
How to get out of Facebook. Deactivate your account and permanently delete it

Recently, more and more Internet users are looking for answers to the questions: "How to get out of Facebook forever? How to delete data about yourself stored on the server of the social network? "The reasons that prompt a person to make such a decision may be different. For example, someone worries about the fact that Facebook takes a lot of time, which can be spent with advantage. Others notice a decline in productivity in work, there are conflicts with the boss, who is dissatisfied with the fact that during working hours, the employee "hangs" in the "social network".

But there is one more category of people who are concerned with the fact that the personal information about each "user" is owned by the site administration, and on demand it can be transferred to the "necessary" departments. In other words, the user is kept under constant surveillance, information is collected.

That's why people increasingly want to learn how to get out of the Facebook page and remove all traces of their visit to this social network.

Deactivate account

Deactivating your page on Facebook, in fact, does not mean completely removing it, but simply turning off your account. At the same time, all information (photos, videos, correspondence, friends, etc.) will be stored on the server. At any time, you will be able to restore your account by doing a few simple steps. That is, after deactivation your page will not be visible only to friends and other users.

So, how to get out of Facebook by disabling your account for an indefinite time? In reality, everything is very simple:

  • On the top panel, find the button with the triangle image and click on it.
  • Refer to the "Settings" section, then select "Security" in the menu on the left.
  • At the bottom, opposite the option "Deactivate account", click "Edit", then go to the link that will start the deactivation process.

The last step is to indicate the reason for your departure. And if you still decide to say goodbye to this social network, click the "Confirm" button.

How to permanently delete

So, you already know how to disconnect your account in this "social network", so now consider the option of completely removing your account on Facebook.

In order to perform this procedure, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open the menu (button with a triangle) and refer to the "Help" section.
  2. In the search box, write the phrase "How to delete your account permanently" and click on the link with the same name.
  3. Click on the link "Tell us about it." It is located approximately in the middle of the instruction.
  4. Click "Delete my account" and follow all further instructions.

That's all! Now you know how to get out of Facebook for good, but before you forget about this social network, listen to some of the recommendations of experienced users.

Helpful Tips

If you think that, perhaps, you will return to Facebook, it is recommended that you simply disconnect your account using the appropriate option. Thus, if necessary or if desire returns, you can enter the service under your account. Further actions, which will be discussed below, you will not need to perform.

If you decide to completely delete the account, it is recommended that you first "replace your footprints" with:

  • You already know how to get out of Facebook forever, but before doing this, delete all your photos, audio, video;
  • Do not forget to get rid of correspondence with your friends or colleagues;
  • If you leave comments under the photos of other users, then "clean" them (if possible).

Only after performing these actions, delete from Facebook, because it is desirable that the server does not have information about you.


So, now, when the answer to the question "How to get out of Facebook" is received, you can delete your account permanently or hide it for a while from friends and other users.

As you can see, even inexperienced users can handle this procedure, because all that is required of it is to perform a number of simple actions.

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