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Dry mist: reviews and technology. Business in dry fog
One of the important feelings of a person creating an idea of the world around him is his sense of smell. It helps to distinguish a huge amount of odors, some of which, unfortunately, are simply intolerable or cause obvious irritation.
This situation often occurs in the car. Seats and casing as a sponge absorb smells, why the aroma in the car is far from the most pleasant. Of course, the situation is somewhat corrected by "static" flavors, but they also can not completely eliminate the problem that has arisen. And here to help motorists comes a dry fog. The reviews of the owners of cars confirm that its spraying allows you to cope with the most intense smells.
The essence of technology
The technique of "dry fog" has received such a name is not accidental. When it is used, a substance similar to smoke is released from the nozzle of the spraying device into which a special liquid is charged. The resulting suspension has nothing to do with wet steam.
The device for the creation of dry fog is developed in the USA and is called Electro-Gen. It is filled with a special liquid - ODORx. Even before spraying, the composition filled in the device completely evaporates. This process is due to the structure of the liquid and the presence of a thermal nozzle in the apparatus. As a result, only the tiniest and, at the same time, dry particles that are similar in shape to the crystals fall into the air. They also neutralize smells in the car, bringing with it cleanliness, natural freshness or a subtle unobtrusive aroma. Such particles are so small that they are able to get to the most difficult places, where "unpleasant smells" hide. For example, it can be the structure of the upholstery material.
Variants of aromas
Depending on the composition of the liquid poured into the apparatus, it can leave in the cabin various unobtrusive smells. What are the variants of aromas? Their list contains:
- "Anti-Tobacco" . A liquid with such a filler is capable of permanently destroying the most persistent smell in a smoky salon. After using a dry fog with an antitobacco, the car remains an interesting and very light male fragrance.
- No smell . Dry fog of this type is the most effective neutralizer of odors of any origin. After treatment with such a composition of the cabin, the natural atmosphere of a well-groomed car is restored in it.
- "Blue Kentucky Grass". Why is this dry fog attractive? Reviews of motorists indicate that after using it in the passenger compartment, unpleasant odors are completely eliminated and a light, clean and transparent scent of meadows appears.
- "Cherry" . The liquid with this filler perfectly eliminates all unpleasant odors. It is worth saying that "Cherry" is the most popular smell, which is used in the "dry mist" method. Reviews of car owners indicate that after processing the salon of their cars is filled with an elite expensive aroma with notes of natural and very noble shades. Not without reason the smell of this fragrance is considered a smell of elegance and chic.
- "Citrus". This fragrance is also used in the technology of "dry fog". Customer testimonials indicate that the liquid with this fill perfectly neutralizes odors and gives the salon a thin, fresh and energetic flavor.
Technology advantages
What is attractive for dry fog for cars? Reviews of car owners, comparing this method with other means, indicate that after treatment of the interior with liquid ODORx on the fabric, velor, alcantra and the skin there is no streaks or any traces.
In addition, the substance released from the nozzle of the Electro-Gen apparatus has unique propagation properties. Thanks to them, dry fog can be compared with smoke penetrating almost everywhere. The created substance is able to process the upholstery of the entire interior, the cavity, to get into air ducts, door cards and all cracks. Not in vain, the indicator of dry mist penetration is 99%.
Advantages of dry fog consist in its harmlessness. It should be said that ODORx liquid has expert opinions and certificates of reliability and quality.
What else attracts motorists to the technology of "dry fog"? Car treatment (customer reviews confirm this) is made within 30-45 minutes. This is a fairly high cleaning speed, which does not take a lot of time and effort in comparison with other means.
But not only those who have long used their own car, leave positive about the technology of "dry fog" reviews. "" is a well-known site, through which many people buy used cars. Using the "dry mist" method allows you to completely eliminate odors in the cabin of these machines, which is impossible with the use of other flavors. At the same time, the car gets an elite and unique aroma, evenly distributed over the upholstery.
How much will it take to remove odors with a dry fog? Reviews of motorists say that this procedure cost them several times cheaper than dry cleaning.
Advantages of the technology of spraying microparticles lie in the fact that the freshness in the cabin after treatment remains for one month. And in the future, thanks to the properties of the ODORx liquid, the machine has an aroma of grooming without any chemical smell.
