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Entertaining observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring

Observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring is a whole topic, which has been obligatory for a long time in kindergartens. Thematic excursions into nature with children to explore the surrounding world - that's what is so interesting and useful for children. At any age, not necessarily directly in front of the school. This approach helps develop, and awakens curiosity in children. In addition, nature undergoes great changes in the spring , occurring with the onset of warm weather. The world literally blossoms. All this helps to develop babies. Moreover, spring phenomena can entrap a child. No coercion or persuasion - the kids themselves will be drawn to gain new knowledge from mother nature. Information will be assimilated with the help of visual examples, and this, as you know, has a favorable effect on development. So what can you make observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring? And what plan should generalizing lessons be given on this topic?

Goals and objectives

Of course, each lesson should have its own goals. And the observation on a walk in the spring also pursues certain tasks. So, for example, you should not neglect such kind of studies. After all, for kids, even in the preparatory groups, it is important that the information comes in an interesting for them, game form. And the illustrative examples that nature demonstrates in spring in all its glory - this is what is needed for successful learning.

During the walks, children not only have fun. They also learn to study the surrounding world, analyze what is happening, build logical chains of effects (spring has come - buds on trees have appeared). All this is very important for children's development. Especially as walking in the fresh air is also useful for health.

Also, children learn to discuss what is happening around them. Do not just analyze, but also express your opinion. It is very important. Walk-watching in the kindergarten leaves vivid impressions, which after the kids can express and remember much better than some imaginative, abstract explanations of the teachers.


So, what observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring can be done with children of different ages? Honestly, they are always the same. The main thing - just to interest the kids, to focus their attention on certain points that occur to the outside world.

For example, the first and most obvious is the weather changes. Of course, the surrounding world begins to blossom literally. And the weather becomes warmer, soft, pleasant. The sun is already warming, the temperature in the street is not so low. If you arranged some winter walks with the children, it's time to compare the weather in winter and spring. Let the kids look at what's going on, and also describe the changes that they could make.


The next feature to be explained, and not just to show, is the arrival of birds. Most likely, in the spring or winter you have already discussed the flights that birds perform with the onset of cold weather. Observation on a walk (the younger group is this or another - it does not matter) was to emphasize that the birds in the cooler are less. Someone does fly away, but someone stays.

And in the spring not only the weather suffers some changes. More and birds arrive. Most likely, the flight can not be seen. But new birds on the trees - easily. Show the children that with the onset of a warm pore the world around comes to life. Birds return home from warm countries. And now they will live here until new cold. If you can see the storks, tell the children about them. These birds symbolize to some extent the spring. And in general, try to talk about all the migratory birds that meet you on a walk.


Near the garden there is a pond? Then the older group (observation on a walk at this age should be extremely informative, but at the same time fascinating) focuses attention on changes in water. In winter, the ponds were covered with ice. And now, when the spring has come, the world literally wakes up. The weather becomes warmer, the birds return from warm countries, and the water melts.

There are floods and streams. In some cases, it is necessary to explain to children that much snow and ice sometimes cause floods. But it does not happen so often. And the spring melting of ice is not as dangerous as it seems. Most often it is safe, even useful for nature and the surrounding world.


Of course, a walk-watching (the second junior group or the older one is not so important) must necessarily emphasize the main changes in nature in the spring. We must not forget that plants illustrate the greatest differences of the seasons from each other.

Let the children look at how the surrounding world and its vegetation in the spring change in comparison with autumn and winter. The grass is green, flowers start to blossom somewhere, buds appear on the trees. All this is very important for children. And as a study of the surrounding world, and for general development.


On the spring flowers, too, do not forget. Most likely, we'll just have to tell that in this period, when nature and the surrounding world wake up from the hibernation, the flowers begin to blossom. If you can, show tulips, and also do not forget to tell about the first messengers of spring.

About what? About the snowdrops! Very often observation on a walk (the preparatory group is already able to fully grasp such information) implies a search and a story about the first flowers that appear after the winter, with the first warm rays of the sun. To find them, as a rule, is not so difficult. Let the children look at the flowers, remember them. After all, spring is associated with flowers and greenery, with something warm and pleasant. Everything around literally blossoms before our eyes. Explain this to the kids.

Animals and insects

Next is to look at the animal world. Well, if the observations on a walk in the preparatory group in the spring will include a clear example of awakening animals from hibernation, as well as their changes. For example, some people choose a visit to the zoo as a developmental activity. It shows that animals are awakened from hibernation, and change their winter color to normal, spring.

All this, most likely, will have to be told in words while children are walking and exploring the world around them. Also emphasize that all living beings begin to wake up. Even insects. By the way, in particularly warm weather, you can see butterflies, ladybirds, as well as various bug-cockroaches, which were absent in winter. All this is extremely interesting for children at any age.

Distinctive features

Walk-watching in the kindergarten will eventually come to an end sooner or later. In such moments it is necessary to sum up the information received. It is advisable, by the way, to get out on similar research studies as often as possible. Children with great pleasure will study the features of each season in a clear example, and even in the fresh air. Practice and observation are always better than bare theory.

Discuss with the children what features spring has. In the same way as it was done in autumn and winter. Let the kids themselves sum up the results of walks. Compare winter and spring. This will help children understand the seasons. Very useful information that forms an idea of the world around us. And it does not matter at what time the walk was observed: the 2 younger group or the older one. The result will be one - getting knowledge about the changes in nature and the surrounding world with the onset of heat.


Well, now that you and the children have discussed the main changes in nature, you can and even need to sum up the final lesson. It is desirable that this was a fine art. It is this form that helps the development of children to the fullest. And interesting, and useful.

Observation in the preparatory group (and not only at this age, but in any other) should be summed up by doing an IZO. In any form that only children will prefer. Most often this is drawing.

Prepare all the inventory that can come in handy: paper, pencils, brushes, paints, markers, water. And then invite the children to draw a spring. What they saw on the walk, or how they imagine the onset of the spring period. You can also suggest to depict two pictures - winter and spring. Also a very good option. And then let each child explain how these two seasons differ from each other. And interesting, and useful, and not difficult. Help, if children have any difficulties with the explanations.

In the end, you can make an exhibition of drawings. Let the children show their parents what they were taught to observe during a walk in the preparatory group in the spring. After all, it's much easier for some people to tell about the information they got to close people. Yes, and boast of success, too, all children love.


Another option to summarize the information received is the preparation of applications for the spring theme. There is already better that the educator himself came up with some specific topic. For example, dedicated to nature or weather. Either give children complete freedom in this matter - let them, with the help of colored paper, as well as glue and plasticine with cardboard, depict what they saw during the walk. Or, as in the previous case, they will show how exactly they imagine spring. And they will tell you about the information received.

At the end of the session, an exhibition of children's works is again held. You can also hold an open class on the topic of spring. Let the children not only show their creations, but also tell their parents about how the day passed for a walk, what new things they learned for themselves, how nature changes in the spring.


What is the outcome of all of the above? Spring walks for children in kindergarten are very important. Kids learn much better when they are busy with something interesting, and also see vivid examples of everything that is happening. Walking is the best form of studying the world around you.

At the end of each topic, you need to make a generalization. It is desirable, that it was also in some form interesting for the children. The main thing is try to talk about changes in the world around so that children are interested in this process. In any case, walk-watching for a long time will be stored in the memory of children. This will help them develop and add an accurate picture of the world around them. Observations on a walk (the younger group may not be able to fully appreciate the changes taking place in nature, but, undoubtedly, the kids will be all interested) is what helps children to obtain the necessary knowledge about the environment in an interesting form for them. Neglect these activities in any case impossible.

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