
How to change the name to "Facebook": editing personal data

Today we will talk with you about how to change the name to Facebook. In addition, let's learn how to fill out a personal questionnaire with you and edit it. Frankly, today's issue is quite easy to solve. Especially if you know where and in what sequence to click the mouse. So let's quickly see with you how to change the name to "Facebook".

What can I do?

But before that, we need to familiarize ourselves with some rules about your data. More precisely, all that concerns the name. In any social network there are limitations on this. If you think how to change the name to Facebook, then you need to know them.

The point is that the site administration insists on using real data when filling out the questionnaire. This is especially true when you are hacked. It is best to indicate the data that is available in your passport. This will help you when you lose access to your profile.

In addition, if you are thinking how to change your name to Facebook, then it's not out of place to know that as a nickname you have the right to use diminutive names and aliases related to your real name. Something like "Maria - Masha" and so on.


Well, now you can talk about some prohibitions. The thing is that a person who thinks how to change his name to Facebook should know them. Without this, you will not be able to correctly implement the idea the first time.

In names, you can not use a variety of numbers, as well as additional characters. No points, dashes, question marks and so on. You can use uppercase letters only as they are used in reality. In addition, you need to refrain from repetition, as well as "national team" from the symbols of different languages. That is, if you write the name in English - write it completely in English, in Russian - it means absolutely all the characters are Russian. Offensive and obscene nicks are also prohibited. Plus, it is forbidden to use phrases and all sorts of titles. Now that we have talked with you about what is possible and what is not, we can proceed to a more concrete case. How to change the name to "Facebook"? Now we will find out.


Well, now we will get down to business. To begin with, we will have to visit the main page of the social network and log in there. Without this item we will not be able to work with the questionnaire. After you do this, you will be able to figure out how to change the nickname to "Facebook".

Look at the opened profile. Click on the arrow pointing down. After that, you will pop up a so-called drop - down list. It will need to find the "Settings" and click on the line. Find "Name", and then click on "Edit". A questionnaire opens in which we will have to make changes.

Think carefully about what exactly you want to change this information. The thing is that the administration of the site has imposed on users one more interesting restriction - you can change the nickname only once in 60 days. Roughly speaking, 1 time in 2 months. Write a surname, and then save the changes. As a confirmation of actions you will have to dial your current password. That's all. Now you know how to change the name to Facebook. Nothing complicated. True, now we need to talk about another important point that concerns all users. It is about editing your own questionnaires. Now we will see with you how such an action is carried out.

About nicks

Let's start, perhaps, with a nickname. In fact, this is not a name or a surname, but rather a separate item that can be installed in the questionnaire. How to do it? Very simple.

First, we need to log in to the social network, and then go to the page. There you will have a line in which you can enter a nickname, and then check its availability. If everything goes well, you can complete the procedure. If not, you will have to change the "name", re-conduct the verification, and then bring the matter to the end.

Type the desired combination, and then click on "Check availability." If everything is good, then just click on "Confirm". Now it's done. In the case when the interesting nickname is busy, you can change it a little. As a rule, it is customary to add some numbers to the end. That's all. And now we can talk with you about how to change the data in Facebook. We got to you before editing the personal questionnaire.

Changing the data

In general, now the question of filling the profile should not cause difficulties for the modern user. However, sometimes there may be some problems that require special attention.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that all the data can be entered at registration. As a rule, it's better not to miss this point, so that later you do not have to suffer and not understand what's what. So try to fill in all the required fields as accurately as possible.

If you needed to edit the data, you can do it using the settings. Click on the arrow pointing down (on the top panel after authorization), or on the image of the gear, and then select the "Profile" item. Then you need to select "Edit". That's all. You can make changes and save them.

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