Destruction of insects
Currently, dry fog from cockroaches is used. Reviews about this innovative technology of insect destruction prove its high efficiency. In addition to cockroaches, the dry mist perfectly fights with bedbugs and flies, ants and mosquitoes. The finely dispersed substance emerging from the nozzle of the apparatus immediately affects the respiratory system of the insect, leading to its death.
The high permeability of fog particles allows no preliminary work to move the furniture. The toxic substance easily penetrates into ventilating boxes, technical openings and sanitary communications, which are places of insect accumulation. The positive side of this treatment is its speed (15-20 min), as well as the lack of moisture and traces on the surfaces.
Idea for business
There are many enterprising people who dream of starting their own business without special skills and considerable starting capital. In this case, they can recommend business in a dry fog. The feedback of those who have already started to try their hand at this affair confirm that today this service is in demand on the consumer market. Beginning businessmen are also attracted by the fact that the equipment necessary for working on dry fog technology is mobile. This allows you to provide services not only in the car service center. Acquired equipment is quite suitable for field work on processing not only cars, but also apartments, as well as offices.
Features of business
How much is demanded technology "dry fog"? Reviews of the business, given by entrepreneurs who started to provide similar services, indicate its seasonal fluctuations. This refers to the structure of orders and their number. In winter, most applications for processing premises. Orders come from tenants of apartments in which there was a fire, as well as from new settlers, who found in rooms the persistent smell of animals, tobacco or mustiness. In the summer, there is a growing demand for the processing of car interiors. This is due to the fact that the cladding begins to spread the smells more intensively with increasing air temperature. As a result, an entrepreneur can receive from 20-30 orders a month in winter and up to 60-70 in summer.
Apparatus for the application of the technology of "dry fog" is available in three varieties. These are Electrogen mini, Electrogen 2000 and TermoGen VF. Each of these types of apparatus is suitable for cleaning air in the car interior or indoors. Among the main differences of this equipment are indicators of power and efficiency.
Electrogen mini
When operating this unit, you can select the modes for the two types of spraying. One of them is cold, and the second, with the nozzle nozzle, is hotter. This enables this device to produce a sufficiently high-quality spraying of any liquids intended for the "dry mist" technology.
Electrogen mini is quite effective. And this is all due to the dense directed fine-grained flow created at the output.
The positive side of working with this device is that it is convenient to hold in hands.
Electrogen 2000
This device is more powerful than the one discussed above in 7 times. At the same time, its main difference is the ability to work with compounds that are basically water. The set of equipment Electrogen 2000 includes a remote control, working from the electrical network. The device has a sufficiently high number of settings, which make it possible to create additional convenience in its operation. All functions are set using the remote control.
The device is able to work autonomously. In this case, all settings for it must be specified in advance.
ThermoGen VF
This device for the technology of "dry fog" has the most powerful characteristics. As a rule, it is used in large areas. The fog created by the apparatus in a matter of seconds destroys unpleasant smells in garages, apartments, shops, etc.
Organization of business
Those who want to have a profitable business, use the technology of "dry fog" (elimination of odors). Feedback from those who have already organized this business, say that you will need to buy equipment first. Apparatus for generating dry fog Electro-Gen will cost a beginning entrepreneur in 1700 y. E. In the kit with it are purchased five gallons of special liquid, the volume of each of which is 3.8 liters. Next, you should study the instructions for using the device and begin its practical application.
Customer search
Initially, the service for cleaning air in the car's salons, offices and apartments must be carried out in the circle of their friends. If they like the effect that "dry fog" technology gives, feedback from grateful customers will spread further. About you know relatives and friends of friends. In the future, they will become regular customers.
For the development of business, advertising will also be required. It also attracts customers, indicating the benefits they receive from services.
Mobility of the device for dry fog allows you to save money on renting a room. The service can be provided in any conditions where there is a power source for the equipment. But even this is not necessary. You can find a way out of the situation even in the absence of an outlet. To solve the problem, it is enough to buy a converter that connects to a car battery, costing only 2000 rubles.
Business registration
As an individual entrepreneur, you can not work until your service is in demand only among friends and acquaintances. However, with the expansion of the sales market, it is necessary to formalize the IP. You can pay taxes even at the very beginning of your work to provide services. This will be a guarantee of security and will save you from penalties in the detection of commercial activities without registration.
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