HealthQuit Smoking

Glycerin in electronic cigarettes: properties, harm and benefit, reviews

In an electronic cigarette, in fact, there are no substances. This is just a card reader - a device into which a cartridge is inserted (plastic or in the form of a classic cigarette). Contains propylene glycol or glycerin in the liquid for electronic cigarettes. Cartridges in the form of cigarettes contain a premium mixture of tobacco. Today, let's talk more about the features of liquid refills for e-cigarettes and find out whether smoking is safe.

Electronic Cigarette: Pros and Cons

To say with confidence that e-cigarettes are harmless, impossible, as well as confirm their danger to the human body. The multicomponent liquid used to charge the device contains components that many fear: is glycerin harmful in electronic cigarettes, is it safe to use propyleglycol and how can you smoke when everyone talks about the high toxicity of a refill for a wipe?

Let's try to understand this question. Long-term exposure to ingredients in the equivalent and the composition in which they are contained in the refueling and the possible consequences of such smoking have not been studied to date. The solution of this problem will drag on not for one decade and will require financing in the amount of tens of billions of dollars. Therefore, it's up to you to smoke an e-cigarette or give preference to traditional tobacco products, because you take care of your own health.

Composition and properties of e-cigarette

We will try to understand the composition of the filling for the paper and determine how much it can be harmful to the person who smokes.

Glycerin in electronic cigarettes is able to act as one of the components for the preparation of refueling. It is the basis of any "recipe", which, in addition to propylene glycol, is complemented by nicotine and flavor additive.

The specificity of the substance is a pronounced bactericidal property. Scientists confirm: being in a vaporous form, the substance helps to destroy harmful bactericidal forms that are in the air.

Propylene glycol

It is a liquid, colorless substance widely used in industry. It has the following properties:

  • viscosity;
  • Slight smell;
  • Sugary taste;
  • Hygroscopicity.

Around propylene glycol, there are many myths related to its origin. It is said that glycerin and propylene glycol for electronic cigarettes have toxicity. Many are mistaken in confirming this theory. The solution is in the origin of the substance and its active use for industrial purposes. The technical is really toxic, but for the production of refills for e-cigarettes, a substance intended for food is used that is safe when inhaled or ingested.

Properties of propylene glycol

The US Food and Drug Administration has officially confirmed that a daily intake of a substance equivalent to 23 mg per 1 kg of human body weight is a safe ratio for a population of 20-65 years of age, and it is not possible to get toxic poisoning.

Each of us, without even thinking about it, uses propylene glycol daily. We meet with him, using shampoo, toothpaste or deodorant. The substance is also included in some food products. You can recognize it on the label by code E1520. Some medications - inhalers and intravenous drugs, widely used in medicine, contain it in its composition.

Even more actively propylene glycol is used in the tobacco industry, namely in the production of cigarettes and cigars, to maintain the moisture of tobacco.

Vegetable Glycerin

Glycerin of vegetable origin is a food additive. You can recognize it on the product label using E422 code. The food industry is not the only industry where glycerin is actively used. Medicine, perfumery, and the tobacco industry can not do without using this component. For years of existence, mankind has ingested in the thousands of tons of glycerin without any established consequences.

In tobacco products it has long been added to soften the taste of tobacco and retain moisture. Therefore, the use of glycerine for electronic cigarettes began from the moment of the progressive development of the new era of tobacco production.

Properties of glycerol in an e-cigarette

It is used not only in electronic cigarettes, but also in conventional cigarettes. This is done in order to give the gas station a sufficient level of hygroscopicity. Figure glycerin in the composition of mixtures for filling vape - a constant factor. In ordinary cigarettes, food glycerol is also added, but in a much smaller proportion. Being so common, the substance attracts increased attention, which raises the question: is glycerin harmful in an electronic cigarette?

Influence on the body

It is established that the substance can adversely affect the body. The consequences of eating glycerin in large amounts are fraught with:

  • Disorders from the excretory system.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Irritation of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Bacterial diseases.
  • Violation of the vegetative system.
  • Weakened sense of smell and loss of sensitivity of taste buds.

Based on the abovementioned possible consequences due to the systematic use of dietary glycerin, to give an unambiguous answer to the question: whether glycerin is harmful in an electronic cigarette - is impossible. Although the manufacturers claim that the components of the mixture for refueling are completely safe and do not have toxicity.

Having dealt with the hazard of propylene glycol, having determined how dangerous glycerin is in electronic cigarettes, remember that refilling for a wipe is not a two-component composition. In addition to these substances, it contains nicotine, flavoring and other additives that, under the action of glycerin, can harm your health.

What glycerin is used for filling?

Another name for the substance is 1-2-3-propanetriol. Today, glycerin is freely available: it can be bought in the market, in a store, in a pharmacy. Pharmacy Glycerin and electronic cigarette - a combination of possible, but not safe.

Doing refueling for an e-cigarette yourself, remember: evaporating, glycerine on a waterless basis provokes the synthesis of a potentially dangerous and harmful substance for the human body called acrolein. This mixture has a tear and odor effect. It settles in the structures of the lungs and is capable of causing serious diseases of the respiratory system. Acrolein is a substance of the first degree of danger. Therefore, pharmacy glycerine for electronic cigarettes, whose price does not exceed 30 rubles, it is better not to use as a refueling for an electronic cigarette. If you still decide to do "samozames", add distilled water to the gas station. It will nullify the action of acrolein.

Reviews of glycerin as an ingredient for refueling e-cigarettes

Food glycerin for electronic cigarettes is actively used by tobacco companies as a component for filling a wipe. The manufacturer brightly comments on the production of his products, demonstrating examples and helping the buyer determine whether the product is of high quality or not. On the part of users, one can see a tendency of aggressive perception of the submission of such information. The buyer in his majority leaves negative feedback about e-cigarettes, but despite this, the popularity of the wipe products does not fall.

The potential buyer more trusts the opinions of experts than the questionable contingent of recallers. His opinion about whether glycerin is safe in electronic cigarettes and whether it is worth choosing such a method of smoking in general, sharply state representatives of medicine.

Doctors advise not to smoke at all, the more electronic cigarettes. The principle of smoking differs from traditional, but the harm from e-cigarettes is obvious. Although the components of the filling for the wakes separately are not so toxic as to cause serious poisoning, but in the collection of the filling of an electronic cigarette, when used systematically, it can negatively affect human systems and organs.

Everyone makes a choice consciously, sometimes this choice is not entirely successful and is harmful to health. Still, the electronic cigarette causes smokers ever more interest. An attractive picture, a lack of addiction and a promise of lightness and richness of taste are the tool of advertising, which attracts buyers who want to try a novelty as a magnet.

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