
How to get the "A" category? Training, tickets. How much does category "A" cost?

Agree, today on the city roads just a huge number of vehicles. Cars, trucks, trucks ... Yes, to be sure, solid traffic jams. Therefore, many urban residents realized that you can move around in a simple and affordable form of transport - a motorcycle. In addition, some citizens and do not want to drive four-wheeled vehicles, considering them too pompous and uncomfortable. They are interested in how to get an "A" -category.

What are the categories?

In total there are five categories, among which "A" are mopeds, motorcycles, and also other vehicles that have only two wheels. Many motorists are already thinking about how to get an "A" -category. Still, you see, two-wheeled vehicles have little in common with a four-wheeled vehicle. In addition, even if a person has the necessary skills to manage a motorcycle, he still needs to obtain the appropriate rights to become a full participant in the traffic.

Often in the life of a car enthusiast, a situation arises when you desperately need to have the skills of driving a vehicle of a different category than the one indicated in the driving license. However, it is one thing to learn how to drive an aggregate, but to get a specific additional mark is another.

Where to get it?

The rapid increase in the number of road transport on the roads, as mentioned above, leads to the inevitable formation of numerous traffic jams. It is this circumstance that is the reason that an increasing number of people are transplanted to motorcycles. The vehicle mentioned so far has such a unique property as incredible mobility. In particular, if a person does not need to transport any bulky goods, then the motorcycle is a very good option, allowing deftly maneuver on modern roads. However, for official management it needs a special mark in the driver's documents. And how to get an "A" -category? The correct answer is: to pass special education at school. Of course, it is not necessary to sit at your desk. Pass to the category "A" externally, you can also, which is very convenient for busy people.

However, at once we will make a reservation: it is possible provided that you already have practical driving skills, and the theoretical part of the exam was passed less than three months ago. In this case, additional training for the relevant category is not required.

How to choose a school?

Actually, in this case it is necessary to proceed from the same principles as when choosing a standard institution of such a profile. Suppose that you already have a driving school. Category "A", perhaps, it is also provided. Then you can simultaneously learn, so to speak, in several ways. In this case, you will save not only money, but also your time.

In particular, it is worth paying attention to specialists who will teach driving. It must be really professionals, since running a motorcycle requires specific knowledge and skills. It's not a secret for anyone that such a vehicle is easier to turn over, which means that the situation on the road can get out of control at any moment. That is why it is recommended to pay special attention to training in self-preservation skills.

In addition, a very important criterion is the equipment of the driving school. If you already have a motorcycle, which you are going to manage in the future, it is worth choosing an organization that can offer practice in driving such a vehicle (or at least with similar properties).

In the learning process, do not forget about the theoretical part. Over time, your practical skills will be constantly improved, but the theory - on the contrary. Nowadays getting an "A" -category is another half of the matter. It is much more important to maintain the level of knowledge and training at the proper level, and if you will raise them, it's also wonderful! In this case, we can assume that from accidents and accidents you are half insured.

Advantages of motorcycle management skills

It should be noted at once that the category "A" allows today to manage absolutely any motorcycles. In particular, it can include both ordinary two-wheeled units, and vehicles equipped with special carriages. In addition, with this category of driving a person will be able to manage the transport equipped with lateral trailers.

Motorcycle and travel

Many people want to get an "A" - a category, since driving a motorcycle gives certain advantages. So, traveling to other countries, you can easily take any two-wheeled vehicle. Agree, this is extremely convenient, since you can get to the destination without problems, without stopping in many kilometers traffic and not wandering along the narrow streets. After completing the training on the "A" category, you will be the owner of a new driver's license, recognized in one hundred and forty three states, therefore, you will open new horizons. If you already pass training in another direction, but later you want to drive a motorcycle, you can then pass to the category "A" (only practical part - driving). It should be noted that the theory will only torment you once.

Among other things, you also can not retake a theoretical exam if you have, for example, already opened a different category. It is necessary that you receive a driving license less than three months ago.

Specificity and features of training

So, we have already decided that it is necessary to determine the motor school from the very beginning. At the same time, different institutions can offer a different load and a different approach to training. Excellent training for both theoretical and practical examinations should be provided by highly qualified instructors, adequate adequate conditions for storage, repair, choice of two-wheeled vehicles, serviceable and easy-to-operate motorcycles, and the availability of a wide variety of courses. In addition, when choosing a training school it is worth paying great attention to the schedule of work, because if a person is busy, his day is painted by the minute. Also an important criterion of choice is the cost of training. You can find out how much the category "A" costs by simply calling a certain driving school. Later we will return to this question.

