very desirable, with the same goals, to provide all computing equipment with uninterruptible power supplies.

If you constantly monitor compliance with all these points, the threat of information security from natural causes will be minimal.

But there is another kind of threat - artificial, they are divided into deliberate and unintentional.

If the emergence of a threat to the information security of the enterprise is caused by the curiosity of the staff, or the problems started because of the imprudence of the responsible persons, this situation is considered unintentional. It happens, for example, when an employee at his own request installs a program downloaded from unreliable sources onto a working computer. As a rule, inexperienced users rarely understand what such forbidden activity can lead to. If such a program caused unstable operation of the system or loss of data, then it is said that the security of the data was violated for artificial and unintended reasons.

If the actions aimed at creating a threat to information security were carried out deliberately, with the aim of removing the system from the working state, such a threat is considered intentional, it is divided into external and internal. It will be naive to think that large losses are possible only when attacking hackers from outside. The actions of an employee, implemented by a competing company, or dissatisfied with their salary, can inflict no less, if not more, harm.

Systems connected to the Internet to protect against hacker attacks must be equipped with a firewall in software or hardware.

If you value your information and do not want to lose it because of threats that could be envisaged in advance, be sure to follow the listed rules.

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