Arts & EntertainmentFilms

"Hitman: Agent 47": reviews, the plot of the film, actors and roles

The new action-thriller "Hitman: Agent 47" reviews movie critics immediately dubbed not the most successful film version of a series of video games of the same name, which tells the story of a hired killer code-named agent 47. The figures in the name are the last units of the barcode tattoo on the back of the agent.


"Hitman: Agent 47" is a film with an interesting back story. In general, all attempts to adapt the video game disgusting reputation, this film was no exception. Impression spoiled the "Hitman" in 2007, the main error of the producers of which was the choice of the performer of the main role. Timothy Oliphant, usually a charismatic and vivid performer, looked idiotic in the image of a shabby killer's zero. He did not receive a mortal threat to all life, the character caused pity. Naturally, this was not the only problem of the film, but if the casting of the central character fails, then this movie falls apart like a house of cards. After a while, the excitement among the viewers and critics fell asleep, and investors decided to shoot another film, but with a new director and performer of the main role. The planned new "Hitman: Agent 47" - a film that has nothing to do with the 2007 movie. He would have appeared at the box office for a long time, but he was delayed because of the tragic death of Paul Walker, who was supposed to play the role of an invulnerable super-killer.

The plot for the uninitiated. Start

The story behind the picture "Hitman: Agent 47", reviews do not comment, in contrast to the script. A few years ago, a powerful secret organization was engaged in financing the development of a project to create clone warriors. Genetically-modified killers possessed increased reflexes, all their emotions were suppressed, and the mind is particularly dodgy. The project was successful, but in its most final stage, the leading specialist had an insight - he realized what he had created. The awakened conscience of the scientific leader prompted Dr. Livenko to destroy all the results of the research and disappear.

The essence of intrigue

A lot of competent specialists undertook the research, but none of the followers could repeat its result. Secret organization, however, like its competitors, is ready absolutely for anything to find the genetic fugitive. The search is made and the clone-hired killer, code-named Agent 47 (Rupert Friend), created by the scientist. Fulfilling the assignment of employers, the killer pursues personal goals. There was a beauty, a partner, who is looking for her father. Helping the protagonist beauty Katya (Hannah Ware), who managed to uncover the secret of the disappearance of Litvenko. After a meeting with a girl in a clone, unfamiliar emotions are awakened up to this time. He learns empathy, empathy, self-sacrifice. This is the description of the storyline of the militant "Hitman: Agent 47". Reviews of the audience express regret that the creators did not go the traditional video game.

Work writer

Over the script of the new film worked all the same Skip Woods, overwhelmed, in the opinion of film critics, work on the previous project. Analyzing the scenario of the movie "Hitman: Agent 47", the reviews note several positive points:

  • The action unfolds in Singapore and in Berlin, Russia "Agent 47" does not climb.
  • The plot does not depart far from the known mythology of the video game.
  • Skip Woods does not fill the screen with secondary and completely unnecessary characters.
  • The love line is not imposed on the protagonist.
  • The central character is really a professional killer, not a spiritualized brave man with a heroic mission.

However, the script is still far from perfect, as repeated attempts by creators to entice the audience to the emotional experiences of the characters openly fail.

It will not be enough!

The Polish-German debutant-director Alexander Bach was previously engaged in making video clips and advertising, so he could not surprise the spectator with the abundance and power of the fighting scenes. In most of the action scenes, the main character simply shoots the enemies, as if they are not fighters, but immobile, dull targets. His superiority is so obvious that it is sometimes uninteresting to watch the massacres unfold on the screen. A bit of enthusiasm in the viewer can cause episodes in which the main character deals with the enemy methods, a little more sophisticated than a simple shot at point blank range. Because of the modest budget of the film, there is only one complex and large-scale special effect scene (when a helicopter crashes into a structure at a speed) and a couple of car tricks that cause genuine enthusiasm. There would be more funding, it's hard to imagine how cool Hitman: Agent 47 could be.

Actors and roles

In general, the casting of the project is not a problem. And the performers of the main roles and minor ones coped with the task set by the director-director. Hardly spoiled the impression of the actors playing the performers of the roles of "bad guys", but more on that later.

The main character was embodied on the screen promising young actor Rupert Friend, for the sharp and graceful game which was at least nice to watch. The filmography of the actor barely exceeded 20, but his professionalism is beyond doubt. The killer in his performance is impressive with a mild facial expression and bewitching with gliding movements. In some places, the Agent reminds everyone of the known liquid terminator from the "Judgment Day". The performer manages his habits, all the way to provide the viewer with information about who he is and why he is what he is. Kieran Hinds, played the role of a genetic scientist, the creator of agents, a rather popular actor. He is known to the viewer for the paintings "John Carter", "Woman in Black", "Ghost Rider 2", "Rite" and others. In his entire career, he starred in more than 100 films. His experience and interaction with other actors allowed the film atmosphere to stay at the level, without turning into a benefit of Fronde. Hanna Ware embodied the image of "dark horse" Katie, who was the only informative thread, the partner of the protagonist. Together with Rupert, the actress made a wonderful duet, because, in addition to beauty, she also has an actor's talent. But the performers of the roles of "bad guys" this time disappointed their fans. Several disappointed Zachary Quinto. Previously, the actor brilliantly played the main antagonist in the series "Heroes", but in "Agent 47" he did not look even equal to Hitman, his chained claims to rivalry seemed a feeble attempt. The role of Megaboss was played by Thomas Kretchman, but the character turned out to be dry, not widely disclosed, although he looked more convincingly than the hero Quinto. But in general, the cast casting of the film "Hitman: Agent 47" leaves a good impression. Actors and roles are matched to each other better than in the first "Hitman".

Annoying fan-gamers

Perhaps the creators of the film needed to strictly follow the traditional video game story and place on the way of the main character several super villains - "bosses" with supernatural abilities, so that the Agent, at times, tense up. And so the main character is practically not hidden and does not hide, going ahead, than annoying gamers-fans. And the scenario move to him in every way play along, outraging the audience even more.

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