Hobby, Needlework
Hobby of the 90s: weaving from a dropper
In those days, when there was no Internet and all kinds of electronic gadgets, people entertained themselves as best they could. But in hospital wards you will not swing wildly. Of the available classes only reading books and board games, which over time bored. Smart people came up with a new and exciting hobby - weaving from a dropper.
What can we weave?
In principle, it is possible to make anything from medical tubes. From simple crafts to complex compositions: charms, pendants, bracelets, pencil cases, animal figurines and much more. The most popular thing was primitive pendants, devils and goldfish. They were often attached to the keys and the windshield of a car or trolley.
At the heart of this unusual weaving are knots and tricks taken from macrame. So, if you are familiar with this kind of art or want to learn something new, be sure to try the weave from the dropper.
How to make colored crafts
Previously, it was possible to meet only transparent droppers. Therefore, craftsmen and needlewomen had to contrive to make beautiful and colorful crafts.
Before weaving, the medical tubes were painted with accessible tools: green, iodine, blue, manganese, henna, ink from the handles. To obtain the desired shade, the solutions were mixed together and diluted with water to the desired color intensity.
In modern pharmacies and even in the departments for needlework you can find ready-made tubes of various colors. But if you come across only transparent materials, it does not matter. You can always use the proven methods of painting and make a bright tube with your own hands.
Plait a simple keychain
Take two tubes of different colors (for example, yellow and green) and put them crosswise. Yellow wrap the second dropper. Green make a loop and put its loose end over the other tube, and then from below.
A little pull up the weaving. Should be a square knot. So continue until the length of the key fob does not fit. At the end, tie a knot and hide the ends or make a bow. Now you can insert a ring and use the key fob for the intended purpose.
Weaving from a dropper of a cross
First, we'll twine the two pieces, as described above. This will be the lower and lateral blades of the cross. That is, for each workpiece you need two tubes, weave them separately.
Now we connect these parts using the same known technique. Up and away comes four tubes. They are needed to make the top and other side blades of the cross. We just continue to weave all the same technique first on one side, and then on the other.
When we reach the right size, we make the final knot, and hide the tips. To ensure that the weave from the dropper does not dissolve during operation, the edges can be secured with a hot gun. It remains to insert a ring or string.
Preparing materials for wicker fish
- Two droppers.
- Scissors.
- A glass of boiling water.
First we will make the necessary preparations. From the tubes remove unnecessary parts - the needle and filter. From the dispenser we remove the wheel, it is useful for the eye.
For the basis, we prepare two tubes about 40 centimeters in length. Each is cut as follows. On the one hand we will make 4 strips of centimeters for 5, and on the other - 8 strips of centimeters for 15-20. Cut off another tube (about 60 centimeters). We cut it along along the entire length. There should be one wide strip.
Now prepare the eye. The medical dropper has a dispenser, we remove a wheel from it. We take two more tubes of length 3 and 50 centimeters. We cut them along along the entire length. On short strips of scissors we make fringe. It will be cilia. We put them on the wheel, attach a long tube and wind it to the end. The glazik is ready. You can stick a needle for a while, so that nothing is untwisted.
Shave a fish
We take two harvested straws and put them together. Long cut ends do not touch, they will be tail. To the whole place of the bundles we apply another wide strip and make two fixing turns. We begin to weave the body with the figure eight, gradually expanding it from the tail to the head. Do not forget that the fish from the dropper has an eye. Therefore, the width of the body will depend on its size.
We put an eye to the body. In the area of the spout, the fish with two tubes make an overlap and lay them along the calf in the direction of the tail. The remaining tips will be fins. We make a couple of turns with a flat strip and hide it in the weaving. For the reliability can be fixed with glue, but before did without it, and nothing blossomed.
If necessary, adjust the shape of the trunk with your hands. Fins and tail are lowered into a glass with boiling water for a few seconds, they should be poured. The fish from the dropper is ready!
If you become acquainted with this creativity of your children, they will know what their ancestors used to do. Be sure to try something to weave from medical tubules. This is a short and very exciting process.
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