Hobby, Needlework
How to knit plaids with knitting needles: schemes and description of several simple models
With the onset of autumn, many craftsmen postpone their shortcomings from cotton and viscose and are accepted for making warm products. It's time for scarves, hats, mittens, slippers and blankets.
In addition to clothing and decor, you can also knit plaits with knitting needles. The schemes and description of such products are quite simple, in fact they are just rectangular paintings with some drawing.
Each knitter will be able to choose a suitable pattern for her, depending on her taste, as well as her experience and skills.
Natural yarn for plaid
Proceeding from the basic purpose of knitted plaids, for them it is necessary to select a material with a large content of wool, mohair or angora. Of course, there are strings of acrylic, polyamide, microfiber or polyester, which look very attractive and visually resemble real wool. But do not be tempted by external similarity, since artificial fibers can never provide warmth and comfort to a person wrapped in a blanket. Although this does not mean that 100% woolen thread is the best option. Such material has several unpleasant disadvantages:
- Such products turn out to be heavy and dry for a long time ..
- They are susceptible to shrinkage after washing.
- Can quickly cover with pellets.
- To get enough material, the master has to fork out.
Advantages of artificial fibers
As already mentioned, it is not recommended to knit products entirely from synthetic materials. They will be short-lived and "cheap" in appearance. It is better to use mixed yarn. Optimum combination: 50% natural fibers (wool, angora, mohair, cotton, viscose, silk) and 50% artificial (acrylic, nylon, polyamide and others).
Synthetic components give the material strength, reduce the overall weight of the product and significantly reduce its cost. And when using such materials, beautiful and comfortable knitted plaids are obtained. Spokes (with diagrams and a description of this work can be found in the article), they knit quite quickly and without special difficulties.
Patterns and ornaments
Having set out to bind a blanket or a blanket, you can easily get lost in the sea, more precisely, the ocean of various patterns and patterns. To simplify the task, it is necessary to decompose it into simpler components:
- Determine the type of canvas (solid, openwork).
- Find out the type of yarn (smooth, boucle, monophonic or melange).
- Choose a pattern level (simple, medium or complex).
- Schedule a work stop date.
In the case when the skilled worker has a decent experience, prefers a solid yarn and has unlimited time for the task, she can afford an ornament of medium or high complexity. For example, braids or a composition of several patterns.
Using such an ornament, it is possible to connect an adult or a children's rug with knitting needles (a diagram, a description, a photo and the main recommendations are given to your attention).
Simple canvases are often preferred by beginners or those skilled workers who want to cope with the task as quickly as possible.
We knit plaids with knitting needles: schemes and description of elementary patterns
The photograph below shows a plaid, which is made of garter stitch. A mixed motley thread was used for the work. Typically, this yarn is used to create just such paintings, because no more complicated ornament will not be noticeable.
To make the product not look very simple, it was knit from the corner. This means that only a few loops served as the beginning (3-5). In each second row, one loop was added from both sides (at the beginning and at the end). When the triangle became equilateral, it began to be cut. The loops were reduced in the same manner as before (two in each second row). As a result, the stripes on the rug are arranged diagonally. At the end of the work, the perimeter was tied with a hook.
Another popular pattern is called "chess". Its principle lies in the combination of front and back loops.
The number of loops and rows in rapport can be any: the more of them, the larger will be each cell.
Using the following figures, you can create any rug with spokes (the diagrams and descriptions can serve as instructions and means for inspiration).
Strapping plaids and blankets
When the main canvas is finished, it must necessarily be tied. For this purpose, the hook is suitable. It allows you to hide flaws and correct non-ideal shape of the product.
By the way, if the master does not own this tool, she can use knitting needles. In this case, she will have to include the strapping in the calculation of the pattern to perform it simultaneously with the main cloth. Different types of rubber bands, "rice", garter stitch or lace are suitable for making a rim on the rugs with knitting needles. Schemes and descriptions of the following patterns will also be useful to many craftsmen.
Plaid for the lazy
The most desperate knitters, who need a finished product "for yesterday", you can advise to buy a very-very thick yarn. Work with such material is not easy, but the growth of the canvas is extremely fast.
It should be noted that at the moment such blankets are considered a trend. Here, there are no need for knitting patterns of plaid with spokes with a description, since the pattern is a plaiting or hosiery knitting.
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