
How does breast cancer in women?

The defeat of breast tissue by cancer cells is one of the most common oncological diseases that occur in women. This diagnosis is heard today by every tenth inhabitant of the planet. And if the men think that they do not face this diagnosis, they are mistaken - they just have a lesser disease. What is this disease? How does it manifest itself? How does breast cancer at home? What are the causes of late detection? We will deal with these issues.

Causes of Breast Cancer

To precisely indicate the cause of the appearance of breast cancer still can not. Scientists have identified only factors that, under certain conditions, can provoke malignant degeneration.

First of all, it is necessary to understand why the breast is so susceptible to the appearance of malignant neoplasms, because adverse factors affect the entire body. This is due to the strong hormone dependence of the mammary glands. And in the body of a woman hormonal changes can be caused by almost everyone, including climate change, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, solar radiation and much more.

Today, a woman, having given birth to a child, seeks to return to work as quickly as possible. Nevertheless, it is proved that prolonged breastfeeding is useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother - the risk of developing breast cancer is much less.

Modern way of life and oncology

Sports activities involve the presence of injuries, and, at first glance, a minor blow later can make itself felt oncology. Therefore, it is important to know how to determine breast cancer.

City life presupposes finding a person in conditions of constant stress, and this is another provocative factor. Nervous experiences reduce the activity of immunity, and the body is already unable to cope with the defective cells that form in the tissues.

Another factor is considered by doctors to be ultraviolet. Fashionable today tan topless makes health care professionals beat the alarm. Doctors recommend sunbathing in the shade, so as not to provoke the growth of pathological cells in the gland.

Cancer and heredity

Most researchers are inclined to believe that the hereditary predisposition plays a big role in the occurrence of breast cancer in women. And this has its own reason, because everything affects the influence of surrounding factors, but the tumor only occurs in some representatives of the fair sex.

From the studies, it was concluded that in 10% of cases of cancer, the cause is a mutation, which is inherited. A large number of gene defects were found in which the risk of breast cancer increases dramatically.

A special genetic analysis has been developed for the presence of these genes in the female body. But the detection of mutations does not mean that a woman necessarily falls ill. It's just a warning about the risk. Knowing the presence of a genetic predisposition, patients will be more attentive to their health.

Signs and Symptoms

Knowing how to determine breast cancer at an early stage, you do not allow yourself to develop more severe forms. Unfortunately, at first the disease does not manifest itself in any way. Only occasionally, when examined by palpation of the breast, the first symptom is found - a small seal in the mammary gland. Most often, education is painless and has clear boundaries.

You need to know other possible signs of oncology to represent how to independently determine breast cancer:

  • An incomprehensible change in the shape and size of the lymph nodes above the clavicle or under the arms;
  • The appearance of a feeling of discomfort in the mammary gland;
  • Around the detected nodule changes the structure of the skin (the so-called orange peel, formed due to swelling or wrinkling of skin tissues);
  • Discharge from the nipples, often bloody;
  • A change in the shape of the mammary gland on one or both sides;
  • Retraction of the nipple or changes in its shape;
  • The skin changes its color (redness, blanching, cyanosis in the growth site of the neoplasm).

This is an incomplete list of what you should pay attention to, if you are interested in how to determine breast cancer in women. But even if you find one of the symptoms - it's not a sentence yet. Only an expert, after conducting a series of analyzes and studies, will diagnose.

Accompanying illnesses

There are certain diseases, the presence of which significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer. If you have them, you should be more attentive to yourself and be sure to study recommendations on how to determine breast cancer in order to notice changes in time. These include:

  • Diseases of the breast that are themselves pre-tumoral, such as fibroadenoma or mastopathy;
  • Endocrine pathologies that cause a jump in the level of estrogen - diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc .;
  • The onset of menopause - the period is complicated by itself, but it is at this time that the probability of occurrence of oncology in women is very high (due to a sharp change in the hormonal background).

Classification by stages

In international medicine, which is used in the CIS countries, the classification is divided into four stages. Each of them manifests itself in its own way and has morphological features. How is breast cancer and its stage determined, depending on the symptoms present?

The stages of cancer and their features for simplicity we reduced to the table:

Stages of


Node dimensions


There are no symptoms at this stage. Cancer does not germinate in fatty tissue and skin.

Less than 2 cm


A characteristic manifestation is a "wrinkled syndrome", when wrinkles forming perpendicular to the skin fold are formed with fingers. The elasticity of the skin decreases, the area after the tweezers is not smoothed for a long time. The appearance of adhesions is possible. The skin under the cancer node is drawn inward.

From 2 to 5 cm

III, or else it is called inflammatory breast cancer

Penetration of malignant formation in fatty tissue and skin begins. Because of the increased retraction of the skin, the following symptoms appear and progress:


- "Orange peel";

- pulling the nipple inside.

Metastases spread to nearby tissues. Characteristic of the appearance of discharge from the nipples (bloody or transparent).

5 cm and more


The tumor spreads through the entire mammary gland, affects nearby and distant organs. Malignant cells spread through the lymphatic and blood vessels. There is an appearance of purulent or bloody discharge, the shape of the chest is completely deformed.

The size can be anything, but the metastases are spread to all organs and tissues

Methods of detection and diagnosis

For the prevention of each woman should be at least once a year to carry out a preventive examination for the detection of a tumor in the mammary gland. There are several effective methods. So how is breast cancer diagnosed?

  • Mammography (the method is based on the study of a picture taken under X-ray radiation) and doktografiya (a kind of mammography, in which a contrast agent is introduced into the milk ducts);
  • Ultrasound examination of the breast;
  • Biopsy of the material taken from the compaction in the mammary gland;
  • Blood test for oncomarkers;
  • Examination of nipple secretions.

It should be remembered that the older a woman, the higher the likelihood of getting sick.

More likely to see a history of "breast cancer" in those cases if:

  • Menstruation in a woman started before 9 years;
  • Menopause occurred after 55.


How to determine breast cancer at home? A monthly independent examination will help. The best time for examination is a week after the end of menstruation, because during this period the breast is softer.

After the shower, lather your hands and lifting first the right hand, with your left hand, palpate the right breast from the armpit to the sternum. Then follow the same procedure on the left side. Be sure to feel the area along the clavicles and the entire area of the armpits.

If any nodules or seals are detected, as well as when there are discharge from the nipples, be sure to consult a specialist. Only he after the examination can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a treatment.

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