Computers, Computer games
Fiery bowels in our days
We did not have time to blink with an eye, comrades, and the fourth add-on of the legendary MMORPG World of Warcraft is approaching. Well, the years go by, we still continue to play, but about the good old days, when the grass in Hillsbrad was greener and Arthas was a little younger, we can only remember. Someone will remember how he sat for weeks in Alterac, someone - how he gathered with his friends Atiesh, and someone - as he waited for more than one week to fully collect the guild, in order to begin a campaign in the Fire Nedra. We will talk about this today with you.
To today pass the Molten Core of Solo, you do not need to learn absolutely any tactics or prepare seriously beforehand, the good level and equipment make you a hundred players of the sixtieth level of the classical version of the game. You need to know the location of the raid, a unique "loot" from the bosses you want to hunt, and a legendary weapon that can only be collected here.
The road is far, the road is long
Well, sit on the horses and go ahead, to see old Ragni. Our first point will be the Black Mountain, to which the heroes of the Alliance can be easily reached straight from Stormwind, while the Horde warriors will have to use the services of the portal to the Blasted Lands. Upon arrival in the Black Mountain, fly to the island hanging on chains, and from it - to the underground "Depths of the Black Mountain" (by the way, the longest in the history of World of Warcraft).
Before you go directly into the dungeon, take the quest "Affinity with bowels" so that next time you can teleport directly to the raid. In the meantime, we stamp feet through the entire dungeon until we reach the last boss and see the fork. And so, just this fork will lead you to the Fiery Nedra. Take the black forge, looking out from the waterfall of the lava, as a landmark. Consider, if you see it, you are almost there.
About pleasant and unpleasant
As I said, absolutely all bosses are passed by the banal "zerg". Just be extremely careful with the groups of Hounds of the Earth around the first boss, if you accidentally draw their attention and after you leave at least one alive, she instantly begins to massively resurrect all the dogs around her, and everything can end with your heroic suicide - jumping into the river with lava . Also your adventure can end if you can not kill Ragnaros fast enough. He has a not very pleasant ability to throw you high in the air. Do not forget that from all the bosses are falling components of the T1 sets, and from Magmadar, the Forerunner of Sulfuron and the Golemagga Ispepelitel - pets to achieve "Classics on a leash."
For lovers of "orange" things and a maximum reputation with all factions, the Molten Core will become the second home. According to statistics from the Wowhead website, the chances of dropping quest items for the sword from Garr and Shazzrach are extremely small, the quest item for Ragnaros's hammer - and even less, and the legendary amulet "Talisman of splinter junction" from Baron Geddon fell only once in the history of World of Warcraft Warcraft. By the way, for the reputation with the "Hydroxian Lords of the Water" you will come here for at least a year.
Even for the new players of the WoW universe, the Fiery Subsoil is a place that should be visited at least once to see Ragnaros as it should be. So do not miss your chance and run to beat off the "cooldown" right now.
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