Health, Medicine
Do you think you have low hemoglobin? Symptoms will tell for sure
The level of hemoglobin is one of the most important indicators of the state of human health. Hemoglobin is one of the complex proteins contained in the structure of red blood cells, which are called erythrocytes. Its main function is the transfer of oxygen to the tissues and organs of man. Lack of hemoglobin is also called anemia. This disease entails a number of unpleasant symptoms and illnesses.
Symptoms of low hemoglobin
What is low hemoglobin? Symptoms such as weakness, malaise and dizziness will tell you the best. It is difficult to independently diagnose its reduced level, and some of the symptoms are often found in other diseases. Low hemoglobin, the symptoms of which are manifested due to a lack of oxygen in the body, often leads to pallor and dry skin. There are also symptoms such as: shortness of breath during physical exertion, heart palpitations, tinnitus, headache, insomnia and brittle nails.
Signs of low hemoglobin
To know that the hemoglobin level in your body is low, you can by the following signs: frequent colds, cold hands and feet. Dizziness, morning headaches, pale mucous membrane of the mouth, fast fatigue, "jam" in the corners of the mouth, eyelid conjunctiva, dry, cracking skin - all these are signs of the same disease - anemia. Also, if low hemoglobin, symptoms indicate a taste disorder: preferences for smells of gasoline and paint, which are usually not liked by other people, the taste of chalk, ice and paper. However, these symptoms do not appear in all cases of the disease, although they are quite common.
Nutrition with low hemoglobin
If you have low hemoglobin (the symptoms clearly indicate the disease), then you need iron, because it is the main source of hemoglobin for the human body. The need for iron is about 20 mg. This amount for pregnant women is slightly higher - about 25 - 30 mg.
Among all the products that promote hemoglobin in the blood, and therefore contain iron in its composition, the first place belongs to meat. Thanks to this product in the human body receives about 22% of iron. Most of it is contained in beef, however pork and veal have indicators not much worse. A lot of iron contains the liver, and consuming fish, we absorb up to 11% of iron.
Including apples, pomegranates and carrots in your diet, we should not forget that our body absorbs all the useful substances, except for iron, which is contained in these products. Help the body to digest it can vitamin C, which in sufficient quantities contains vegetable food. With the help of vitamin C, iron, which is contained in meat products, is absorbed more actively. That's why meat is recommended to eat with vegetables.
Iron and copper, which play not the least role in the processes of hematopoiesis, are rich in legumes and grains. But we must not forget that these cultures also contain phosphorus compounds, which interfere with the active assimilation of iron by the body. Growing, chopping and soaking these products, it is possible to reduce the content of phosphorus compounds in them.
To double the amount of digested iron, you need to drink orange fresh juice after taking a useful, rich in the necessary component of food.
A lot of useful microelements that help increase the level of hemoglobin, contains honey, namely - dark honey. After all, this product contains a lot of fructose, which promotes the assimilation of iron.
Tea and coffee is best excluded from the diet with a shortage of hemoglobin. These drinks contain in their composition tannin, which blocks the absorption of iron by the body. They are recommended to replace them with fresh juices and compotes from dried fruits.
For cooking, with anemia, it is better to use cast-iron dishes. According to experts, 20 minutes cooking and boiling sauce in such dishes, provides an increase in the amount of iron 9-10 times.
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