EducationColleges and Universities

Features of the curator of the academic group

During the Soviet period, full-time students were socially protected, they all studied under the Constitution for free, and still had a scholarship, there was one Marxist ideology and this prompted a considerable naivety of students' world outlook.

In the educational system of the educational institution, the formation of moral consciousness and high personal qualities of the future specialist occupy a leading place. The fulfillment of this task is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the viability of the individual in society. But at the same time, modern moral relativism, promiscuity have become quite widespread. Therefore, the faculty and the curatorial building of the university must develop common norms, principles, ideals, which I will use as moral criteria in assessing the activities of students. It makes no sense to invent your own university "bicycle". Leading moral guidelines should be the codes of honor of students and teachers, approved in many universities.

In those days, the work of the curator of the group was mainly organized forms: visiting museums, theaters, weekend trips. Visiting classes were compulsory, the curator showed those who violated the academic discipline and brought up such students together with their parents.

At the present stage of the development of society, the work of the curator in the group goes farther from the organized forms. Now, in the period of building capitalism, the social protection of students has drastically decreased. Contrary to the Constitution, the contract form of training is increasingly being introduced for payment. A year of training costs an average of one thousand dollars, so many families are not able to pay this money. Students zmuchenidopomagaty parents and therefore falsify mainly in the field of life. This dramatically affected the attendance of students in full -time studies. A well-known fact that the constant attendance of classes gives the necessary knowledge on the chosen specialty. Visiting classes is the greatest negative problem in higher education.

On the other hand, the student here has grown intellectually. In this he helps constant communication with the computer and the Internet. Even having no such effect hikes in museums and other cultural and mass events. Students by virtue of their age are interested in their hearth, their music categories, their own peculiarities of communication in everyday life. In all this, the curator is poorly oriented. My long experience of curatorial work suggests that at this stage of higher education reform the main thing in the relationship between the curator and students is no formal approach.

The main thing in the curator's work now is sincerity in communicating with each student of the group, respecting his dignity, proceeding from the fact that you are on an equal footing with him intellectually, only he lacks special knowledge. First of all it is necessary to learn about the family life of the student's parents, and if the student already has a family, also the cares of his family. When the elderly curator with a rich life experience, he can rightfully recommend how to solve household problems and offer his help in solving problems.

Therefore, it is necessary for the curator to take a careful look at the reasons for the absence of the student in the class in each case. And if the reasons are important, intercede with the deans about the opportunity to freely attend classes. By their actions, the curator will be able to significantly improve the psychological climate in the group and influence the quality of education.

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