Hobby, Needlework
Cute and light paper houses
There are so many games in the world that can and should be played with a child. And for most of them you may need a variety of paper houses. Such an article created by the joint efforts of the child and parents not only diversifies entertainment, but also rally the family more. After all, nothing brings together like work and creativity. So, let's get started.
Buildings made of paper can be built in at least four ways. It all depends on what this toy is for. If it is a house for a doll, then a large box with a height of 50 centimeters is ideal. In the walls, cut out doors, windows, hang curtains on ribbons, make cardboards between partitions. And a toy dwelling, for example, for Barbie, is ready. If a small creature does not live in the house, you can draw it on a sheet of paper, cut it, fold it, glue it together. Most often this is how the houses are made. There is a simpler and more interesting option, we'll stop on it.
Simple, but cute
So, how to make a house of paper, if you do not need to put toys there, but you just want to put it in the background, but so that the building had both the outer part and the interior decoration? Very easy. To begin with, we store pens (fit and colored pencils) and a landscape sheet.
Getting Started
Such houses made of paper are made quite quickly. First you need to fold the sheet across in half. Each of the resulting halves bend once more to the middle. Now turn each one in turn and bend the top down, so that the roof of the house (that is, a triangle with one corner at the top and two at the bottom) is similar. We turn the leaf over to the other side and make the same folds from the wrong side. We got a house, flat in the middle. The next stage is the painting of the future toy. So, we take the folded sheet, unfold, remembering where what parts were, and draw windows, doors, lawns and flowers on one side, and household items (paintings, furniture, books, utensils, whatever) - on the other. Above multicolored pencils paint the roof tile (if desired, you can make it at least monotonous, even straw, it depends on the idea and idea). So you can create any houses of paper: at least the hut of the evil and treacherous Baba Yaga, even a beautiful castle with ancient dragons and sleeping princesses, though a modest house in the village with a birch tree under the window. Everything, add the resulting toy again. Now you can play.
The main thing is to do together
Parents need to remember that whatever paper houses they decide to do, the main thing is to include the child in the creative process. You do not have to do everything yourself and start it up on everything ready, but connect to the creation, drawing, and then to the game. Well, you can do a lot of toys together, there would be a desire. As for the buildings, the house paper template is a very flexible thing. If the kid wants to make his proposals in the design, do not stop it, so it will only be even more interesting.
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