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Formaldehyde - what is it? What is its impact and how does it get?
Formaldehyde - what is it? This word must have been heard, at least once in life, but not everyone knows what it means. What associations arise when mentioning this substance? Difficult to answer? Meanwhile, formaldehyde surrounds us everywhere.
What is formaldehyde?
First of all, formaldehyde is gas. It naturally forms not only in the environment, but also in our body. In addition, it is obtained by production. Few people know, but we are constantly in contact with this substance. It enters our body when inhaled. In addition, a person uses daily products containing formaldehyde in small quantities (for example, bath foam and shampoo).
Formaldehyde preparation
The main method of obtaining industrial formaldehyde is the process of oxidation of methanol. It is carried out using a silver catalyst. This process takes place at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 650 degrees. Oxidation of methanol is well mastered, and approximately 80 percent of formaldehyde is produced by this method. But recently there has been an active development of a new promising method, in which an iron-molybdenum catalyst is used. The reaction proceeds at a temperature of 300 degrees. In both methods, the degree of conversion has a very high percentage (almost 99%).
Formaldehyde production is also possible in the dehydrogenation of methanol. It is carried out with the participation of zinc and copper catalysts. The required temperature is 600 degrees. Although this method has not yet found wide application. However, it is considered very promising. It allows to obtain formaldehyde without water content.
Application of formaldehyde
When receiving this substance, there is only one side effect - this is the oxidation of formaldehyde. At the same time, toxic substances are released. Unfortunately, this process actively proceeds at room temperature.
Despite this, formaldehyde has found wide application in many areas of industrial production. An aqueous solution, methanediol, causes protein denaturation. This feature of formaldehyde allows the use of the substance in leather production. And he has excellent tannic properties, which is very useful in medicine. Formaldehyde is recognized as a strong antiseptic, and also an excellent preservative for biological materials. But that's not all. This substance is used in the furniture and woodworking industry, in particular, it is necessary for the production of plywood. Finally, formaldehyde is used in the production of film.
Sometimes in the composition of shampoos and some bath products is such a dangerous substance for a person, like formaldehyde. What is dangerous, no doubt. After all, it is a very strong and very effective preservative. But it is never in pure form is not contained in shampoos. Especially - in the means to care for the child. Formaldehyde falls into their composition as a result of the breakdown of other chemical substances - the release.
Many foam baths are stored for a long time thanks to these components. Releases slowly release small doses of formaldehyde. This helps prevent the appearance of fungi and bacteria in shampoos.
Than formaldehyde is dangerous?
Based on the above information, it becomes unclear what is formaldehyde. Is it a dangerous poison or an innocuous component of soap and detergents? Of course, in large doses it poses a threat to human health. But after all, formaldehyde can penetrate into our body not only by contact with cosmetics. The fact is that it penetrates into the lungs and blood by air. Here are just a few sources of toxin:
- tobacco smoke;
- Exhaust gases ;
- Open flame;
- Gas cookers;
- glue;
- Disinfectants;
- nail polish;
- New carpets and carpets;
- Shampoos for cleaning carpets;
- New furniture from pressed wood.
What happens when you inhale formaldehyde? In humans this causes irritation of the nasopharynx and the eyes. Affected lungs. Many scientists seriously believe that a number of cases of development of asthma in children is associated with this gas. There are concerns that long-term exposure to formaldehyde at high concentrations may cause cancer. Studies have shown that this substance is a fairly strong carcinogen, and experiments on laboratory animals have confirmed this assumption. However, it has not been proven that formaldehyde promotes the development of a malignant tumor upon contact with the skin.
What is known about formaldehyde?
So, one of the dangerous carcinogens that surround us daily is formaldehyde. That this harmful substance for humans has already been proven. But what else do we know about it, except that the gas enters the lungs when inhaled and is unable to hit the skin? Penetrating into the body, formaldehyde disintegrates very quickly and is excreted in the urine and when exhaled (with carbon dioxide).
People who live in large industrial cities, in large areas, built-up high-rise buildings, are exposed to formaldehyde in greater concentrations than those who live in villages and towns. The likelihood of contact with this harmful substance is greater in the premises than in the open air.
What is not known about formaldehyde?
In fact, despite the fact that formaldehyde is sufficiently well studied, there still remain controversial questions about the effect of this gas on the body. For example, it is not known whether adults are less sensitive to this substance than children. Scientists and doctors differ on this issue. But if you take into account that the child has an air volume per kilogram of weight when inhaled, then the assumption of their highest sensitivity to formaldehyde is fully justified.
Threat to human health
The effect of formaldehyde on humans is very harmful and dangerous. This gas has pronounced mutagenic properties. It also acts as an irritant and a serious allergen. Long-term human contact with the environment in which this gas is dispersed can provoke the development of an oncological disease. Most often, the cancer of the respiratory tract is diagnosed. Perhaps more advanced and other severe forms, including leukemia.
Symptoms of poisoning the body with formaldehyde are: migraine, shortness of breath, depressed psychological state. If the concentration of gas reaches a critical level for human health, this can provoke paralysis of the airways, which leads to a fatal outcome. The presence of formaldehyde in the environment can also be indicated by conjunctivitis and pulmonary edema.
What other pathologies can cause formaldehyde? The reactions of its decomposition in the body cause significant harm to health. Penetrating into the digestive system, gas can cause its chemical burn, provoke numerous swelling and even stop breathing. As a formaldehyde solution, formalin is also capable of damaging our body. People who, due to their professional duties are sometimes forced to deal with this substance, experience all the manifestations of poisoning: asthma symptoms, severe headaches, conjunctivitis, nervous system damage.
How is the content of formaldehyde regulated in the products?
In many countries, state control over the content of formaldehyde as a carcinogen is envisaged . For example, in the UK the permissible concentration of this gas in air and water is regulated by law. Exceeding it is unacceptable, it always entails responsibility. Such serious attitude to this dangerous toxin is observed in almost all developed countries. There are also certain restrictions on workplaces where production is being conducted or formaldehyde is being used. The European Union stipulates the use of this substance in cosmetic products, including shampoos, bath foams, and nail polish. In this product, formaldehyde release should be present in minimal concentrations. If their content exceeds the established standards, this should be indicated on the label. And in some countries formalin is generally banned. So, in Japan and Sweden, any content of this substance in cosmetic products is unacceptable.
How to be and what to do?
Is it worth worrying about a substance such as formaldehyde? The health formula, of course, does not include the impact of this gas. Meanwhile, it is absolutely impossible to avoid contact with the said irrigant. Formaldehyde is part of some bath products, it is even in some children's shampoos. True, the producers claim that it is unlikely that the baby will become irritated at such an insignificant concentration. So this contact is completely safe. But if the child has an individual intolerance, irritation can appear even at such scanty amounts. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the label before buying cosmetics for crumbs.
How to minimize the harmful effect?
Phenol formaldehyde is a very toxic substance. Weaken its effect is difficult. When the gas is in the body, it changes a lot. In the decay it is transformed into formic acid, or methyl alcohol. Of course, the best protection against this carcinogen is the avoidance of places and areas where it can be contained in a high concentration. These are, first of all, car plugs, industrial areas, furniture factories. It is also recommended not to linger in rooms that are not ventilated. In addition, you should know that many indoor plants are able to absorb formaldehyde from the air (for example, chlorophytum, ivy, ficus).
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