How is the training conducted?

Usually the course consists of sixteen classes. The amount may be large, but smaller - never. You can also choose to attend school on Saturdays, if this is possible. It should be noted that in order to practice the practical part, most organizations usually use Yamaha motorcycles. This is the most common brand. However, do not worry if a school offers you other options. It is important that the motorcycles are modern and serviceable. The peculiarity of the training is that numerous classes are held exclusively at closed sites. Do not be surprised by this circumstance, since the motorcycle belongs to the units of increased danger, so much attention is paid to the safety of both the trainees themselves and the surrounding people.

How much is?

This is the most interesting question for those who want to get the cherished crust. Training is usually paid. The cost of the courses depends on the organization. It is clear that if an elite driving school is chosen, the category "A" (the price of training, by the way, still varies depending on the location and training equipment) will fly you into a pretty penny. But on average, the cost does not exceed 11 thousand rubles: about 10 thousand will take a driving school, and 800 rubles - state duty traffic police.

Examination and its specificity

In our time, for the management of two-wheeled vehicles, as already explained, it is necessary to pass to the category "A". You can obtain such a certificate only when the potential driver reaches the age of sixteen. And where to put on the category "A"? That's right, in the traffic police. It is this body that has the right to take theoretical and practical examinations, as well as appropriate categories. From you it is required only to address in inspection, naturally, in advance having prepared. In particular, you should have a passport, two photos, a medical certificate, a driving license if you already have it. A little later it will be necessary to pay the relevant fees and provide receipts for their payment. In addition, copies of all the documents listed above should be prepared in advance. Before the exam, a special examination sheet is created, and only after that you go to pass the theory.

Theory and practice

The theoretical part of the exam is twenty questions, the solution of which is given twenty minutes, while two errors are allowed. However, it is not enough to correctly decide the "A" category traffic tickets, you also have to pass the driving test, thus proving that you really learned how to drive a motorcycle. If you make more than two mistakes, you will be assigned another day to retake.

Practice, as a rule, includes all the main elements of driving. Usually this includes a snake, a dimensional corridor and a figure-eight. However, there may be other options if the examiner wants to test your level of preparation thoroughly. It is noteworthy that a practical exam can be taken on your own motorcycle, but for this the vehicle must meet certain requirements. In particular, the unit must have a manual transmission. In addition, there must be a permit for a means suitable for passing a practical examination.

What in the end?

Getting the right to drive a motorcycle will open up new opportunities for you. It is understandable, the management of any vehicle allows you to perform unprecedented actions. However, one should not forget about responsibility. Still, the bike is somewhat different from other vehicles. First of all, we are talking about speed. Two-wheeled vehicle can accelerate in seconds. Of course, you need to be able to control a huge speed so that there is no trouble.

How to improve?

First, immediately after training, you must strictly observe the high-speed mode on the roads and try not to travel to busy roads. It is recommended to refrain from traveling to crowded areas. Of course, to cope with yourself and your desire to famously ride is not easy, but you should first think about your safety and the safety of others.

Secondly, it is worth to attend specialized courses of safe driving, where recognized masters of management of two-wheeled "horses" will share their theoretical and practical knowledge. For example, they will prompt you what to do in emergency cases, when there is no time to think about it. They will also recommend how to behave in unusual situations, how to adjust to weather conditions. Because getting an "A" category is easy enough, but driving a motorcycle is another matter.

In addition, they will reinforce theoretical studies with practical training. That is, you yourself will be able to test the received knowledge in practice. Agree, this will give you not only confidence on the road, but, perhaps, will save your life in the future.

We buy the first motorcycle in life

If you do not yet have your own two-wheeled vehicle, and the training for the "A" -category is already passed, it's time to acquire it. When buying, you should focus on the simplicity and small volume of the motor. Why so? Yes, because the super-strong bike in the hands of a newcomer is a loaded pistol, sorry, in the hands of a monkey. Do not exaggerate your own abilities, just admit to yourself that to a professional you are far enough. Do not be afraid to seem insecure on the road. Remember that most accidents involving motorcyclists happen just because of their excessive self-confidence. Never allow yourself to stay on the road as a driver without special equipment. At the same time, it is also not necessary to save on the "uniforms".

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