Spiritual developmentMystic

How to learn levitation? Technique of levitation

Levitation is the ability to soar in the air, overcoming the force of gravity of the Earth, without using any adaptations for this, and not pushing from the air like a bird or an insect. The ability to levitate without forces that compensate for the force of gravity is fully and categorically denied by modern science. But it should be noted that many phenomena still can not be explained by scientists. For example, the phenomenon of ball lightning. Until now, the version is considered that it is rather a hallucination than a real natural phenomenon. But this is also levitation.

It is difficult to admit the idea of the possibility of flights

Representatives of science are hard to recognize that there are things that they are not yet clear. It is easier to assume that numerous witnesses of levitation were subjected to hypnosis, and did not see it with their own eyes. How to learn levitation? This question torments many mediums, magicians and parapsychologists. This ability serves as proof of the supernatural abilities of man. The phenomenon itself is of a magical or divine nature. And in Christianity, and in many Eastern religions, levitation is mentioned as a sign of God, his appearance on earth. If a mere mortal wanders, not unlike a holiness, then the church believes that this is a sign of obsession with demons.

First flights

The first levitation of man was recorded in Europe in 1565. Then a nun-a Carmelite, ranked as a saint. This was seen by another 230 monks. The flight did not surprise them at all, since Theresa was a saint. The well-known Italian Josef Desa also parried. He managed to levitate only in a state of religious ecstasy. To avoid confusing the minds of believers, he was exiled to a monastery, where he died.

Among Russian levitants, the most famous is Seraphim of Sarov, the archbishop of Novgorod and Pskov. In the 60s of the 19th century, the famous Home medium demonstrated a miracle of levitation. He was excommunicated, since he was not a saint, therefore he had no right to practice levitation. Home took students who wanted to learn how to learn levitation. Unlike many predecessors and followers, he was not able to catch his hand and convict him of using some hidden mechanisms to float in the air. Until now, only records of those soaring who were blessed by the church (not counting Houma) have reached the records. And how many witches and sorcerers were burned , it is impossible to calculate.

The issue of flights affects a variety of practices

He deals with issues of levitation yoga, a set of ancient mental and physical practices. The Indian Vedas contain instructions on how to learn levitation. The problem is that no one can translate this instruction from Sanskrit. Thoroughly this language is not known by anybody. And in such practices, distortion of the original meaning is unacceptable. And for the ancient Indian sages the state of levitation is not a focus for the audience, but simply a convenient position for self-contemplation. Just as it goes without saying.

In Tibet, the monks of the Shaolin monastery were the founders of the practice of levitation. They have mastered the art of controlling the energy of the body. What can we say about the Buddha. He generally hung for hours in the air. In India and Tibet, this skill has come down to our days. Buddhists believe that knowing how to learn levitation is only available for very highly advanced spiritual people. This is the level of monks, for which time, distance, gravity no longer matter. They do not even need to eat or drink. How many years it takes to master the skill, the Tibetan sages do not answer, because according to their worldview, a person lives forever, one life ends, and the other begins. Life is such a trifle compared to the comprehension of the great Mystery of the world.

Illusionists like to surprise people with their flights

Levitation of man is the favorite theme of all magicians known to the world. In 2010, Chile celebrated the 200th anniversary of the country. Chilean illusionists, twins Nicolas Luizetti and John Paul Olberry, for almost 7 hours, or more precisely 200 minutes, hovered above the ground. Movement on the streets of the capital was paralyzed. Thousands of people watched this great show, but no one could solve the trick.

In 2011, the British magician had already strolled along the Thames directly opposite the House of Commons. His trick he reproduced a famous episode from the Bible. It is a very doubtful act from the point of view of the feelings of believers. In 2009, a graduate of the local school of fine arts Claudia Pacheco or, as she calls herself, Princess Inca, hung over the central square of Peru's capital Lima. Quite often demonstrates the focus with the levitation of the Zambian magician Kalas Sviba. And he is already good at hanging, but flying is not very good. Therefore, he is a regular customer of medical clinics. He often goes there with fractures or bruises.

What can the flights dream about?

Our distant ancestors believed that if a person dreams of flying in the air, then it grows. Such a dream is often seen by children. If the flight is dreaming of an adult, then it will be spiritual, creative, inner enlightenment. According to another version, such a dream means a desire to escape from pressing problems. If the flight is dreaming of a healthy person, then he will live happily ever after, and if to a sick person, soon he will leave this world. Flying up predicts success in a career, down - on the contrary. Flight in a pair with a representative of the opposite sex - a new vivid love relationship.

Is levitation possible?

Learning to hover is gaining popularity in modern conditions. In our country, as mushrooms after the rain, there are so-called schools of magic. They promise, among other things, to teach levitation. Maybe they will. In any case, they will not do much harm. Also, for Knowledge, it became fashionable to travel to Tibet or travel in India. In Indian ashrams live for months, learn to meditate, spiritually and physically self-cultivate, comprehend the philosophy of yoga and the secret of levitation.

Flight Training

It is necessary to carry out levitation by means of conscious control of those energies that are present in the body. In order to learn levitation, you need to completely relax, while closing your eyes. We must concentrate, stand up straight. All attention should be directed to the feet. It is necessary to feel the maximum weight of the body and only after that try to facilitate it.

At the moment when you already begin to feel very light, you need to create a feeling, as if you put an air cushion under your feet , which gradually starts to go up with you. In order to move in different directions, you just need to imagine the pressure. For example, for flights forward you need to feel that someone or something is pushing you in the back. This technique of levitation, if it does not teach you to soar in a short period of time, then it will definitely allow you to relax in full measure after a hard working day.

All the tests can be started on the scales, to see with your own eyes how the body weight decreases.


Man has always been attracted by the sky. And he tries to understand the secret of levitation, learn to walk on water. No one will ever know that from this focus, and what - really magical abilities. Unless scientists will find an explanation for the phenomenon called levitation.

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