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Fenugreek - what is it? Fenugreek for hair, lactation and health. Comments on the use of fenugreek

In recent years, phytotherapy is again becoming popular. The list of medicinal herbs is returned mostly neglected, but still effective plants, given to us by nature. The whole world knows about miraculous ginseng. About curative properties of herbs, such as St. John's wort, oregano, lime blossom, plantain, chamomile are heard many. Decoctions, infusions from them are often prescribed by treating physicians, supplementing phytotherapy with a course of treatment with chemical preparations. But what can you say about the medicinal and other useful properties of a plant called fenugreek? "What is it?" - most likely will be heard in response.

In Latin Trigonélla, and in Russian, fenugreek

AT The family of legumes is the subfamily Motylkov, which includes the genus Pygetnik. Photo hardly reminds of a meeting with an inconspicuous plant in a meadow or in a field. The name herb fenugreek received from the old Russian word "pasture" - pasture. Most likely, the plant was called by shepherds, who watched livestock eat with pleasure the thickets, especially dried up. Cows noticeably add in milk. Therefore, careful owners, preparing hay for the winter, are happy, if it contains stems of fenugreek. This feature is noted by botanists, who gave the name to the most common species - such as fenugreek hay. It has long been familiar to folk healers like Greek hay or Greek nomadic, Fenigrek grass, cocked hat, blue clover, gongba. In countries with natural areas of fenugreek, people have used it since antiquity, transferring theoretical knowledge and practical skills from generation to generation.

Description of the plant

The lifespan of fenugreek from shoots to wilting is only one summer. Rounded hollow stem about one meter high, branched at the top. Leaves are small, triple, as in clover, in the axils of which sit umbellate (or racemose) sometimes solitary yellow inflorescences. Blooms from May to June. Fenugreek hay (all elements of the plant) has a specific smell. Fruits (small light-brown seeds of prismatic shape in thin lengths up to 10 cm of pods) ripen in July-August. They taste sweet with a little bitterness, a nutty aftertaste and aroma.

Where is fenugreek used?

What is this plant and where can I apply it? First, it is curative. Used immature, but more often ripe seeds, less often - flowering herb fenugreek. It is a part of drugs-anabolic for sports nutrition. Scientists have proved: fenugreek, the use of which has been used by alternative medicine since ancient times, has a curative effect today: anti-inflammatory, regenerating, laxative and diuretic, hypoglycemic, antisclerotic, anabolic.

Secondly, edible are beans, spicy-flavoring qualities which are used in national cuisine. In India and Egypt, fenugreek is adored. In these countries, the plant is known for much more than in Russia. There are natural areas or cultivated plantations on which fenugreek grows. A photo of the extensive sown areas in one of the areas of India is given below. Only he is called there differently. These are uхоho sнеneli (Georgia), chaman (Armenia), fenugreek in Greece, Germany, in Egypt helba, in India - shambala or metkhi.

Useful properties and composition of the plant Fenugreek

The use of folk medicine plants in the treatment of many diseases is due to the presence in them of biologically active ingredients. Why is fenugreek useful? Let us examine in detail its chemical and biological composition.

Seeds contain:

  • Proteins, consisting of essential amino acids, serving as building material for the human body.
  • Steroidal saponins: diosgenin (enhances the production of the sex hormones progesterone and pregnenolone, which protects pregnancy and regulate menstruation, and in the male body are a counterbalance to estrogens seeking to re-form the male figure into female, in pharmacology - for the synthesis of cortisone - a catabolic hormone that breaks down proteins Up to amino acids, glycogen to glucose, dioscin (has a weak anti-cancer effect), contains small amounts of other saponins, they soften the thickened sink Zh, show an expectorant effect.
  • Flavonoids: vitexin - widens the channel of blood vessels, strengthens the walls of capillaries; Isovitoxin - strengthens the nervous system; Vitsenin - protects cells from radiation and oxidation; Luteolin - protection against cancer, allergies, aging of the body.
  • Trigonellin. This substance, named after the trigonella - so in Latin sounds fenugreek. What is this? The alkaloid, first discovered in this particular plant. Beneficial of its hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolean effect - reducing sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Choline (vitamin B4) improves memory, is important for the nervous system, lowers blood sugar, prevents fat accumulation in the liver and regulates lipid (fat) metabolism in the body.
  • Carotenoids. Fenugreek is a source of vitamin A, which ensures the growth of epithelial cells lining all the cavities of the body, beginning with the nasopharynx and ending with the genitourinary tract. Promotes the work of the immune system, has a beneficial effect on vision.
  • Vegetable mucus - envelops the inflamed parts of the internal cavities of the body, protecting them from irritation.
  • Bitterness is a well of health: it increases the production of hormones in the pancreas, activates the production of bile, enhances the intestinal motif, helps the hormonal system, increases immunity, reduces cholesterol, removes toxins, normalizes kidney function, accelerates metabolism, eliminates cravings for sweets (they say: "What sweet maims, then the bitterness will heal"), contributes to the rapid saturation of food, reduces weight, enhances blood formation, gives strength.
  • Fatty oil is a source of fatty polyunsaturated acids, in particular oleic, linoleic and linolenic (regulators of many vital processes in the body), a supplier of vitamin E (antioxidant, protects body cells from oxidation, a blocker of carcinogens in the stomach, supports muscle activity and preserves the skin, promotes regeneration Cells).
  • Essential (aromatic) oil - used in ancient times for embalming, now used for massage.
  • Phenolic compounds. The most noticeable are the coumarins, enclosed in fenugreek. What is it? Anticoagulants that prevent thrombosis.


