HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to remove stone from the kidney folk remedies?

Every day the kidneys pass through themselves about 200 liters of human blood. That is why this body is one of the most important in the human body. In the event of a violation of the kidneys, it will surely come to the whole organism. One of the most common problems associated with the kidneys is the presence of stones in them. "How to remove a stone from the kidneys?" - a question that worries many people suffering from the disease of these vital organs.

There are several options, one of them - surgical intervention. In the event that the patient does not want to lie under the knife, you can use alternative options: for example, there are herbs that remove stones from the kidneys. However, the patient in any case will have to be observed with his attending physician and coordinated with it the use of any herbs.

Killing stones in the kidneys to remove them

You can go the other way and try to break up the stones so that they can easily come out in a natural way. To do this, mix 200 milliliters of cold boiled water and two or three tablespoons of lemon juice. Then you need to divide the glass into three equal parts, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, drink one of them. This procedure should be repeated for ten days. In addition, it is necessary to eat twice a week a mixture of 4-5 tablespoons of lemon and 60 grams of vegetable oil. If everything was done correctly, after three weeks the shattered stones will begin to come out naturally. There are medicines that remove stones from the kidneys, but all of them will give odds to the usual field horsetail. It is necessary to dry it, and then mix a tablespoon of horsetail with a glass of boiling water and let it infuse for 20 minutes. Then you need to drain everything and get the liquid you drink on an empty stomach. It is recommended to do this in the morning, after thirty minutes after taking the solution you can have breakfast. The main drawback of this method is that the infusion will have to be taken for 2.5-3 months daily. Approximately in 30-35 days after the beginning of reception of tincture the crushed stones will start to leave from kidneys.

We deduce a stone from kidneys folk remedies

It is necessary to know how to remove a stone from the kidneys by folk remedies, then it will be possible to avoid a complicated surgical operation, which will not be carried out painlessly. As a wonderful folk remedy you can get birch juice: you need to drink a glass a day, in order to remove excess items from the internal organs. Russian healers knew perfectly well how to remove a stone from the kidneys. To do this, they passed a handful of hemp seed through a meat grinder, and then mixed with 500 milliliters of raw milk, which was cooked to the size of one glass. You can use this method, especially since you need to drink only a glass of this broth daily. The course of treatment takes about 5 days, followed by a ten-day break, then the course is repeated again. In any case, when treating kidney stones with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult a specialist about some methods of getting rid of this disease, because he certainly knows how to remove a stone from the kidneys.

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