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"Elements of the theory of social conflict" (Ralph Darendorf). How does the author assess the possibility of conflict management?

"A society in which there are no conflicts is doomed to degradation." This is the position held by Ralph Darendorf - a well-known German-British sociologist. He believed that the absence of conflict is a state that contradicts the normal development of society, which he wrote about in Elements of the Theory of Social Conflict. As the author assesses the possibility of regulating conflicts, let's try to find out now.

The emergence of conflict

According to Darendorf, society is a system that is in a state of constant change due to the interrelationships of conflicting social groups. In his work "Elements of the theory of social conflict," the scientist confirms Marx's teaching that all contradictions arise between classes. With only one amendment: if earlier conflict situations were based on economic postulates, they now concern ownership and subordination.

According to Darendorf, the emergence of social conflict is preceded by three stages:

  1. Appearance of the causal background. That is, there are interests that oppose each other. They are not clearly marked, so they can be called latent (latent), but at the same time there are small groups that prefer a certain position.
  2. Awareness. At this stage, group members realize that they support different ideals.
  3. Conflict. A direct clash of warring parties.

The scientist is sure that the conflict will always arise in society, but you can not let this process go by itself. Regulation of social conflicts must take place in every segment of society.

Forms of conflict

Before you learn how the author assesses the possibility of regulating conflicts, it is necessary to stock up with information about what forms they can acquire.

Darendorf says that the conflict should be viewed as a scale of violence, where, on the one hand, defending one's position can carry a threat to life, and on the other hand, the conflict takes place in the form of negotiations, that is, according to ethical norms. Between these "points" you can observe mixed forms of conflict, such as strikes, ultimatums, competition, etc. The intensity of the conflict is directly proportional to the importance of the subject matter for participants.

For example, if a dispute arises in a football club when a chapter is selected, it gradually turns into a fight, then it will not be perceived as sharply as a lowering of the salary at the enterprise.

It can not be done

And yet, how does the author assess the possibility of regulating conflicts? Before proceeding to this issue, it should be noted that Darendorf does not recommend the use of suppression to resolve disputable situations, noting its inefficiency.

According to how actively they try to suppress the dispute, it becomes so "malignant". And then the emergence of violent methods of resolving a dispute remains only a matter of time. Conflict can not be suppressed over a long period of time. Otherwise, the results will be unpredictable.

One of the types of conflict suppression is the cancellation technique. That is, when legislative acts are introduced, internal regulations at the firm, etc. But only social confrontations can not be completely eradicated.

Conflict management and prevention

Regulation implies monitoring the dynamics of the development of conflicts and gradually reducing it. Successful regulation consists of the following:

  • Awareness. Each of the participants in the conflict, as well as an outside observer, should understand the root cause of the dispute.
  • Subject. Having realized the cause of the occurrence, it is necessary to identify the main subject of the conflict and to resolve this problem (in particularly severe cases, try to reduce the tension of the confrontation a little).
  • Manifesto. Appeal of special bodies and organizations to the conflicting parties with a request for a truce.
  • "Rules of the game". It is necessary to secure the consent of participants to establish "rules of the game", according to which they can solve the problem.

Rules and laws should be equal for all. Therefore, using the "rules of the game", Darendorf offers several ways to resolve conflicts:

  1. Conversation. It implies the creation of a special body or organization, where the conflicting parties can meet and defend their positions in a civilized way. Decision-making for and against will occur through a general vote.
  2. The mediator. The easiest option: to attract an uninterested third party, which will help resolve the dispute.
  3. Arbitration. The situation is the same as with the intermediary, only in this case the decision of the third party is binding.

Considering how the author assesses the possibility of regulating conflicts, one can come to the following conclusions: the conflict is considered the driving force of changes, which should not be a disaster, so there is a need for its resolution.

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