  • Potassium (for the balance of water and salts, activates enzymes, is part of the cells of the body, nerves and brain);
  • Zinc (activator of enzymes and a DNA synthesizer, for growth and normal development, supports immunity and a sense of taste and smell);
  • Sodium (regulator of acid-water balance, normalizes blood pressure);
  • Calcium (blood clotting enhancer, heart rate regulator, supports the structure of bones and enamel of the teeth, muscles are needed for their reduction, for the production of hormones and enzymes, the transmitter of the signals of the nervous system);
  • Copper (a key element of skin collagen and all connective tissues, is necessary for pregnant women in the process of fetal development, heals wounds);
  • Manganese (for the metabolism of glucose and cholesterol, keeps the skin, bones and cartilage healthy);
  • Phosphorus (in combination with calcium forms bones and teeth, in which the content of the element is 85%, the essential mineral is included in the cells and nucleic acid in the genes);
  • Magnesium (the claimed element - performs more than three hundred biochemical functions, relaxes the muscles, stabilizes the heart rhythm, synthesizes proteins, preparing them for use by the body).

Fenugreek in medicine

For centuries in the Asian and Western European countries, this plant is considered a cure for thousands of diseases. The British herbal pharmacopoeia has introduced fenugreek seeds into the list of medicines. New scientific studies confirm the curative nature of the plant.

Currently, the acute shortage of plant raw materials containing steroid saponins, drew the attention of pharmacologists to fenugreek, the use of which is possible for the production of cortisone and diosgenin - drugs.

Healer of women

Due to the high content of phytoestrogens, fenugreek is considered a female medicine. Healers prescribe to take seeds in the last month of pregnancy and after childbirth. Fenugreek for lactation - the most important means. It promotes the formation of the lactogenic hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland, which is manifested by the increase in the mammary glands and the high tide of milk. A sufficient amount of the same hormone prevents pregnancy during lactation.

Massage of the breast with olive oil with the addition of ethereal fenugreek increases the volume of mammary glands.

It alleviates painful menstruation and helps women during the menopause to overcome the unpleasant sensations of hot flushes.

For men

The Chinese use fenugreek (grass and seeds) in cases of male impotence. Regular (but not excessive!) Consumption of seeds increases libido and strengthens orgasm.

Useful to everyone

In Bulgaria, the seeds of fenugreek have long been used to restore strength.

In Egypt, yellow tea is popular, contributing to thermoregulation: it cools and reduces sweating in the heat, improves mood. It is an antipyretic and expectorant for colds, pulmonary diseases. It well dilutes sputum.

Regular consumption of powder from seeds strengthens the body. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated, the intestinal periostic is intensified. Apply in powder with swellings - fenugreek eliminates food fermentation.

Helps reduce weight to obese people.

From the decoction of herbs or seeds make baths with sweating feet. Lubrication of corns with essential oil heals them.

Poultices from a seed powder gruel with the addition of vinegar soften abscesses. A bandage of warm gruel, but without vinegar, clears open purulent ulcers, treats skin diseases, neuralgia, relieves inflammation in the joints.

Powder from seeds and fenugreek oil purify the body of cholesterol, which reduces blood pressure. Helps reduce weight to obese people.

Fenugreek for hair (rubbing gruel into the roots, wetting with infusion of strands) is an excellent remedy for getting rid of dandruff and alopecia.

Eating sprouts of germinated grains, young shoots, seeds from infestation has an insulin-like effect - the sugar level reduces not only stevia, Jerusalem artichoke, leaf beans, but also fenugreek.


Infusion: 2 tbsp. L. Seeds pour a glass of boiling water. After 5 hours of infusion, drain the liquid. Inside - for ½ cup 3 times a day, This infusion is treated with damaged hair, rubbing liquid into the roots.

Kashitsa: prepared from 2 tbsp. L. Seeds, filled with half a glass of boiling water - heated in a water bath until the water is completely evaporated and the gruel is formed. Or diluted with boiling water fenugreek powder.

Tea yellow Egyptian (Helba): Fenugreek seeds rinse; Measure a teaspoon of grain (one cup of tea will be enough for a glass), which are covered in a saucepan and poured with boiling water, cook for 7-8 minutes on a slow fire, then drain the liquid - this tea, whose unusual flavor is supplemented with honey, lemon, ginger.


Men do not need to get carried away with fenugreek immensely. Women need advice from a gynecologist. For pregnant women until the last month of bearing a child and for those with a high level of estrogen, fenugreek is clearly contraindicated.


Yellow tea Helba is a miracle. Arabs easily cope with hot dry winds - instead of water they drink yellow tea. In addition, it is nutritious, reduces the feeling of hunger, gives vivacity and a good mood.

Regular drink of fenugreek infusion in the last month of pregnancy and during the period of feeding positively affects the quantity and quality of breast milk.

Adding fenugreek seeds (lightly fried) or a powder of them as a spice in various dishes improves their taste, giving piquancy.

Such a wonderful healer is this fenugreek. Reviews of his power are numerous. This is really a medicine of nature, even if not from a thousand, but from 100 diseases - that's for sure.

For centuries, in Asian and Western European countries, this plant is considered a cure for a variety of diseases. New scientific studies confirm the curative nature of the plant.

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