
Depilatory cream - reviews and instructions will help to make everything right!

The action of depilatory creams is such that they destroy keratin in the hair shaft on the surface of the skin. Hair is easily removed with a special spatula, they do not need to be shaved, damaging the epidermis. Although such cosmetics contain chemicals, they act quite painlessly and less aggressively than other methods. For sensitive areas of the skin, a depilation cream is used. Reviews say that this method is great for the bikini area, upper lip, armpits and where it is difficult to get a razor, for example, in the natural bends of the body.

Before using the cream, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test for the chemicals in the formulation. If the test was successful, there is no redness or burns, then the agent can be applied safely to the surface of the skin. It should be remembered that if the skin is damaged or irritated - you can not apply the depilation cream. Comments ladies who were unlucky and they ventured to apply a remedy on the wound or irritated pimple, say that this leads to disastrous consequences. Probably, even it is necessary to address to the dermatologist that he has appointed or nominated treatment for calm of the top layer of an epidermis.

Fat and dirt can interfere with the good contact of the cream and hair. Clean the skin with soap and water and dry it with a towel - these are the steps that need to be done before applying the depilation cream. Feedback from fans of this method of hair removal and instructions will help to make everything right.

Do not leave the product on for a long time. It can cause irritation or burns. The watch should be at hand all the time, so as not to miss the moment. If the skin feels burning, then you need to immediately wash off the cream for depilation. Reviews of women and girls about other methods of hair removal are always different: some use a razor or warm wax, others resort to the help of photoepilation, and someone uses more modern methods, for example, laser hair removal. But all the fair sex representatives began to remove hair with the help of such a tool - it is fast, convenient and effective.

It is worth noting that even the male half of humanity uses a miracle cream - most often it is used by models, dancers and athletes. This tool has many advantages due to which it is popular. It is very important that the depilation cream for men and women is easy to use at home, it is inexpensive, the procedure is painless and can be carried out in sensitive and uncomfortable places of your body.

If you want the legs to be always beautiful and attractive, you can use another, very effective method of removing unwanted hair. There is a cream for depilation in the shower - it not only copes well with its task, but also cares for the skin, moisturizing it. Thanks to a combination of water-resistant components and a special soft sponge, the skin becomes soft and perfectly smooth.

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