Spiritual developmentChristianity

Great Christian shrines: what helps the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The image of Our Lady of Kazan is not in vain considered miraculous in the people. This icon is in almost every family, not only priests have resorted to its help since ancient times, but also simple people - warriors and grain farmers, and also the powerful of this world - kings, dignitaries, dignitaries. Regardless of class, material position and political convictions, great and small people turned to it at a difficult hour. And each person found solace, an answer to their requests, spiritual support.

What can the miraculous icon

What helps the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God? "In everything!" - the believer will answer you, and will undoubtedly be right. It has a second name - "Intercession of the people." Under her blessing, Russian warriors more than once won victories over their enemies, defending their native land. Therefore, in the time of hardships, people always looked with great hope at the image of the people, understanding that only she, merciful and grieving, can save, preserve, deliver to the Lord the aspirations of the people. What helps the Kazan icon of the Mother of God: address to it, if you yourself or someone close to you, friends, acquaintances got into trouble; If your health is failing, the children are ill; If problems arise, misunderstandings at work - with superiors or colleagues; If personal life is no longer reassuring. To be precise, it should be noted: everything ends well, which helps Kazan icon of the Mother of God.

Icons for home use

Of course, the saints in your house must have a permanent place. It is best to make a family iconostasis for these purposes. After all, you can put personal images of saints associated with households, icons with patrons by profession, health, etc. Naturally, there must necessarily be a Savior. Also desirable are the most revered saints in Russia, the martyrs: Nikolai, Panteleimon, Matrona, etc. Do not forget the glorified images of Mary: Trouuchnitsu, Vladimirskaya. And the one about which we are talking about in this article. What helps the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, located in your house? Prayers before her will be the best amulets for everyone who lives there. Preservation of family, good relations with children, and spouses among themselves, respect and understanding between representatives of different generations, the correct solution of complex problems - all this is in its charge and competence!

Holy Protection

The image of the Kazan Mother of God is considered one of the most ancient. There is an opinion that the original was written by Saint Luke! Image type refers to the Odigiria, the Guide. It should be noted that from the moment of its miraculous finding the icon of Kazan Mother of God helps the Russian people both in affairs of national importance and in personal needs. His patronage was spread by the saint over the entire Russian limit. She gives special protection to small children. Therefore, if at the head of the crib of the child you hang this icon, the baby will always be under the supervision of the Holy Virgin. She will drive away nightmares, bring a peaceful sleep, save the child from all evil. After all, she is the mother herself! Since this miraculous icon of Kazan Mother of God, there are cases of healing people from blindness, from physical infirmities. It is noticed that if young people get a blessing in this way during the wedding, they are crowned by him, then they live happily ever after, the family turns out to be beautiful!

The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates the holy day twice a year: in July, when it was found, and at the end of October, when Moscow expelled the Poles under the leadership of False Dmitry.

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